Well the beginning of this week didnt go too bad, but after something like Wednesday it all went downhill from there.
Got lied too on a few occasions with that Assistant Manager at work again, im trying not to cause trouble, it seems trouble comes to me with her.
For instance, we have a new area manager now, whos completely fucked up the hours everyone works. Im basically working everyday until closing time, and i *really* hate closing time.
We had a girl of 16 join our ranks, was a bit of a snotty cow to most people, including me... well anyway she was given the job to be trained on the tills. That went well for a week, until, funnily enough, she started "till sharing" with people. Thats when cash started going missing. One day, my till was £35 down and the next till was £55 down. Funny aye?
We got a bollocking because of till sharing, even tho i didnt like people doing it.
So, now till sharing is out the way, we are only allowed to use 1 person per till a day (We have 3tills). We had this golden rule among staff that, we each do an hour on the tills, but the assistant manager likes to twist the rules according to her standards (Note: Her friends standards). I did an hour on, ehrm.. Wednesday, and it was her best friends (Ast Managers) turn, and whaddya know! It just happens to be her time for dinner. Im annoyed but keep it to myself, then 10mins later i see the girl (whos on her dinner) talking and working away at stock with the Ast Manager. (Feeling dejavue people?).
I ignore, it comes to Friday, my day off, and the day i get to see the girl who i like muchly.
I find im low-low on diesel halfway on the journey, but i get to her house, theres a car outside i think "shit.. she must have visitors". I knock but theres no answer, so i sigh and drive off to Asda to get some diesel, bout 20mins later i come back the car has gone, i knock again... no answer.
I get red headed and drive off to grab a bite to eat. About 2hours later i come back.. hoping shes in.... Which she isnt
I give up and go home. I then remember i have to go the Post Office to get some Postal Orders for £200. So i get £200 and go Posty... and find you have to pay a surcharge. Shit! I only brought out £200... grrrr.
I get miffed and drive home, i get outside the local college when all of a sudden the pedal on my accelerator just gives in, i literally "floor it". The accelerator is now not working fuck fuck fuck! I manage to get it to the College Car park and walk home.
The cable linkage snapped on it. Im annoyed.. very... annoyed.
My dad managed to get it linked up again, but not perfect... the fastest i can do now on a straight road is.. 20mph grrr.
And now the week ahead!
Ive been put down on the rotor for working every-god-damn-fucking day until Saturday, including tomorrow (Sunday). And saturday isnt gonna be classed as a day off because i have to goto fucking work at 6pm to do a fucking stocktake.
So, we apparently won this Mystery Shopper compo (remember the thread?) well, we won the "second phase" and come top, thus winning double weeks wages and a "suprise".
After i get paid im fucking off... apparently theres a few jobs at a Gus Call Centre which pays like £6p/h plus OT etc.
oh right! and get this, im gonna cause so much trouble with this, starting from monday, we're no longer allowed 1hr dinners if we do over uh 8hour shifts (Thats right?) Instead its 30mins. And im like YEAH, fuck you all, dont give a shit, im having an hour whether you like it or not otherwise im reporting yea! (Aint it the law to have an hour break if you're working over <x> hours?)
Anyway... thats my rant of the week over... :/
Got lied too on a few occasions with that Assistant Manager at work again, im trying not to cause trouble, it seems trouble comes to me with her.
For instance, we have a new area manager now, whos completely fucked up the hours everyone works. Im basically working everyday until closing time, and i *really* hate closing time.
We had a girl of 16 join our ranks, was a bit of a snotty cow to most people, including me... well anyway she was given the job to be trained on the tills. That went well for a week, until, funnily enough, she started "till sharing" with people. Thats when cash started going missing. One day, my till was £35 down and the next till was £55 down. Funny aye?
We got a bollocking because of till sharing, even tho i didnt like people doing it.
So, now till sharing is out the way, we are only allowed to use 1 person per till a day (We have 3tills). We had this golden rule among staff that, we each do an hour on the tills, but the assistant manager likes to twist the rules according to her standards (Note: Her friends standards). I did an hour on, ehrm.. Wednesday, and it was her best friends (Ast Managers) turn, and whaddya know! It just happens to be her time for dinner. Im annoyed but keep it to myself, then 10mins later i see the girl (whos on her dinner) talking and working away at stock with the Ast Manager. (Feeling dejavue people?).
I ignore, it comes to Friday, my day off, and the day i get to see the girl who i like muchly.
I find im low-low on diesel halfway on the journey, but i get to her house, theres a car outside i think "shit.. she must have visitors". I knock but theres no answer, so i sigh and drive off to Asda to get some diesel, bout 20mins later i come back the car has gone, i knock again... no answer.
I get red headed and drive off to grab a bite to eat. About 2hours later i come back.. hoping shes in.... Which she isnt
I give up and go home. I then remember i have to go the Post Office to get some Postal Orders for £200. So i get £200 and go Posty... and find you have to pay a surcharge. Shit! I only brought out £200... grrrr.
I get miffed and drive home, i get outside the local college when all of a sudden the pedal on my accelerator just gives in, i literally "floor it". The accelerator is now not working fuck fuck fuck! I manage to get it to the College Car park and walk home.
The cable linkage snapped on it. Im annoyed.. very... annoyed.
My dad managed to get it linked up again, but not perfect... the fastest i can do now on a straight road is.. 20mph grrr.
And now the week ahead!
Ive been put down on the rotor for working every-god-damn-fucking day until Saturday, including tomorrow (Sunday). And saturday isnt gonna be classed as a day off because i have to goto fucking work at 6pm to do a fucking stocktake.
So, we apparently won this Mystery Shopper compo (remember the thread?) well, we won the "second phase" and come top, thus winning double weeks wages and a "suprise".
After i get paid im fucking off... apparently theres a few jobs at a Gus Call Centre which pays like £6p/h plus OT etc.
oh right! and get this, im gonna cause so much trouble with this, starting from monday, we're no longer allowed 1hr dinners if we do over uh 8hour shifts (Thats right?) Instead its 30mins. And im like YEAH, fuck you all, dont give a shit, im having an hour whether you like it or not otherwise im reporting yea! (Aint it the law to have an hour break if you're working over <x> hours?)
Anyway... thats my rant of the week over... :/