Siege Bolt bugged



I tryed use my RA Siege Bolt about 4-5 times today and it didnt work. "The door is in melee and is blocked by an attacker" even when nobody was hitting door. Perhaps Mythic thinks that was a bit powerfull (really SB sucked before patch, less than 5% door every 5 minutes) and nerfed it. Thats in line with plain to remove albions from game. Now Albion is a bad joke, in next patches will be about 20-30 albion players in each server, all infiltrators.

Tesla Monkor

Albion's always been a joke. Usually an overpowered joke. :)


overpowered? OVERPOWERED?

Look albion RPs in all servers.
Look PvP servers and count albion chars.

Look Albion mages: 50% mages have some AoE dmg, 100% mages in others realms have AoE dmg.

Hibs mages have ranged stun. Mids healers have ranged AoE stun. Cleric have short range stun, minstrel have short stun.

Hibs and mids have GTAoE in spec lines with nukes and bolts. Alb mages have GTAoE in a gimped spec line without decent nukes. Why GTAoE is not in the spec line with bolts and nukes in Albion?

Hibs and Mids have AoE mezz and instant AoE mezz in chain chars. Albion have not insta AoE mezz. Minstrel AoE mezz is short and 5 seconds cast (LOL). Sorcerers die in 2 hit (and your insta mezz break quick cast).

Nearsight is in good spec line in most common mages in Midgard and Hibernia. Less played class in ALL servers have nearsight in Albion.

Enchanter PBAoE is 2.5 seconds cast. Wizzard PBAoE is 3 seconds cast in a spec line with low damage nukes, and Wizards have not pet.

Midgard and HIbernia have tanks who can tranform in monsters with lots of HP. Albion not (why our friars or paladins can no convert in Death Angels?).

Say you me, how are Albions overpowered?


Assassin with 2.5 specs

Rogues with chain stealth speed mez stun shield speccable weapon.

Healer class with high damage nukes, instaheals, PBAE mez, buffs, heals... (smite isnt that bad now even tho everyone sez it is).

Pygmy goblins. :)


Nerfed insta pbaoe mezz, short radius, short duration, 5 min. recast. Compare it with your ranged insta AoE mezz. Smite is nerfed and clerics are respecing to rejuv. No more pbaoe mez. No more smite. Or probably, no more healers in Albion.

Minstrels can't heal. Bard yes. Minstrels need instruments. Skalds no. Minstrels are needed only in PvE for pow song and mezz MOBs. AoE mezz in minstrel is good for PvE, but sucks in RvR, and it gimps sorcerers, why need a sorc if minstrels can aoe mezz and help with down time?

Assasins are overpowered in all realms. 2.5 spec mean nothinbg. All assasins in all realms are overpowered and all must be nerfed.

What more have Albion?
What char will you chose in PvP?


Originally posted by Deskiziado
Hibs and mids have GTAoE in spec lines with nukes and bolts. Alb mages have GTAoE in a gimped spec line without decent nukes. Why GTAoE is not in the spec line with bolts and nukes in Albion?
Base nukes and bolts... fire already has a spec nuke and bolt in one line and a level 50 bolt, it's probably the best pure nuker line in the game. Adding GTAE to it would just be way over the top. Also only 2 hib classes have ranged AE, the only AE chanters get is PBAE. Cabbies get base and spec dots on the same line and an ae dot in the same line. No hib caster gets that. Albs aren't as underpowered as you think (though I think saying overpowered is maybe going to far).

Originally posted by Deskiziado
Minstrels can't heal. Bard yes. Minstrels need instruments. Skalds no. Minstrels are needed only in PvE for pow song and mezz MOBs. AoE mezz in minstrel is good for PvE, but sucks in RvR, and it gimps sorcerers, why need a sorc if minstrels can aoe mezz and help with down time?
What the hell does this have to do with anything. Minstrel mez is no substitute for sorcerer. Minstrels can't heal, why the hell would they want to? Bards can't fight, and have weaker DDs than minstrels. And no stealth. Makes me wonder if you've ever even seen a minstrel, you've clearly never played one.


Originally posted by Deskiziado
overpowered? OVERPOWERED?

1Look albion RPs in all servers.
Look PvP servers and count albion chars.

2Look Albion mages: 50% mages have some AoE dmg, 100% mages in others realms have AoE dmg.

3Hibs mages have ranged stun. Mids healers have ranged AoE stun. Cleric have short range stun, minstrel have short stun.

4Hibs and mids have GTAoE in spec lines with nukes and bolts. Alb mages have GTAoE in a gimped spec line without decent nukes. Why GTAoE is not in the spec line with bolts and nukes in Albion?

5Hibs and Mids have AoE mezz and instant AoE mezz in chain chars. Albion have not insta AoE mezz. Minstrel AoE mezz is short and 5 seconds cast (LOL). Sorcerers die in 2 hit (and your insta mezz break quick cast).

6Nearsight is in good spec line in most common mages in Midgard and Hibernia. Less played class in ALL servers have nearsight in Albion.

7Enchanter PBAoE is 2.5 seconds cast. Wizzard PBAoE is 3 seconds cast in a spec line with low damage nukes, and Wizards have not pet.

8Midgard and HIbernia have tanks who can tranform in monsters with lots of HP. Albion not (why our friars or paladins can no convert in Death Angels?).

9Say you me, how are Albions overpowered?

1 Can't be bothered.

2 Other two realms got 5 mages where albion got 4 together where 2 off them got PBAE as area attack.
All mage classes got access to area attacks if not damage then mezz, root or debuffs (instant if I am not mistaken)

3 yup stun is teh evul!

4 Think all void eldritches are crying rivers... Oh forgot they all respecced yesterday :clap:
and the Runecarving runemasters are good yes... Still many of them who went darkmasters.
Both of these classes use the GTAE specc as secondary specc to get the first GTAE... Same as a firewizzie does if he wants GTAE.

5 yup, if they decide to waste their instamezz on the first sorcerer that runs up just to point I am a sorc I am gonna mezz.
Only problem is people don't wanna play sorcerer for some reason. I mean what have a wind theurgist got that a full body sorc don't? People goes to high mind but that is another problem. And ministrels can start casting from stealth which is probably why it is 5 seconds not saying it is justified.

6 Matter cabalist sucks, is that what you are trying to imply? And henceforth complaining, they are the flavour of the month in USA people just haven't understood the power that lies in AE dot.'

7 Don't bring up the whole enchanters pwns they are a good class over powered? Every other mage can someone how neutralize 2 persons attacking you if lonely. Enchanters can't, put pet on one? Well if you can't deal with a pet well you should go back to levelling a new char to learn how mob moves.

8 Berzerkers get a shoot me I am fluffy mode.
Haven't played a hero so can't talk about that but paladins got a 6% higher absorb over time then hero.

9 None is overpowered (Slight imbalance, but not overpowered) but your proffesional whining sucks.

and for your second post:
Yeah boho poor clerics, ever heard the healers complain about how it is not being able to do anything but mezz and heal.

Ministrel suffer from the same problem as mages now with magic resists going through the roof. This is a problem for all 3 realms so lets not go there.

Me for PvP? Friar.


My advice : never take siege bolt!
It is bugged ( bolt is blocked or misses) and i heared the damage by the bolt is not worth it either.
And all that for 10 realmskill points. :eek:


Originally posted by Deskiziado
Assasins are overpowered in all realms. 2.5 spec mean nothinbg. All assasins in all realms are overpowered and all must be nerfed.


I fully agree that assassins are overpowered wrt some other classes, but to say that 2.5 spec means nothing...
Do you have any idea what that extra 0.3 spec gives an inf at lvl 50? Well, let me tell you. It equates to 439 points MORE than a NS or SB. What can be done with that 439? With those points, you can take a specline from 1 to 29. With those points, an infiltrator can easily keep his stelth maxxed without the need for stealth+ items, and without sacrificing some other aspec, such as Envenom.

So, what do NS and SB get to compete with this?

NS gets a instacast spell, which does maybe half as much damage that he could deal with his weapon without styles, and on a timer. Big deal, the best use for it is to uncover another stealther, should you be lucky enough to spot him before he PA's you.

SB get extra HP. That, IMO is worse than what the NS gets, except that SB can use 2-handed swords, so against even con assassins, if they succed in the PA, they could have the fight almost over.

Except, in both cases, to keep themselves capable of meleeing reasonably well, both these classes have to give ups something else, be it Envenom or Stealth. The Inf need not.

Given the choice for my Nightshade, for 2.5 spec, a dd shout or a few more HP, I know what I'd choose!


Originally posted by old.Cotta
My advice : never take siege bolt!
It is bugged ( bolt is blocked or misses) and i heared the damage by the bolt is not worth it either.
And all that for 10 realmskill points. :eek:
Class specific RAs fall into 2 categories... crap or uber. Sadly, theurgist siege bolt is in the crap category.


Before patch it worked :-(
I used it sometimes even against a relic keep door (less than 800 dmg) and almost always worked. :-((

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