Sidi Raid Saturday 9th August



1pm English time

(sticky please when other one is over ofc)

Raid rules:
-Anon off please.
-Three strikes out. Its easy for someone to pull a mob by not following orders and cause a wipe out. If anyone does not go where they are told they get 2 warnings. On third occaision they shall be expelled from lotto. This will apply some discipline, but not harm people who make an honest mistake or suffer a lag pul
-Patience is needed. Certain parts of the raid are simple zergs. Others require a little more time and technique, the more patient and cooperative people are, the quicker these bits go.
-Drops should be given to me as soon as they are dropped. Sooner I have them, sooner raid progresses.
-No drops will be claimed, however i reserve right to ask to keep warlord sword(1h) should one drop, will be decided by ppl attending.
-I expect people to do as told precisely, simply to avoid unecessary dificulty and possible wipes.

Lotto rules:

-One item per person, need before greed, expect to see no one selling stuff straight after raid on trade forums....
-No lottoing for items if u already have one, exlcuding rings bracers and dual wield weapons.
-Where possible items will go to ppl who have most suitable spec.
-Min lvl for entering lotto is 50 realm rank ahs no bearing on lotto.
-Players may only bid on an item if their class and spec can use it. There is one exception to this rule, and that is Sidi Armour. Since the goal is to gather a full suit of this armour (in order to fully use apoc neckies) all specs can lotto on Sidi armour. So the Royal Assasin's gear with +slash can be lotto'd for by thrust infis, and vice versa. Having said this, armour which is not part of the full Sidi suit depends on spec.
-If you desperately(MUST BE DESPERATE NEED, A LOT OF PPL NOW LEAVING CUZ THEY CANT BE BOTHERED TO STAY FOR ONE ITEM, NOT AN EXCUSE) need to leave before the lotto, you may get someone else to represent you in the lotto. However, he will only be able to bid on drops which dropped before you left, and you must pm me when you leave saying who shall be bidding for you.
-U may only lotto for weapon dye IF u have a Sidi weapon
-Group friendly classes may bring their group friendly class and roll for a lvl50 alt. Current list of group friendly classes....
-Clerics(ABOVE ALL)
-Ice wizards
-Theurgists(pet spam important)
Also however, a heavy tank would be prefered over and an infiltrator for example, and u can roll for infil. main things we need are heavy tanks, pbaoe and healing classes. If ppl wish to do this they MUST pm and tell me BEFORE we enter SIDI



Btw, we need 50 people more than normal to kill Apoc.


And, if 1.62 is on time, we'll get a load of respec stones ;)


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Btw, we need 50 people more than normal to kill Apoc.

if the bloddy thing works ;x



i gotta sort out respec stones now!!! /cry



If you thought Sidi was long/boring before you aint seen nothing yet - assuming GOA patch before next weekend Sidi will be even slower.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
And, if 1.62 is on time, we'll get a load of respec stones ;)

afaik, we'll get a 'load' if you define a 'load' as < 3. :/

Patch notes as they relate to sidi...

- We found and fixed the infamous "Block/Parry bug" - the one that caused players to block and parry less often when attacked by a grouped opponent. This change will have the most effect in RvR situations where you are fighting an opponent who is in a group. This fix will also fix an issue with opponents appearing to be "in melee" and having bolt spells fired at them blocked more often than intended.

They don't however mention that all epic encounters have been balanced relying on that bug being in place, so all epic mobs now have uber block/parry.

- Caer Sidi: The Apocalypse encounter should no longer stall and be unable to restart after a failed attempt.

I'll believe it when I see it.

- Caer Sidi: Lich Lord Ilron should no longer reset his encounter when he is not supposed to.

Again, we'll see...

- Monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Galladoria now have a chance at dropping a single line respec stone. Note that non boss monsters have a significantly different drop rate than named boss monsters. These stones can be turned in to the following NPC's:

Albion: Mae Oswy - Humberton Castle
Midgard: Hjortr - Vasudheim
Hibernia: Ita - Mag Mell

- The jewelry drops in the epic dungeons (Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Galladoria) have received an increase in imbue points.



Still, stones are still more things that clerics will hopefully lotto for before hauberks, thereby having a chance to knock more clerics out of the lotto before we get to chest armour (which remains > all as far as sidi drops go) and that is never a bad thing :)


Hooray,just wish those bloody mobs would drop more Mercenary only armor pieces :(


Originally posted by Falcor
-No drops will be claimed, however i reserve right to ask to keep warlord sword(1h) should one drop, will be decided by ppl attending.
So, for people interested in a Sidiraid, but against claiming, how many nay-sayers are required among the attended for the possible warlord sword drop to go into the ordinary lotto pool?

And how many more drops in the future are up for preclaiming according to this vote-rule?


zero only applys to one drop, if it ever drops, as for first question i dunno myself tbh atm, i want it for specific reason, but i dunno stats, so if its not what i expect i wont even bother


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Btw, we need 50 people more than normal to kill Apoc.

no you don't, you just need to be active in the room.
afaik pre 1.62 everyone in same room was counted as 'number of attackers',
post 1.62 you need to be active (heal/hit mob/nuke ) to get same 'number of attackers'


yeah but knowing GOA we'll get some half-assed patch :eek:


Oh, just hope it doesn't happen again. Well i'll ask ASq to see who is up for the raid on the 9th. I'll be there for sure :D


Originally posted by Falcor
zero only applys to one drop, if it ever drops, as for first question i dunno myself tbh atm, i want it for specific reason, but i dunno stats, so if its not what i expect i wont even bother

i think its gona be 6 slash , 15 stat , 15 stat , 15 stat :)


We won, gratz to Falcor, he know how to do a succeful raid :)


why didnt you lotto away the remaining stones when we were done ? there was 20 stones dropped, 15 lined up to get one each, 2 ld`d and needed one ( fine, dont mind that , since they were on the raid )... that leaves 3 stones..

whats gona happen to them ? oh, he`s keeping them for the next raid...

but what if there is 5 stones left then ? that leaves 8 for the next raid..

what if there is 10 stones unused then ? oh my! that leaves 18! ( nerf my skills with numbers ! )

and it continiues....

what are you going to do with the remaining stones ? what if in 14 raids there is 100 stones free that noone can use ?

edit : btw, you told us noone outside the raid would get the stones... now they will


Grats on a a successful raid.

And nice to see the drop rate was way better than I was expecting :) .


drop rate was much improved, howver much harder raid for me at least than before,

we had 15 weapons, 10 chest pieces 20 random armour, about 10 jewls, and 20 respec stones roughly...


Originally posted by Galiryn
i think its gona be 6 slash , 15 stat , 15 stat , 15 stat :)

Or something entirely different:

Right Hand:
Name: Warlord's Golden Flail (crush, Apoc only)
Level: 51 Quality: 100
DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Soulrending
Effect 2: 5 Flexible
Effect 3: 30 Constitution
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 70

Left Hand:
Name: Warlord's Golden Flayer (thrust, Apoc only)
Level: 51 Quality: 100
DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 6 Polearm
Effect 2: 30 Dexterity
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: Empty
Utility: 60

Two Handed:
Name: Warlord's Golden Glaive (slash, Apoc only)
Level: 51 Quality: 100
DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 6 Polearm
Effect 2: 15 Strength
Effect 3: 15 Quickness
Effect 4: 40 Hits
Utility: 60

Name: Warlord's Golden War Mace (Apoc only)
Level: 51 Quality: 100
DPS: 16.5 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Crush
Effect 2: 15 Constitution
Effect 3: 15 Strength
Effect 4: 15 Quickness
Utility: 55

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