SI, XP, and VIA motherboard chipset problems



For those of you who have experienced crashing out soon after logging in SI with the above set-up...


I had tried everything, absolutely everything... last ditch effort, tried Mythic's technical support (Rightnow database, perversely).

Found this little gem amongst the usual garbage:**&p_li=

(wierd url I know, just take a look at it)

I highly recommend anyone with a VIA motherboard experiencing similar problems tries this test driver. Not only is SI running, it's actually running beautifully - no lagging/choppiness, even the reflective water looks uber.


Heh, guess I should have tested it on a reboot first... :p

Experienced a wierd colour setting error on the first reboot. Reinstalled the graphics drivers before my eyes started to bleed, and everything is now completely hunky-dory.

Just now need to work on recovering the 20gb of mp3s I lost after the original MBR failure :(


in my experience via motherboards seem to be totally cack at doing anything

what with their lack of usb support for many devices and the amount of bugs reported on them

get what ive got a nice K7S5A board its wubbbly :)


Yeah that patch didnt work for me.
Ive done every diagnostic under the sun and i still get random crashed.
Cant be cooling as i have 4 fans. Memory checks out on diagnostics so i think its my gfx or my mobo.
Time to get a nice shiny new nforce as VIA really do seem to suck goats testicles :l


m8 u rox...

had exactly the same fucking problem..was about to change my whole config....

Solved for me too...:))

good job fecking up again microsoft...:eek:


i had a nasty problem with intermitent crashes
So i reformated, reinstalled everything, and reinstalled the 4-in-1's this time electing not to install the agp 3.0 supported driver.
Havent had a single crash in 5 days.
Hope this is some help to ppl with the same problems


i tried the via patch, but it didnt help me either.

my problem occurs while running 2 SI clients and after some time 2nd client crashes and freezes&reboots pc.

after that not always but 80% of the time winxp wont boot up again, but it ll tell me that system32/system is corrupt or missing.


very frustrating i tell u.


i found a way to fix the booting sequence after logging into recovery console and running a batch file that copies the system32 files from the repair directory to their original place.


as a last resort i followed frogsters advice, and unistalled the 4in1 agp 3.0 drivers.

cheers frogster!!! :clap:

1 day and no crash so far :D


one other thing i realised is that nomatter what settings/gfx/resolution/sound etc you put on 2nd client, it still uses same amount of ram as if it was on full effects

in fact. running both clients (fullscreen always) under same resolution makes both more stable stead of running 1st @ 1024x768 and 2nd @800x600.


crossing fingers that these 2 fixes will actually work and no more crashes for me.

btw my spec is
athlon 1.4 266
768 ddr ram
WD J8 hd
GF3 asus v8200
a7v266-e asus mobo latest bios installed

winxp pro, dx9a, via4in1 (w/o agp 3.0 driver) , detonators 44.65 beta



well , after a bit of research i found the cause of the problem!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

but thats just for my pc...

it was the damn USB ISDN modem that was causing the crash/reboot...

used same modem with serial cable and different drivers, also totally disabled USB on my pc, and no more crashes...

usb can produce weird voltage effects to some mobo combinations, and in my case that was it..

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