SI troubleshooting tips



The new Shrouded Isles client is a complete and independent program, not a patch to the "classic" DAoC client, and must be installed so that you can access the new zones, races and classes. It should be installed in its own directory, not in the same directory as the old "Camelot" client. Once you have successfully installed SI and checked that everything works, you can uninstall the old DAoC client if you no longer need it (if you have more than one account and not all of them are upgraded to SI, you will need to keep the old client in order to play on the non-SI accounts). You cannot use one copy of SI to upgrade multiple DAoC accounts - you need a unique SI CD-KEY for each DAoC account that you wish to enable for SI access.

Activation of SI for existing DAoC accounts
To enable Shrouded Isles on your DAoC account, you must go to the GOA web site and go to the "Account" section (under "Subscription" in the flash menu on the left). This web page has been under siege by tens of thousands of players trying to activate their SI, and can only handle a few people at a time, so you might get an error message that says "The registration page is momentarily unavailable, please try again in a few minutes" (as of Tuesday the 25th the worst seems to be over and the page is mostly available again). If you get this error message, go back to the home page and click on "Account" again. Do not simply refresh the browser, as this will only refresh the error message. When you get to the screen asking for your login and password, enter your SUBSCRIPTION login and password (different from your GAME login and password). If you get the "momentarily unavailable" error message again, use the "back" button on your web browser and enter your password again. Again, do not use the "refresh" button. Keep trying - eventually you will get in. Once you do, you can enter the Shrouded Isles CD-KEY that is printed on a sticker on the back of the game manual. Your account will be enabled for SI, and you can now log into the game using the new SI client, with full access to all the new features.

I don't remember my SUBSCRIPTION login and password
When you first subscribed to the game, you received two sets of logins and passwords - GAME and SUBSCRIPTION. You must have the subscription password to activate Shrouded Isles on an account. If you have forgotten it, send an e-mail message to explaining the problem. Give the original DAoC CD-KEY that you used to register the game, if you still have it. GOA will e-mail the subscription password to the e-mail address you originally used when you registered the game. This process will take a while (measured in days), as GOA have thousands of messages to sort through, and they have to be careful about e-mailing out passwords. Do not send multiple messages, this just slows the whole process down for you and everyone else.

The CD-KEY doesn't work
A Shrouded Isles CD-KEY should be 35 characters long, all upper case, in five groups of 7 separated by hyphens: XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX. Double check every character. CD-KEYs were apparently not printed properly, and only contain 34 or even 33 characters. GOA have modified the filter so that the CD-KEY should pass even if only the first 34 characters are correct, so try entering it with a random character at the end. If you can't get it to work, you will have to e-mail with the CD-KEY you have, and they will figure out the missing characters.

I'm a new player of DAoC and I just registered but I never got a password
Some new players who bought DAoC or the DAoC/SI bundle have reported problems with the subscription process. What is supposed to happen is that once you have registered your account information and the CD-KEY, you will see a web page with your new game and subscription login/passwords. This information is also sent to you by e-mail at the address you entered. For some reason the subscription process is not completing correctly. If you don't see your password, try to re-enter the CD-KEY and do the registration over. If you get a message saying that the CD-KEY has already been used, then you will have to send e-mail to and explain what happened, and they will send you your login/password information.

I have activated Shrouded Isles but I can't log into the game, the patcher downloaded an update and now it says "invalid login or password"
This is a really annoying problem that crops up when the patcher is unable to contact the European patch servers within a certain delay. The patcher has a built-in self-repair function that kicks in after it fails to connect to the patch servers: it connects to a fixed address and downloads the latest UPDATE.DAT file. The catch is that the patcher is currently hard-coded to Mythic's version of UPDATE.DAT - not GOA's, and it cheerfully connects to the american patch servers and updates to the latest verion (1.60). Then when you try to connect, you are connecting to Mythic's login servers. Not surprisingly, your GOA login and password won't get you very far. To fix this problem you must patch your SI back to 1.57. Check the contents of the UPDATE.DAT file in your Shrouded Isles directory. If you see something like "" then you have been patched to the american version. Change UPDATE.DAT so it reads as follows:

Mythic Patch

Then run CAMELOT.EXE again and it should re-patch to the European 1.57 version. If it doesn't, you may need to reinstall Shrouded Isles from scratch.

I have activated Shrouded Isles and logged into the game but can't play the new races/classes/zones
You are still running the old DAoC "classic" client. You need to run the CAMELOT.EXE program that is in the new Shrouded Isles installation directory, not the old one you were using before.

I lost all my quickbars
If you haven't uninstalled/deleted your old DAoC client, you can copy your quickbar settings over to the Shrouded Isles client. They are stored in the individual .ini files in the format CharacterName-XX.ini where XX is a number (for example Alrindel-33.ini). Once they're copied, log back in with the SI client and you should find all your quickbars the way you left them.

I can't hear sound effects like spells
Check in the "sound" options - some players had their sound effect setting switched to "off" during the patch.

I can't find the "options" button or the "commands" button that opens the new command window, and there are loads of buttons missing from the new command window
This is a known bug and a patch is coming to correct it soon

I tried the transparent interface but fonts in the inventory window are all messed up
This is a known bug and a patch is coming to correct it soon


Nice one mate but way too much time on your hands heh ;)


I am running the new Shrouded Isles client but I can't see the new water effects and shadows that everybody is talking about
Only graphics cards that have hardware DirectX 8 support can display those effects. Many cards that do not can still run Shrouded Isles, but without being able to display all the new graphic features. In the Nvidia line, GeForce 2 and GeForce 4MX cards cannot display water/shadow effects, while GeForce 3 and GeForce 4 Ti should be able to just fine. If you have one of the high end cards and you still can't see the effects, check under "Options" to make sure they are enabled, and then make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft DirectX and the latest drivers for your graphics card installed.

Renderer Creation Failed - doom, doom
This is the worst of the lot, because it means that the game was unable to initialize the 3D engine, but there could be any number of different reasons why. Here are the some of the things you can check to try and make it go.

1) If you are trying to use a third party program to run the game client in a window instead of full-screen, don't. Make sure that in your USER.DAT file it says "windowed=0" and not "windowed=1"

2) Try deleting your USER.DAT entirely. This will reset the game client to the "safest" graphic mode, 800x600.

3) Your machine may simply not meet the minimum specs to be able to run the game. 128MB is probably not enough memory in most cases (192MB-256MB is probably the minimum). If your graphics card is just too old...

4) Reinstall Microsoft DirectX 8.0a or try DirectX 9.0 (still rather new).

5) Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your graphics card.

Beyond this point, there's probably not much anybody is going to be able to do - it should work, and if it still doesn't, it's often down to a hardware problem.

6) If you have an older motherboard, you may want to see if a BIOS upgrade is available - sometimes bugs in the AGP BIOS can cause problems with high performance cards (if you don't know what a BIOS upgrade is please don't try this step - you render your machine totally inoperable if you mess this up).

7) If you have a lot of memory, try taking some out (seriously). Wonky memory chips can cause the game to crash.

8) Make sure your graphics card is properly cooled, especially if it is overclocked.

Some links to Mythic's FAQ:


if you run a via chipset you might want to get the latest 4in1 drivers as well at

as a sidenote to Directx9, if you don't have to, wait till they release 9.1 in march, as 9 contains a couple of flaws


Very handy tip I found out too if you are waiting your Logon details. Goto rightnow page and in section for lost password use your 1st initial followed by lastname. So yer john doe type in jdoe as your username this should email details to your regestered email.
If you dont get anything within 1min try jdoe0 jdoe1 jdoe2 jdoe3 etc.. knowing this few days ago woulda saved me lots of agro.


Well this doesnt work for me..... but what do work is typing in my e-mail instead.
Then i received an e-mail that set my password (customer support) was : (none set)

So i just typed in my email as User ID and left the password box blank. And vola im in.....


HMMMM this is odd.... this works on the DAoC website customer support but not in the rightnow customer support... do u need a seperate account for that?


well, I still crash to desktop after 5 secs, no mather what I do.....well if I dont know what to do ( and I know about 5 peeps who have same prob ) I will start looking for a buyer....... :-(


Anyone with ctd or lockup problems in SI should try upping the vio voltage by about 0.1v. This is easily done in bios if you have a 'voltage management' option or something similar, if not then consult your manual to find out which jumper settings to use on the mb. This should increase the stability of your ram, which in my case solved all problems i was having with SI.


I'm going to unsticky this now, as hopefully most issues have been resolved.

However, if I'm being premature, hit me with a pointey stick and I'll sticky it again.



or stick the thread anyways ;)


I would add to the problem about the 18MB patch / 16.0b version being patched on too soon. That if changing the update.dat doesnt work (and it keeps reverting to the us version of update.dat), then the best thing to do is to wait a while not reinstall.

A reinstall will only help if you have damamged your install, this in unlikey to be the case. More likely is that the patch server is still down, so wait an hour and try again.

/bump (and make it sticky) so many people have this patch problem.


Just got this problem for the first time in ages. It would seem that the change to Update.dat no longer works, as mine would not budge at all once i put that in (worked in the past).

The IPs shown may need an update.

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