SI probs



bah, having crash on every 5-10 mins when playing with SI client.

any1 got a clue, and dont try those "update" anf "try to update"

i sell comps, so i know little what to try 1st.

so if some1 really has find a solution for this, reply here.

i heard some1 from Shodowlord society got prob solved....

was it belomar? or berbard....

and noobs, dont even try to suggest something because i have tried that allrdy, ty

solid solution only, ty


oh well if you have tried everything then i suggest removing the game, get a hobby and a life:p

:drink: :wall:


Belomar/Cerdin was having the same problem.

I believe he got it fixed, and was able to play for a good couple of hours before 'other things' made him log :p

I don't know exactly what he did (but I think it was reverting to an older set of Nvidia WHQL drivers), so PM him in game (most likely playing Cerdin).


well if its new drivers you need for your graphics card then give this site a shot.


Well, I've been close to tearing my computer apart lately because of this, but since I had some problems with the 41.09 Detonator drivers even before the patch and SI arrived, I decided to give the 40.72 WHQL Detonator drivers a go. While I was at it, I also installed DirectX 9 (from 8.1). Since I did that last night, I've been having much less problems, and only suffered a single BSoD lockup. I am not ready to proclaim victory, but I am having high hopes. :D

That said, this problem seems very individual to different computers, but it all seems related to driver problems. The technical forum is ripe with people who have tried everything, from upgrading their motherboard drivers (did that) to reinstalling everything, and there seems not to be a sure-fire recipe for success. Be sure to hit on every piece of advice you learn about and hopefully you will eventually be successful.


Fin, the below thread may be of use to you. People here name various solutions that made the game work for them, so be sure to mix and match each and everyone of them to see what works for you (note that the original poster also downgraded to the 40.72 drivers and was successful):

Oh, and I only just noticed Second's characteristically stupid remark. Thanks for sharing your divine wisdom with us all.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I have been having shit loads of problems with games since i got my new gfx card (Radeon 9000 pro). Here is a list of some of the things I have done which may help you:

... not that it helped me ...


Delete all old drivers
Update new drivers
Update VIA drivers
Update to Direct X 9.0
Flash Bios
Cry a lot
Throw temper tantrum
Spam every techy forum on the web
Fiddled with Direct X settings

Bleh. I am going to be doing a reformat shortly and hope that it will finally solve the problem. If that doesn't do it then I am ripping this new card out and putting my old one back in. I am a patient man but this is totally gay and beyond a joke!


i got 9000 pro. and it worked like a charm in xp.

or well had some problems in other games. but updated to the newest drivers from and now thats solved too:p

I can even play on my 32" widescreen tv!:D

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