SI Problems (reposted from the tech forums as noone reads em)



Really starting to annoy me; was actually beginning to enjoy the game again after a long period of apathy. If I can't get this sorted before account runs out (03-07), I won't be resubscribing.
Anyway, here's the nitty gritty:

Athlon Tbird 1200mhz
ASUS Kt7A motherboard
512 MB SDR PC100
Geforce 3 (Original)
80gb 7200rpm Maxtor (Primary HDD)
40gb 5200rpm IBM (Secondary HDD)
Windows XP Professional

Sunday morning, afternoon-ish, suffered a master boot record failure on my primary hdd. Had, in all honesty, expected it a long time, it needed defragging badly, but was something I never got around to (defragging a 54% fragmented 80gb drive != fast).

Anyway, reformatted the hdd, and reinstalled XP from scratch. Downloaded: Directx9.0a, latest Via Hyperion 4-in-1 (1.47), latest Nvidia Detonator (44.03), XP Service Pack 1, all the critical updates etc.

And... Shrouded Isles lets me log in a character from the selection screen, even move around for 5 seconds or so... then either spontaneously reboots my system or crashes back to desktop with an error report. Errorlog.txt in the c:\shrouded isles directory reports:

game caused an Access Violation in module D3D8.DLL at 001b:01a6d880.
Exception handler called in main thread.

I have tried multiple versions of the 4-in-1s, multiple Detonator versions, even tried reformatting the secondary hard drive with a fresh copy of XP from scratch, and starting with older drivers off the cuff - exact same error occuring.

DXDIAG works perfectly, as does the original Camelot client (And, presumably, as would any other Direct3d game).

Bear in mind, that with all this: SI was working perfectly prior to the reformat. Not one single glitch.

I have searched assorted forums looking for solutions, and nothing whatsoever is helping.

I am completely out of ideas. Any help whatsoever would be appreciated; as I said, I can't get this sorted then it's au revoir Prydwen.


i had a problem with comp blue screening when running SI (was usually when using 2 accounts but anyway..)

was after i installed the latest nvidia drivers. Rolled back to err 32.80 i think and its all good now


Try go back to Dx 8.1 and earlier Nvidia drivers

that got a friend out of some miserable troubles.



Tried that. DX 8.1 on the original XP install on the secondary drive. Nada.




Tried everything, absolutely everything... last ditch effort, tried Mythic's technical support (Rightnow database, perversely).

Found this little gem amongst the usual garbage:**&p_li=

(wierd url I know, just take a look at it)

I highly recommend anyone with a VIA motherboard experiencing similar problems tries this test driver. Not only is SI running, it's actually running beautifully - no lagging/choppiness, even the reflective water looks uber.

Moth Twiceborn

I tell you - drivers are the Devil's work!

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