SI New Races And New Classes



I was wondering if theres pic's or advice on the new chars and classes on a webbie anywhere. I tried to scour the herald a little but not much.

Research is the key imo.



some of the guides on coc aren't particularly useful e.g.

At first, the best thing to do is run up, and beat stuff with your stick


Ya, the guides' writers seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that lvls 1-5 are in some way challenging (other than through boringness :p) even to the most noob of noobs...


It was for mages, apparently. Patch 1.60 is the Love-For-Level-3-Mages patch!




Mages are fucking ewul to level up at lvl4, it is true.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bah ... guides.

Experience the new classes without a fecking template in your mind. Sheesh... you have a respec at 20, no?


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Bah ... guides.

Experience the new classes without a fecking template in your mind. Sheesh... you have a respec at 20, no?


Better to research a little beforehand and level a little faster (adding to the enjoyment) than to not do any research, completely feck up your spec and have absolutely no fun playing a completely gimped character. Even if it is only until you get a respec.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well, that reduces the fun and enjoyment of new zones and races to ... wait.. yes! The level grind.

Way to go. Have fun.

Nothing wrong with checking spell/skill lists... but starting with a template in mind, some freaky nerd came up with, is just plain, old boring.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Well, that reduces the fun and enjoyment of new zones and races to ... wait.. yes! The level grind.

Way to go. Have fun.

Nothing wrong with checking spell/skill lists... but starting with a template in mind, some freaky nerd came up with, is just plain, old boring.

20 levels of hell because you specced wrong is far less preferable to spending 10 minutes reading up on a class and deciding an end spec before you've started to avoid a spec disaster.

And just because someone has worked out a nice template and has decided to share it, doesn't make them a 'freaky nerd'.


Given the fact that 90% of class guides written for DAoC are pure bull, I wouldn't even bother reading many. The sites that put those guides up should really check for their quality and not put everything up they get.


Unless of course we're talking about Dook, because he's a freaky nerd anyway. :m00:


Not every guide is pure crap. Some even get updated now and then. Tuddlidum...:)


I've seen the reaver epic armour, has anyone got pics of the other epic armours. I just like the art :).


The new races are all ugly, the new classes are all shit.

sums it up nicely.

but hey we get new dungeons, yippee !


Originally posted by Kagato.
The new races are all ugly, the new classes are all shit.

sums it up nicely.

but hey we get new dungeons, yippee !

Pass judgement once you have played the new classes. I wouldn't call a Valewalker soloing a red at lvl 30, "shit".


why would you solo a red?
XP typcally caps at orange when solo


Originally posted by SilverHood
why would you solo a red?
XP typcally caps at orange when solo

Because maybe I'm not really that interested in the amount of XP I get?

Because maybe this red was heading for the cleric I was with?



Enough about the uberness of a VW, they are crap, just cause they are a hib class dont mean they are any good. I played my bd on merlin in the bg and totally destroyed a VW and warden at the same time, and it aint rare to see bd's take on 3 albs solo and win. Dunno what its like now though, but i heard they nerfed the bd pets.
Best looking race is valkyn by far.

Brannor McThife

Valewalker = ....
Reaver = Thane with pulsing PBAE, and champion debuffs. :p
Savage = Take a Zerker and give him the ability to hit 4 times instead of 2, as well as higher evade and parry rate...yes... nice one Mythic... :rolleyes:
Animist = Clown trying to juggle too many knives.
Bonedancer = Good class, regardless of spec, Supp line needs a serious, MAJOR nerf. Can't have healing pets and lifedrain in same line.
Necro = tough class to level, if not Death Sight spec'd. If DS spec'd, get a few litres of liquids and some snacks, and prepare to PL to 50 faster than any other class before. Hunt undead, use power drain to pull, and lifesteal for 1, maybe 2 rounds of combat...mob dead, pet full health, you full mana, NEXT! :m00:



Brannor, so as a necro, you spec deathsight to 40, then respec to a RvR viable spec? Or is deathsight a viable spec?

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SilverHood
Brannor, so as a necro, you spec deathsight to 40, then respec to a RvR viable spec? Or is deathsight a viable spec?
I wouldn't know about that. Just that Death Sight gives you an "insta" life drain for your pet. Takes you 3 seconds, instant for pet. RvR is a different ball game, since you're going to face a variety of situations.

I will be 100% Death Sight, like I was with my Enchanter (Mana), because it rocks in PvE...and I don't like RvR. ;)



Originally posted by Keri

Because maybe I'm not really that interested in the amount of XP I get?

Because maybe this red was heading for the cleric I was with?

if you were with a cleric you weren't really solo'ing^^


People are very fast to categorize classes as uber or gimp, I guess that is just the way it is. I will try mentioning what I know so far, tho I only played SI a little.

Valewalker = Not the best of chars outthere, but scythe's are hella cool. Nice set of spells as well, bit vulnerable when self buffa drop tho.
Reaver = Don't know much about them, flexible weapons I heard suffer just like any other new style list from the lack of good anytimes with upsides.
Savage = The one I read up on the most and will be playing. They have nice self buffs that use HP and not power. Get the ability to 2x, 3x and 4x hit single targets, seen 8x+ hits with the AoE styles. Remind you alot of zerker but the damage varies alot and they suffer a bit from low weaponskill (which really should've been tank WeapSkill) and short lasting buffs (30 seconds).
Animist = Generally it seems noone likes this class...
Bonedancer = Nice class, gets to use many pets (That look hella cool I might add), bit overpowered perhaps, especially suppression.
Necro = AFAIK this class has one of the nicest new spell lines, being deathsight, Brannor already covered it pretty good.

Generally it seems the classes added are in the reverse order of realm balance, with hibernia getting the hort end, albion middle and midgard the best. At least I think the most positive reports are comming from the 2 new midgard classes and not so much the rest...

Generally you can find usefull information at vnboards, but you do see many whines and flamefests as well. Thy have a section for the SI classes which you can visit here:

Brannor McThife

One thing I have to mention, is the effectiveness of the various classes in various situations.

Open RvR (a.k.a. ZERG) will be ok for all the melee classes, however, how will this effect the new casters?

Of course, Bonedancers will pretty either: (a) rely on caster pets to nuke with them (semi-SM/Enchanter mix), (b) tank themselves if Supp-spec'd. (c) Double DoT, and AE DoT like Mentalists.

Necro's will vary somewhat...they can debuff, and have melee pets, or they can (and I'm guessing most will) go Death Sight, and simply power-drain every other caster they can get close to, of course, the pet is a lower level and thus more susceptable to damage...also, what resists the pet has, I still have to find out.

Animists...hmm. In Zerg, they're going to be a really hard class to master IMO. Having to stop, and throw down pets is going to be a mission...and a rather big mana drain. However. For the campers, this will be the ultimate. Camp a MG with pets all over. Keep defense? Well... Consider the fact that pet summoning is GT, and I THINK, the pets work the same as anywhere else, i.e. They don't care about LoS either. Can you imagine animists at keep raids? Throwing down Pets on the sides of the towers, in between the gates...outside the gates, behind you... anywhere they want...and with /groundassist...they can have spotters place them wherever they like.

So don't write off animists completely. For keep raids (and relic raids), they will be nasty. Very nasty.



Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Reaver = Thane with pulsing PBAE, and champion debuffs. :p

Heh you make them sound good! :)

The reaver debuffs are naff :) they don't last for the full pulse (thanks to resists) and are rather un-noticeable.

Lower hp/damage in melee than both thanes and champions.

Got some nice shouts though :) and that pulsing pbaoe is handy for stealther-killing.


reavers are interesting, pbaoe lifetap RA is almost an extra IP,
and the level 50 style is probably the best in albion after DragonFang.

I played around with a animist, but they feel like a 'toy class' and not really a serious one, one thing i liked about it was the Lifetap:

ok its not so powerful (i guess because they share it with the VW) but in RvR any caster with MoC and lifetap nukes is viable

savages and BDs are blatenly the best of the new batch tho on US servers i have seen 2 BD hold back entire groups at milegates

insta lifetap + healing pets makes for a caster that can really get up close and personal in a very nasty way


Necro's were judged to be overpowered at one stage so then mythic introduced new double LOS code.

Basically both the necro and his pet must have LOS to the target for the entire casting time of any spells the necro casts - ouch - prior to this they could acquire targets the pet could see while they hid behind the battlements - nasty!

Only worry with the new caster classes is there reliance on pets - Sever the Tether anyone :)

For Bonedancers a mix of suppression and bonearmy is good for pve - maybe the dark spec for rvr tho I hear the dd pets get a lot of resists? Also note that the Bonedancer pets are set up for a theoretical level 60 caster.


Originally posted by Jiggs
insta lifetap + healing pets makes for a caster that can really get up close and personal in a very nasty way

that and insta lifetap every 4 seconds = uninterruptable caster, interrupting anyone it feels like within 1500.

only way to kill him would be bolts I expect - and that requires them being in LOS at range 1500->1875.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
Valewalker = Not the best of chars outthere, but scythe's are hella cool. Nice set of spells as well, bit vulnerable when self buffa drop tho.

Any player who plays a character that has self buffs on a timer, ought to be able to check on the buffs to see how long they still have to run. In any case, it doesn't take that many levels of playing a VW to be able to judge pretty well when to renew them, and you don't have to wait till they are gone before renewing them. I don't know what VWs are like in RvR, I'm not at all interested in RvR. PvE, my VW does very nicely thank you. :)

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