SI Levelling



Hi all,

Back in Mid after extended break (last played ny skald in December) and am looking for advice on levelling progression in SI as I don't feel like levelling another char in the old world.

Playing a Savage teamed with a Shaman (played by irl wife) and the initial noob zone seems fairly straightforward. Where is best to duo after finishing with KT's?

Additionally, are there any mobs that reliably drop studded for <30 as I am not going to bother with crafted armour when it goes orange to grey in one session :)


Word of advice about SI, the mobs can be very sneaky.

Thought id spend a session there levelling my Shammy (in Faraheim zone), and was killing these Giant Cicada's.

These things are neutal, so you can quite happly sit near a swarm pulling them.

After a while i decide to go for a wander, run through a swarm of these, and get attacked by a purple 'KIller' Cicada, that was hiding in there.... Nasty nasty..... looks exactly like a normal one...

Not sure about where to level, Munin sound looks fun when you are 20+ and ive found mobs there up to 43rd level, or there is Griplosa Mtns, although I rem taking my BD there when he was low 20's and found it hard to find mobs of his level to kill....


Dyjerfell would be next on your xp list, which will see you up to around lvl 23.. then to Knarr til lvl 25, then to Bjarken and the surrounding areas, which will take you right up to lvl 40 if you stick it out. level 40 and up you're looking at Delling Crater/Hagall area.

All the SI mobs seem to drop more than the 'classic' mobs, and the Bjarken area has a nice assortment of mobs that drop nice stuff.

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