SI Dungeon Help needed



At Albion We got Avalon City. lvl 45+ mobs

and suitable for grps over 40.

What is the hib version called and where may I find it.

Hib Si is the s00k. Im very happy the normal lands are great.

Only feckin Animist pet mobs everywhere and they are uber boring. makes it terrible hard to find anything

Well name and location Hourse routes needed.

Thx in advance


The equivalant of that dungeon in hib is either Tur Suil or Fomor

Tur suil can be found if you get a horse to AF and then head down the path towards the big wooden tree bridge, simply cross this and keep following the road and you cant miss it

Fomor is also from AF but this time jump of the horse when u go past old houses and things and run to your right till you hit the zone wall u cant really miss it its a huge mountain kinda thing

Locs hmmm not 100% certain i just know the way by landmarks

This site should help


Thx. been there checking

Tur Suil seems in entrance the same as albions vs of galladoria. called caer sidi ;)

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