SI blurry MY eyes Save my Eyes



running SI

xp 1600
768mb 266 ddr ram
g4 4200ti at 300core 600mem agp x 4mode (no x8 support)
running at 100hz refresh rate(set overide in Gf4 advanced settings) on eizo 21" f77s monitor in 1024x768 in 32bit colour
side band on- 256mb apature in bios

Direct X9
win Xp pro (no service pack :()
on 512mb adsl line

and it feels like my eyes are frosted over or glazed up.
very bizzare blurryness likened only to what i remmber as playing counterstrike in D3D mode on a voodoo banshee (if u ever had that or tried that :)) image quality is just not sharp enough! (maybe tips to increase this?)

absolutley beautiful when not moving but *)&^£)*^ when rotating.
People warping about sometimes, mobs not turning to face me in fights in 1 on 1

old client was perfect until people began to AE then id lock up for 1 minute usually untill the end of the fight :)

ive tryed updating VIA chipset drivers with latest Hyperions for AGP VIA driver and ide and Southbridge chips.
using 40.13(?) latest cert drivers for Gf4.

only thing that is not current is bios for KT3 Ultra 2 mobo....
even mouse drivers are new :)

i know its been discussed alot but is this normal for most people to have this bluryness.

it sounds pathetic but its stopping me from using things like slam to open with because it seems like its added an extra 250ms to my timings, and im ending up slamming either 10 feet infront of a person or 10 feet past them.

well again its trivial but any ideas :)



Hi efour,

1st things 1st stfu and stop whining and get an eye test.

other than that deal with it !




I don't get a blurry picture all the time, but it does happen when my char is facing a certain direction. It goes all blurry (or vibrates really fast I can't tell).

The SI client may look pretty, but it's a real resource hog. It takes me twice as long to port or quit than with the classic engine ( I run both on 2 fairly even spec systems).

There is a certain amount of lag, as looking at my 2 screens show. An action performed on the SI client appears to happen right away on the classic client, and other times happens a second later.


try turning antistropic filtering off under your graphics card options.


thnx yes its off and its in open gl isnnt this d3d?

ah well :) ill get glasses


sounds like either texture filtering or anti-aliasing is on within detonator driver config.

If they are on - turn em off.


I had the same prob, was on a;

1.3g Athlon
512 ram
Geforce 4 Ti4200

and SI ran shite, laggy, constant HD activity, laggy, constant LDs....

Then i upgraded and my spec is now;

P4 2.4
1024mb DDR ram
Geforce 4 Ti4200

And SI runs sweet... makes the game far more enjoyable for me.

If you got the cash check out the proccy/mobo/ram bundles at some great deals there (i got 1024mb 333mhz DDR ram for £85 :) )


It sounds to me, as has been mentioned, that you've got some sort of texture filtering on. You want to put it at 2xAnti-Aliasing or Quincunx if you're feeling adventurous but I sued to find this made the writing hard to read. The res you're at is fine. Also make you you haven't got Anti-sotropic filtering on at all.


I had a very blurry appearance, pretty much only on the main character at the weekend. It turned out that because I'd changed the graphics settings to performance, rather than quality, this was the result. Putting it back to Quality markedly improved it ! (Changed it for some large scale RvR stuff).

On Geforce 4 Ti 4600.


Im only satisfied with new si client, guess i should be happy then :cool:


Can't be too specific here (as it's different on my work machine) but on my home puter I can set a video quality setting for Direct3d applications. iirc there is a slider for overall visual quality. Performance->Balance->Quality.

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