shrug :-/



so I decided to play scout instead of pally, mostly cause I was thinking from the RvR point of view....... but I really do miss playing a pally. So far the best solo class I've played and they really fly trough the lvls. Im not complaining on my scout.. he is indeed great fun to play and poping 178dmg on one crit at just lvl 13 is really fun. Offcourse I made him a fletcher and have 490 in fletching, but still using footed broadhead and not flight due the expensive cost of flight.

So im just moaning a bit.. saw a guy that made his pally at the same time as I did mine... I started my scout when my pally was 18 and that guy was almost 19 then... he is now 28 :rolleyes:

And God the plate! It looks sooooo nice... what to do what to do :(


Heh 490 in fletching? I suppose fletching is a bit easier to powerskill than weaponcrafting ... but that's still a fair amount of invested time (equal to a few levels).

Scouts ain't as good in PvE as paladins... Paladin's are the gods of PvE - get one in your group and you're happy as larry (well mibbe a cleric as well).

Scout's ain't as bad as everyone seems to think they are in PvE, they're ok damage dealers. They have to be played well though - otherwise they end up with all the aggro and sink the cleric's mana, but that's everyone. If I'm running a group I think of a scout as a wizard that can survive more than 2 hits (and can fight in melee if need be)

Currently scouts rule in RvR, Paladin's are pretty crap there. (Scouts will be toned down a bit by 1.50 but they'll still be better than Paladins)

So basically - what are you aiming for? easy level up to 50? or easy time in RvR?

Me I went for what looked cool :) and I'm happy enough.


i hate playing 2 chars :( All I can think of is "if I played 100% on this one I would be lvl xx"

fingoniel... good point.. But its a hard decision really. I dont want it "easy" in rvr. I dont mind to be forced in a group to pvp (as scouts can solo snipe a lot... atleast until patch 1.5) But from the opinion of a few pallys they found themselfs totally useless in rvr. I dont mind not being the best class..... but being a useless class?

Then to my point... are pallys that useless?


scouts are excellent pve chars they do alot of dmg with bow (if u can afford the arrows each trip) but if its your first char its hard goin, thankfully i got a high lvl char who i use to support my scout get it decent items and plenty of cash, my suggestion to anyone is make a tank first as they get grps easily get it so u cna get cash easily from soloing or what not, then go back and make a scout. yes its a lot of played time for a char u might not want but well worth it in the end i mean when you can quite happily solo oranges you know your havin fun :)

i also have a pally and enjoy it immensly rvr is tough take some real pastings but there far from useless they still do a hell of a lot of dmg prob is they cant take as many hits but this gets rectified in a l8r patch and from what ive read paladins will be able to brake a mez with there heal chant in next patch so everyone will love a pally brake mez without even casting :D so be kind to the pallys one day theyll get u out of some nasty situations :)


Originally posted by lusse
i hate playing 2 chars :( All I can think of is "if I played 100% on this one I would be lvl xx"

fingoniel... good point.. But its a hard decision really. I dont want it "easy" in rvr. I dont mind to be forced in a group to pvp (as scouts can solo snipe a lot... atleast until patch 1.5) But from the opinion of a few pallys they found themselfs totally useless in rvr. I dont mind not being the best class..... but being a useless class?

Then to my point... are pallys that useless?

No we can rezz at lvl 30 chants. :rolleyes:

Hope that damn mezz soon will be nerfed so other than ranged attacks can become useful in RvR.

A pally is very useful in the attacking force on keepraids, but almost useless in skirmish RvR.

We need a ranged attack of some kind or a speedchant (Gods Speed). That would even up things a bit.


ya... rez is nice, and thats one of hte reasons i would like to play a pally. Hanging around places where people needs rez and be helpful :)

But playing scout is really fun.... eeep :(


play a scout if u want fun in rvr
dont play a paladin if u want fun in rvr


@ Dalby: hahahahahaha u tried to xp kill me, it did not work out so well, i always laugh at your grave when i go past ailinne omw to emain. good luck with the xp killing :)

btw sorry i dont want to start a whole new thread for you, u are just not worth it, and sorry for hijacking this thread.

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