Shrouded Isles



I used to play DAOC about a year ago on the US servers (I couldn't wait for it to come out in the UK :D) and quit afetr about 2 months (I got bored).

I have recently been informed that there is going to be an expansion pack released in the US in November. SO to get to the point.

Is this expansion going to be available in Europe.

And do GOA use the same updates that the Yanks produce.

Many thanks


old.Trine Aquavit

SI will be released for Euro DAOC, but won't be available until '1st Quarter 2003'. This is because we're still behind on patches due to translation, and the expansion will need translating too.

We're currently running patch 1.50 in Europe (with 1.51/1.52 due beginning of November). The US are on 1.53 with 1.54 due out before SI hits the shelves.

1.53, 1.54 & the expansion will all need to be translated before we get SI.

Edit: Ragnarok is quite right - 1.52 is beginning, not end, of November


1.52 is due in the beginning of november, not the end :D

PvP server should be around the end of november :flame:

But we'll see... Generally the trend seems to be we're around 3 months behind. But that's cool enough, if you ever played on US and had to go raiding a 4:00 am compared to raiding at 21:00 CET :)


No offence meant, but if you got bored of the game in about 2 months, the expansion pack really won't make that much difference. You may be better off looking for another game to play.


Originally posted by Vell
No offence meant, but if you got bored of the game in about 2 months, the expansion pack really won't make that much difference. You may be better off looking for another game to play.

No offense taken.

Last year 3 of the 8 friend that were going to play DAOC got bored of the nerfs and the 2:00am rvr raids and left and the other 4 didn't even bother playing, that left me. I stayed cos I was the guild master of the Imperial Guard guild on Merlin and was enjoying the game. I only left cos of a house move and the arrival of new baby.

I am now in a position to play again and at leat 4 of my m8 are gonna join me (supposedly) so rather than fight for my position with what is now an american guild and rvr at 2am I thought I would start again and where better to start that in Europe with fellow Brits :).

Sorry I should have been clearer but I got bored took a lot less time to type than the above :D.

BTW thanks for the info guys.


I'm not sure how the expansion will work; does it mean that the people who don't buy it will still see all the new classes etc, just not be able to play them or have the flashy effects? Also, are there new zones, and if so can people who haven't bought SI still be able to enter or at least see them?

Call me dumb but this is the first game I've really played obsessively >< (or at least as much as I can !)


I would imagine that the new char models will be downloaded at the start of the game but this will only let you see them not actually play them.

Not sure what happens to the new locations though. Will you just not be able to see the way there (e.g hidden dungeon entrance etc) or will that be part of a download too?



i think its more like they will make some new servers for the expasion, maybe remove some of the old. not sure

but i dont think it will make the a big diferense im starting to get very bored of the game to, so i think ill start looking for another better game.


Originally posted by jonnychez
Last year 3 of the 8 friend that were going to play DAOC got bored of the nerfs and the 2:00am rvr raids and left and the other 4 didn't even bother playing, that left me. I stayed cos I was the guild master of the Imperial Guard guild on Merlin and was enjoying the game. I only left cos of a house move and the arrival of new baby.

Well there'sthe good and bad sides of going for euro, imo the good sides outweigh the bad.

Bad sides:
- Slower development of the game, roughly 3 months behind US.
- Far less information reaches the player (This could be because we don't patch the test server all the time), tho most of it is like on US it would still be nice to get patch status, network status and more. The friday news are decent but not something you jump in joy over. There's a lack of feeling the developers in the community on EU like they often are on US.
- Only 2 english servers, with approx double the population of one US server each.
- No RP servers for those who prefer that.
- No PvP server (yes, but should be here soon, tho).

Good sides:
- The timezones (Relic raid at 7pm sure beats 2am in the morning :)).
- The players (This is more personal opinion, but generally I think the players here act nicer towards eachother than on US).
- Less whining about the patches/changes, hardly anyone bothers whining to GOA about them, maybe they do to Mythic on vnboards or something, dunno.
- Pingtimes. Wanadoo does at times have problems with their network, but generally my ping is 200ms lower, I allmost never suffer any packetloss and hardly ever go LD.
- Less problems around patches. Mythic does the primary coding, GOA just have to translate it, which generally means smoother patching than on US. And any problems that occur around patches on US are already fixed before GOA start working on them.

We do pretty much follow the US in server development, population wise it's still albs > mids > hibs, buffbots and alt tweaking happends here too and regular RvR is generally about having the biggest group of 50s when outthere (BGs make up for that tho). There seems to be more events held in general here on europe too, and the balance on prydwen at least, seems to switch now and again, so you never get bored.

I can sure recommend you start on european servers, especially if you have a few friends along to make life in the low levels easier.


Re: SI

Originally posted by blitzing
i think its more like they will make some new servers for the expasion, maybe remove some of the old. not sure

It'll run on the same servers... just you won't be able to get to the new areas/be the new races unless you buy the expansion.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

Bad sides:
- Far less information reaches the player (This could be because we don't patch the test server all the time), tho most of it is like on US it would still be nice to get patch status, network status and more. The friday news are decent but not something you jump in joy over. There's a lack of feeling the developers in the community on EU like they often are on US.

Methinks this is because "We translated the X quest today, everything black has changed to being schwarze" isn't very interesting :) things like "New shiny things for you to play with" as posted on Pendragon are far more entertaining :)

Other than that point (although I'm not really disagreeing with it :) just quibbling :p) I agree with you completely.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Methinks this is because "We translated the X quest today, everything black has changed to being schwarze" isn't very interesting :) things like "New shiny things for you to play with" as posted on Pendragon are far more entertaining :)

That's true :) But that's not excactly how it was meant to be taken :D

Personally I would like it more if they, just once in a while, updated saying like "80% of the german translation is now complete" and stuff like that. The only time I've seen this is when they said in friday news that some binaries were buggy.

Generally I miss contact from GOA to their player mass, Kemor isn't excactly trolling the boards and no other dev ever makes any comment. It's a shame really when you compare to for example vnboards, where the devs ever so often reply to something or hint that they actually follow the forums out of interest in their player mass reaction.


GOA doesnt have any devs, just translators and event managers :)

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