Shrouded Isles - Caer Sidi



A report from a beta tester on a raid into the epic dungeon under the Island of Avalon....


I just got back from a Developers raid on Caer Sidi the uber dungeon. Every mob in there drops 100 quality items, its raid only, meaning all the mobs are like highlord difficulty. We made our way to the final zone fighting alot of cool mobs. One of which would immobilize you by dropping a 300lb weight in your inventory. hehe. Another would adapt to whatever style weapon you used, forcing you to change constantly, if you didn't he would toss you down a slime pit. Another could only be harmed by thrust weapons. Then we got to the top of the tower and the 4 riders of the apocalypse are up there. Fames was the easiest. The next one was Fumos I think and he summoned the spoils of war, lots of weapons and stuff that beat the crap out of you, and they hurt too, 700 damage hits. The next one was Murdos or something and he was the hardest, he whiped us but the guys from mythic rezed us. He summons swarms of pestilence. Giant roaches, Giant Mosquitos, all really hard mobs. Lastly was a tank mob that could only be harmed by clerics, if anyone else hit him he full heals. Then Apocalypse himself showed up. He was massive, had huge wings and could fly, he was probably the coolest looking monster I have ever seen in any game. And he procceeded to fly up and do this 1000 damage aoe nuke on us and summoned every single mob we had killed so far. We were dead in about 12 seconds. The guys from mythic said it takes 200 people to kill him. All in all we got 20 or so 100 quality drops. Apocalypse if we had killed him would have dropped alot more to add to the pile, had we been able to kill him. After being whiped out, we went to CS to auction the items and I won this one
Fate Slayer's Chitlin
102 af 100 quality 35 bonus
con +21, str +21, dex +21, quick +21.
64 damage dot reverse proc at level 50.



Is it me, or does making a mob only killable by clerics seem stupid? Futhermore, why on earth should he full heal if anyone else attacks him? Just dosen't make sense to me...


Originally posted by Murcalumis
Is it me, or does making a mob only killable by clerics seem stupid? Futhermore, why on earth should he full heal if anyone else attacks him? Just dosen't make sense to me...

Hmmm... Question is. Why not?

And I wanna see the Midgard version where only Healers can damage mobs in melee :m00:


hope that smitable-only mob had very little hp :p


Just be glad it's not 'spirit cabalists' only or something.


Personally, I like the smite-only mob idea.

It shows someone at Mythic has an evil sense of humour.

"Sure, we might have nerfed smite to hell, but we had to - or you'd have been overpowered against this one mob in the SI epic dungeon" :p


I'm not doubting Ramas in any way, but the report sounds like Jackanory. Besides, it would be against any Non disclosure Agreements in place to post something like that. That Beta Tester could be in shit if it's true.


... erm

You may or may not have noticed if you read the herald or any other news sites and forums even once a week that the NDA was dropped about a week ago...


sweet jebus the drops in SI will kick sc people squaire in the nuts...

af102 100% qual +21 to 4 (four!!"#¤) stats AND a proc? sheeeeeet!


Correct Xarr, but what would be the point in adding any new drops if they werent better than what can be crafted?

Itd be nice if Mythic put spellcrafting/alchemy components on these mobs - quality increase, lifedrain procs, etc. That way people would want to get the drops and crafters would be happy.

So far it doesnt seem as if theyve done this - although Im fairly sure I read this had been the intention at some point.


"Crafted weapons and armor will be the best in the game" - Mythic.

Once again......


The armour mentioned is among the best, but you can get better with SC. Depends also on what damagetype the reactive proc is though..

+22 to 4 stats, instead of 21 is achievable with 50% overcharge with all MP ingredients :p


The best combination is to have mobs drop rare items needed for the best crafted items. Simply having all the best items in the game be a product of a gold and a moving yellow bar doesn't really sound that interesting to me, but nor does crafting seem meaningful if it even after so many hours can't benefit even the top players. Hence combining drops and crafting for the very best results.

Since the game has stat caps there are limits to how much an uber drop can affect, but the more common they get the more balance they will change. If you for instance compare a Tank to a Caster it's quite easy seeing how equipment can improve the tanks performerance more. As they close towards capping all resists, all skills and all stats, tanks have suddenly gotten quite an edge compared to how it was before. The caster not only gains less HP per Con but has far lower HP overall which lowers their use of resists. A tank that needs to do 1000 dmg to a caster only needs to do 1200 after a 20% resist, whereas a caster needing to do 2000 dmg has to do 2400 after the same resist, on top of that there's the drastically different ways of doing damage where again a higher survival rate gains a tank. Now, I'm not necessarily saying this will make things more or less fair, but I definately AM saying it changes the balance and that I hope mythic takes full account for it.


Guys we are talking about the UBER mobs in that dungeon. Mythic just wanted to show them to these people to show off a bit. But don't expect it to be the easiest trip each time...


The mobs that was presented was weakened on purpose because they just wanted to test the scripting, so they will be harder than what it seems like after the comments made.


I read the original thread on VN... They said they'd have gotten maybe 6 über-items if it wasn't for the devs helping them, so no, Caer Sidi won't oversaturate lvl50's with uVal 64+ items (spellcraft term :p). That item's 56 utility, Legion leather jerkin's 64 utility and I can get 65 utility to a 99 qua lvl51 item with small overcharge.


Thing is

Legion drops are better than crafted so why doesn’t everyone have them
Dragon drops are better than crafted so why doesn’t everyone have them

SI dungeon drops will be no different, especially with the current status of our 20 odd small alliances.

Crafted items put uber items in the hands of common people that just have a nice stash of df/tree cash and cant be bothered with either the organisation or raid hassle

And lets not forget spell crafting will give you the effects YOU want not some preset stats that you might not even need


screw the drops....that dungeon sounds like a helluva lot of fun :)


Couple of points on the replies above...

On whether the report is genuine:

Well TLs and the like have also added comments on the thread, so I don't thnk this is a big conspiracy.

On drops > SC+A:


The value of SC is choice, the stat caps hit you so hard once you have a set of good drops that the real key is in not wasting any 'imbue points', whether on drops or on crafted junk.

And for Alchemy effects this is even more critical. Procs/charges distributed on drops are not efficiently arranged. Eg: charges on breast plate as opposed to reverse procs (the piece hit most); or DD procs using today's flavour-of-the-month resist type; or energy debuff procs on alb equipment, or matter resist buffs on alb equipment, or non-matching resist types on DD-charges and resist-debuff-charges; or offensive procs on a shield used solely by clerics (stone oracles). etc etc

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