Should be [Sticky] and Teh Seel speaks to wrongdone billpayers.



No Teh Seel isn't talking about people who pay to get Bill back as President (Though Teh Seel is a big fan of that horntooter :p )

I'm talking about the people who have problems with GOA.

In other words:


Being billed for the game even if you don't want to play/can't play.

Can't contact GOA about the issue.


Go to/phone your local bank(the one who provided you with the creditcard) and deny payment to GOA. It's not hard to do and when you want to play again, go to the bank and allow GOA to bill your account again.

Just saying...


Think the main point is that once you cancel your account, GOA shouldn't be reactivating it and billing you again while you can't access the sub pages to stop it. When you think you have canceled you don't bother checking so you don't find out you have been charged till the next statement.

Unless we are psychic how do we know to phone the bank?

Just saying :p

*clubs seel*


This is more towards the ones who -have- been billed and don't want it to happen again.

Now stop the clubbing and let me explain.

When you deactivate an account(atleast when i did) it stated right away that the account was inactive. Now you, the nice little player, should check this. this is ofcourse if there's no mess up like the tiny hickup with the accounts...

When that happens, denying payment is a good backup(if you're not playing at the moment) for the period of the mess at GOA.

Get it now H(italian j)onaldo? :p


Close your payment to goa via contacting your bank, and GOA will ban your account with reason "stolen creditcard".

edit: I presume, because someone i knew thought he lost his VISA, so he called his bank and closed the card, then reactivated it later when he found it and found his account banned for stolen creditcard. Never got it back opened


something tells me taking the action out of goa's hands by banning payment would cause them to ban the account until you had explained yourself (and we know how long that could take).

maybe im wrong, someone from goa could correct me if so? :p


sooo mistah seal

a close friend has 2 accounts, he have these paid a specific date and its not even remotely close to yesterdays date. His accounts was paid as normal 2 weeks ago.

Yesterday, 3 accounts was paid with his new and fresh visacard and he has no clue who's these accounts are.

You got any simple catchy solution to that?

He can always contact his bank and say, I dont wanna pay that company any more. Problem is.. if he do that, his 2 own accounts will most likely be closed down and might be banned since they cant charge him for the 2 accounts he actually wanna pay for. He can always say, GOA pay me back my money, they can then say, sorry dood, not our problemo, u gotta keep yer CC safe dood.. these things happen.. etc.

I have started to use a very very nice function my bank has, E-card. I create a new mastercard each month with it and choose how much cash i want to have on it.

Sure I have to renew every month, but rather that than to dicuss with GOA to get my cash back if they decide my cash look nice and want it. Freaking poor way to handle the payment tbh.


Sorry to pee on your parade abit but I feel I must step in here as this is a good warning to anyone using a credit card on the net for a subscription service.

The reason why VISA is accepted in so many places is that there is a guarantee behind the agreement that says no matter what the bill WILL be paid. So if hypertheticaly you told your credit card company to cancel payment to GOA and by some stupid f'up on their part they did so then legally they would still have to honour the transaction next time GOA come calling on them...can't see them footing the bill for you myself hence the reason they won't remove payments like this from your card. It is up to YOU to get in touch with the persons billing you and cancel payments that way.

There are of course exceptions to every rule and so if you can prove the money is being taken illegally (i.e. you have told them to stop taking money and yet they still continue to do so) then you can probably get the transactions frozen that way however this can be more of a pain in the backside then just getting in touch with GOA and asking them to make sure the subscription is cancellled and (so long as you haven't logged on) ask for a refund.

Also I must point out that I'm not 100% if the above is true for a debit card as well and that yes of course banks being banks there is a nice get out clause for if the customers card has exceeded it's limit and been frozen.

...And how do I know all this? Was stung by it 8 years ago. Afew services that I forgot passwords/usernames to etc then when it came to stop the subscriptions I couldn't, and so rang my credit card company thinking it would be an easy thing to stop payments and OUCH......


Never set up a standing order on a credit card.

Never ever ever, the only person that can stop the standing order is the company that gets the money, even if you close your credit card they can still take money out.

At least this was the case when I lived in GB some years ago.

On the other hand, if you are buying something worth over £100, then never use a debit card, because if you use a credit card then if the whatever doesn't work or isn't delivered then you can get your money back from the credit card company.


Ok, good, discussion.

Dunno much about the creditcard thingies-thingdonts so go ahead and say i'm wrong :p


Hmm, the rules on credit card use include the cashback clause. Namely, if there is no proof of a transaction (i.e. a recipt) the VISA/whatever card company will call the cash back.

Cashback claims damage company credit ratings so they are real bad news to any company.


Customer (Name) 10/13/2003 05:39 PM
someone´s been withdrawing euroes from my account and it isn´t me and I don´t think it´s GOA... you normally attach a note saying its you, the ammounts transfered matches that of 1 3month sub and 1 1month sub... but the GOA note is missing.
Problem is... someone´s been leching my card for over a year... someone who lent it to pay and "forgot" to cancel it... my mistake I know.... the real problem is in an attempt to stop it I mailed you my CC info... which means it was all in the rightnow database... unless you deleted it, it could have fallen into the hands of the guys that hacked your database. I would like to know wether or not you DID delete the CC info given you back then. I assume so as the rightnow thread I started is no longer in my list of threads.

Discussion Thread
Customer (Name) 10/14/2003 06:06 PM
just had a message from my bank that it is you that are withdrawning the cash.

It seems your "enable all auto renewal" system has enabled old accounts where my CC has been used.... thus the owners of the accounts are NOT aware that their account are opened.

I expect that ALL the ammounts that you have withdrawn from my bankaccount that hasn´t been used to pay for the following accounts

[insert account details here]

going back to your "incident" with the hacker. also I expect that you will clear my CC details from any account that isn´t listed above. and I expect this to be done as soon as possible.

yay for GOA, they´d better do something about this quickly!

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