Shoppe open for business



We are now able to offer the following items for sale
Opening times 19.30-21.00gmt
Please send message to Shoppe in game to arrange purchase, purchases to be collected from Camelot Vault

Cloth Armour

(8 @ 150g) Stonepin Gloves [af44, qua89%, +6int, +10quick, 3% heat/energy]
(2 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Pants [af46, qua89%, +15 cons, +3dex, 2% energy/heat]
(9 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Sleeves [af44, qua89%, +10 str +6int 3% energy/heat
(5 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Vest [af43, qua89%, +18hits, +4 pow, 2% energy/heat
(4 @ 150g) Stonepin Woven Cap [af41, qua89%, +12int, +4dex, 2% heat/energy]
(4 @ 150g) Stonepin Woven Boots [af48, qua89%, +19 dex, 2% heat/Energy]


(1 @ 300g) Magmas imbued Gloves Friar [af94, qual89%, +4str, +4con, +12quick, 2%cold]
(1 @ 350g) Magmas imbued Boots Friar [af98, qual90%, +7str, +7con, +15dex] ]
(1 @ 300g) Magmas imbued Helm Friar [af94, qual89%, +15pie, +6con, 2%cold] ]
(1 @ 350g) Magmas imbued Helm Leggings Friar [af98, qual89%, +15con, +12dex, 4%cold]
(1 @ 350g) Restless Robes Friar [af98, qual90%, +7str, +7piety, +30hits] ]


(1 @ 200g) Adamant coral vembraces [af88, qua89%, +6 Str, +30hits]
(1 @ 325g) Crushed Helm [af98, qual90%, +9str, +7dex, +15quick, 2%crush]


(1 @ 250g) Sleeves of The Stoneharvest [af98, qual89%, +15str, +15dex, 2%crush]


(1 @ 50g) Stonecrush Vest [af92, +7 dex, 27 hits, 2% thrust ]

Rings Belts Necklaces and Jewelery

(10@ 50g) Band of Elspar 'ring' [15 hits, +4 pow, +3 dex]
(7 @ 200g) Belt of Granite Enhancement [+12 str, 4% crush/slash/thrust]
(1 @ 250g) Bracelet of the Artic [+3Ice, 6 Int, 6%Cold]

Shields (Small Medium & Large)

(1 @ 400g) Protector of the Harvest [+4Shield, +4Dex, 4%Thrust, small shield]
(3 @ 550g) Protector of the Stone Elders [ +4 shield, +6str, 4%thrust, large shield]
(1 @ 600g) Protector of the Stone Lords [+6 shield, +10dex, 6% thrust, 97dd proc] *Medium Shield
(2 @ 200g (used) ) Jet Bone Sheild [+7 Str, +15hp, 4% Crush/Energy, small shield]



(4 @ 100g) Stone cutter [ ]
(3 @ 100g) Brilliant Caller Shard [14.6dps, 3.5spd, +2 slash, +3 str, +2 parry]
(7 @ 100g) Shard of the Stonewatch [15.3dps, 3.5spd, 89%qua, +2 slash, +2 parry, +3 con]
(1 @ 400g) Sheer granite slicer [15.2dps, 3.2spd, +4thrust, +9dex, 88DD cold, (particle effect) ]
(1 @ 250g) Ancient Ebony Scimitar [15.3dps, 3.0spd, 89%, +5quick, +2slash (Black weapon) ]


(3 @ 600g) Feather Lite Granite Gauche [16.2dps, 2.3spd, 90%qua, +2 thrust, +5 dw, 4% body, 97 proc, left hand] * Blue Flame Effect
(1 @ 850g) Gorged Rapier Of Smiting [16.2dps, 3.2spd, 90%, +3thrust,+3 parry, 6%thrust, 4%cold, 97 dd charged item]


(1 @ 500g) Dark crystal Mattock Two Handed [DPS: 16.10, spd3.70, 2h+4 pts, Thrust+2, Parry+2, Qual90%, 97DD cold, Flaming]
(1 @ 350g) Brilliant soulstone staff [DPS: 16.2, spd4.40, +4staff, +3 piety, Qual89%]

(1 @ 550g) Hammer Of the Stonewatch [16.2dps, 5.6spd, 90%qua, +4 pole, +3 crush, +1 parry, 2% body, 97 proc] * Flaming


id like to buy 2 belts of granite enhancement and a jet bone shield if poss ;)


Shoppe, i don't want to rain on your parade... but reconsider your prices on the weapons and armour because for 200G a highlevel armourcrafter can make vambraces a LOT better than 89% AF88 adamant coral. :)


Hehe, notice the low quality of said items :p

And also the extreme prices on the shields.

94% min on Arcanium Shields and the most expensive is 52g, from me... Haha ! :D


HAHAHAHAH. Some of those prices are soooo funny.

(1 @ 850g) Gorged Rapier Of Smiting [16.2dps, 3.2spd, 90%, +3thrust,+3 parry, 6%thrust, 4%cold, 97 dd charged item]

My 99% shimmering (35%bonus) arcanium gladius cost 200g less than that including the enchanting cost from Kiarra.

89% and 90% quality Dartmoor dropped weapons and armour should have no place in anyone's inventory.

Bleri McThrust

(1 @ 850g) Gorged Rapier Of Smiting [16.2dps, 3.2spd, 90%, +3thrust,+3 parry, 6%thrust, 4%cold, 97 dd charged item]

You can have mine for 800G didnt realise it was rare enough to warrant a price like that :clap:

Seriously though Ive never understood the facination of selling drops, especially at such huge prices. What would you want all that money for ?


i'll buy the stone lords sheild for 200-300g no more

pm me in game.

and yes those prices are stupid not one is priced right


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
id like to buy 2 belts of granite enhancement and a jet bone shield if poss ;)

Heh, if you wanna buy a Jet Bone sheild I'll sell ya one for half his price ;D

It's basically just sitting in my vault doing nowt ...


i want this bracer:p

(1 @ 250g) Bracelet of the Artic [+3Ice, 6 Int, 6%Cold]


Djeez, the prices on these things ... insane.

And for what, you get a cool particle swirling weapon at 90% quality or so but can't scratch a fly with it ?

Don't even have that money after the (now ex-)donations for relic/keep doors but the gold I have will surely go to Kiarra for one of her weapons as soon as I wear down this 100% one :)


Originally posted by starblade
Djeez, the prices on these things ... insane.

And for what, you get a cool particle swirling weapon at 90% quality or so but can't scratch a fly with it ?

Don't even have that money after the (now ex-)donations for relic/keep doors but the gold I have will surely go to Kiarra for one of her weapons as soon as I wear down this 100% one :)

You have to take things on an individual basis here, you can't just say a 98% quality weapon is better than a 91% quality weapon, bought from DF. In a lot of situations it will be but not always. If a weapon gives you pluses to weapon skills and you don't have max weapon skill, like minstrels and paladins usually don't, then the +slash/thrust/crush might actually improve you damage more than a few percent quality (Since the pluses up your weapon skill which affects damage). Add this to bonuses like +str etc... and you need to run some tests before saying one weapon does more damage than another. I have ordered some crafted weapons from Kiarra, because my weapon skill is maxed so it will have a lot of benefit to me, at the same time I'm keeping my DF shortswords, why? Because for one they have +5 DW on them, that's +10 with one in each hand, or +5% DW chance, so that's an increase of 5% to my left hand damage output. If I'm buffed with eb, then swinging with my left hand is important, so I'll used crafted weapons most of the time, but fighting epic mobs, or particular situations in RvR will require reverting to DF shortswords :) And then there's procs :)
As of yet I can't buy a 16.2+ crafted shortbow, still waiting for next patch.
As for shields, I only have a spec of 7 in shield, so the +6 sheild from the Protector of the Stone Lords, probably does more for me than a few percent in quality.

Crafted weapons are great, and will do more max damage than anything else in the game, but just don't forget what the skills on items give you, it's not always such a clear cut decision.

Obviously when spellcrafting comes in forget drops ;)

Although epic armour has really got to hurt those armour crafters out there?


Hit ^_^

on my lvl37 minstrel i do 20 more dmg whit my qua90% slash+6
sword then my qua100% slash+3 str+3 qua+3 or something like that. dps capped at both weapons.


Hang in there armourcrafters: when spellcrafting arrives (or a bit before) u wont know what hit u, be like Superbowl at Cornwall station :)

And yes those prices are absolutely crazy in light of what can be bought in DF for a couple hrs farming seals.


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
on my lvl37 minstrel i do 20 more dmg whit my qua90% slash+6
sword then my qua100% slash+3 str+3 qua+3 or something like that. dps capped at both weapons.

and what is the speed of the weapons?


You have to take things on an individual basis here

Yes, you are right there ...

Still doesnt take away that prices are silly. Guess I can't expect everyone to give away rares like frenzied thrusters now can i :p

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