Shiny brand new player !


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 12, 2004
Hello all,

Please help me not waste the next few weeks by making a crap character choice :D

I'm just installing the game. Here's what I need to know !

Character type: I need something self reliant and able to level at a decent pace. I tend to be better at melee or hybrid than pure caster. Also a char that doesn't require much money to make it playable - as obviously I'll start with nothing ! It also needs to be good at PvM to get me started and not hopelessly gimpled at RvR. (Is Friar a decent choice?)

Starting location: Is it best to start in the old world or SI? In terms of levelling, making cash and crafting.

Making Money: Is there a good way to make a little bit of money to start, maybe by crafting or such like ?

Sorry for the relatively vague questions !


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
For pure solo needs yes friar would be a decent choice ;)
Also dont bother with crafting untill you can support it with cash, wich wont be for a while.
SI gives better cash then the old world i think.
If you do Killtasks from lvl 2 - 20, by asking [actually selecting, then type "task"] named guards. You will end up with [for lvl 20] decent money.
Welcome and i hope you enjoy the game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
First of all: Welcome! :D

A lot of what you're asking really depends on the realm you choose to play in. You've asked if a Friar is a good choice - I would say they're OK, but if you're choosing to play in Albion, then there are several other characters that are good at PvE as well, namely Paladins, Reavers and Necromancers. This is for solo play, but the most fun you'll get out of the game is if you find groups - or, even better, a guild - to join. Most guilds will look at a new player and not quite believe it ;). Once you're in a guild, though, you can get help with things like armour, weapons, cash and items much easier.

Starting location - generally, I prefer to start off in the Shrouded Isles lands (Gothwaite for Albion, Aegirhamn for Midgard and Grove of Domann for Hibernia). There's a lot of accessible PvE in these areas, but the old lands are still good. It's really down to personal choice.

When it comes to the "end" of the game, your choice of class (and guild, sometimes) will, in the current state of the game, define how much RvR you can do. There is, unfortunately, a mentality that says certain group makeups are the best and you can only "win" at RvR that way. This is, of course, utter rubbish - the only way to win at this game is to enjoy yourself.

At the end of the day, I'd say experiment first - find something YOU like playing, rather than taking "advice" and possibly regretting it later. I've been playing for two and a half years now, and I still only have one level 50 character. The reason? I really enjoy playing it!


Dec 25, 2003
Thing is, casters level the fastest AND need no money to start off with - some of them you can even play tank with, such as Bonedancer/Necro :p

If your heart is set on a melee class (I personally find them much better in the long run, no thanks to paper armour :p) then think about whether you'll be grouping a lot or not. The best tanks for groups are shield tanks in PvE and light tanks in RvR (for assist trains) however either will do fine in either type of group. Hybrids are often easier to level than main/light tanks, and the easiest tank to level solo has to be the Reaver. It has a load of abilities to reduce downtime, and you can run out straight away in crappy armour/weapons and still do pretty well compared to other tanks. Now... do you want to do damage or be able to take it? The best aggressive tank is currently the Savage, although these only really shine in groups where they can use their positional styles. Close seconds are blunt-specced Blademasters (any other spec won't do enough damage in my experience) and Warriors, with the highest base damage in the game and the ability to swap from one handed to two handed without muppeting around with the inventory screen. Half-Ogre mercenaries aren't bad either, spec one crush and watch him demolish enemy stealthers. Defensively, the Paladin is, without contest, the toughest tank. Although actually a hybrid, I consider the Paladin a proper tank as this class can take more hits than Afghanistan and come out smiling. My Paladin Gawain (some of you may remember him, a member of the Order of the Knights Templar) suprised me when I managed to kill 4 shadowblades at once with the help of a friar's heals (healing me from the safety of the PK hill) in Thidranki. Obviously, the battlegrounds aren't a completely fair reflection of full RvR, but this class is as good as it gets defensively, and are also the most group-friendly tank in the game. However, plate armour is the most expensive armour available, so kitting this fellow out won't be fun. Other defensive tanks include Lurikeen Heroes, Kobold Warriors, Saracen Armsmen - races with high dex for blocking - and Thanes, which aren't as gimped as everyone thinks and really shine in keep raids.

Regarding the complete hybrids - they are all pretty well balanced. Friars, Wardens, Valewalkers - all can face each other and never be sure of a win, and all are quite fast to level - Wardens are the most group-friendly thanks to pulsing bladeturn. Friars are great soloers in PvE and RvR, and Valewalkers have some amazing positional-reactional styles. As for the others - Skalds are good fun, if a bit under-powered at the moment, Minstrels are great fun and rather overpowered in some respects, Champions are probably the best 1 on 1 class in the entire game thanks to self buffs and debuffs, and can shine in groups too with the level 50 large weapon style being useful for assist trains. Berserkers are a viable choice still but a shadow of their former self, and will probably recieve a small boost in a future patch. Aug Healers are good tanks, with self damage shield, damage add and str/con buffs making them hard to take down, and Nature Druids can also pack a punch.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 12, 2004
Thanks a lot for info so far all :)

I've made a Reaver - think he'll give me half a chance of an easy first few levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
if u want a hybrid ill suggest paladin orwardens, they r both needed in RvR and PvE.
They r also really good solo and insane solo if u get some nice buffs!!
A paladins job is defense and get the highest Armor factory (higher AF means u get hit for lesser) and they wear plate there got the arbsorb in game.
ill will not suggest u to craft as u will lose money by doing it instead do killtask where u get good money to buy a good armor and weapon.
As warden will it be running pulsing bladeturn(know as pbt) (from lvl 26 and up) and heal, at high lvls can wardens solo really good due to there pbt.
If u want a tank there can cast magic there valewalkers or thane.
Valewalkers got a really really nice side style and get a lifetab there giv u health back then u cast it on enemies/monsters, but r lacking of determantion and therefor dont get that many invites for RvR grps
Thane can wear shield, use 1h and 2h and get 2 instant dds, 1 castable dd and 1 aoe dd, but they r lacking of determantion and got the same problem as Valewalkers.
Reavers r ofc also a very good choice to solo with in PvE but also lack of determantion.
bout friars: they r really good in PvE but lack of determantion as all the other hybrid mention above and our heal line is really gimped and therefor dont get grp like heal specced warden.

U can ofc also choice to be pure tank or light tank.
Pure tank r better in PvE then light tank but light tanks r better in RvR.
As pure tank u will nearly allways get grps in both RvR and PvE, but as light tank r u not very welcome in PvE (compared to pure tank)

and last welcome to the game :D hope u enjoy it!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
personally i would love add here one more thing.
just dont choose albion!
take hib primary or mids secondary and last alb, but albs allready is most pop in allmost all servers worldwide and this means EU servers too.

just my 1000€

example mids easy to lvl and maybe cheapest? bone, and other casters.
maybe easiest? if find group sadly, take healer.
healer is cheap to lvl, but you find its maybe 1 of most challenging char in this game because 2 very important role in midgard, main healer and main cc (crowcontroll, mezz/stun/root) but i say you never! get bored whit this class and meet other players easy.

just please! dont choose albs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sigurd said:
However, plate armour is the most expensive armour available,

actually chain is more expensive than plate at lvl 50, but Pallies do rock :)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Tuppe said:
personally i would love add here one more thing.
just dont choose albion!
take hib primary or mids secondary and last alb, but albs allready is most pop in allmost all servers worldwide and this means EU servers too.

just my 1000€

example mids easy to lvl and maybe cheapest? bone, and other casters.
maybe easiest? if find group sadly, take healer.
healer is cheap to lvl, but you find its maybe 1 of most challenging char in this game because 2 very important role in midgard, main healer and main cc (crowcontroll, mezz/stun/root) but i say you never! get bored whit this class and meet other players easy.

just please! dont choose albs.

Or he just does what he wants it being his account and all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Reaver is a nice choice - I have a lowbie one, and they kick ass! I also love RvRing with them in my assist train - a good reaver can really turn the fight.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I feel bad for anyone new starting this game unless they enjoy solo PvE alot, it is damn hard to get 50 these days in normal exp groups and then when you do get 50 you can't compete in RvR till you get good equip and the early realm ranks. That is without even mentioning ToA...

Good luck anyway, if you can get through the grind it will be worth it. One thing though, Reaver is a frigging great class to play but most groups will shun you at 50 whereas a Paladin will always be in demand and is superb in PvE as well useful in RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you value your sanity dont choose midgard, you wont be able to level there as a new player. No groups at all.

If you want a good pve char, make a necromancer or a paladin, they both do outstanding in pve, and necro is the fastest soloer, but as a paladin, you will be also wanted in rvr groups.

A friar is a very nice choice and a fun char, does very nice in pve also. They do fairly well in rvr.

Anyway, welcome :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
maybe in mids arent groups because nobody starting there?
thx for support get new players other realms too, not only albs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tuppe said:
maybe in mids arent groups because nobody starting there?
thx for support get new players other realms too, not only albs.
Actually its because mids are malmo addicts. Pick up exp groups are nonexistant.

Mid is the most newb unfriendly realm atm.


Dec 25, 2003
OldNick said:
actually chain is more expensive than plate at lvl 50, but Pallies do rock :)


Maybe, but at earlier levels plate costs a lot more - my first ever character, an armsman, went bankrupt because of this :p

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