


David Blaine is;

A) Someone with amazing courage
B) Someone who wants to die in the next few years
C) A Looney


E) No good with publicity. Interviewing him must be a pain.


F) someone with a small penis that wants attention




44 days with no food or social interaction, he is in a box above the big river in london :eek:

During his preparation for the feat, Blaine met with nutrition expert Dr Mike Stroud. Stroud warned the illusionist that he will "become more vulnerable within days [of starting the feat]". Stroud explained that during starvation the body is essentially eating itself and therefore not getting all of the nutrients it needs. Effects include a thinning of the heart and other internal organs, which will function less well as a result, and thinning of the bones.

Other physical effects of starvation include hormonal imbalance and loss of sex drive, thinning of the skin, susceptibility to cold temperatures and bleeding gums, possibly caused by scurvy.

And while some sceptics have suggested that Blaine could be receiving glucose in his water to sustain him, experts also warn that glucose in fact heightens the risks for those living without food. This is because it boosts the metabolism, stimulating the uptake of vital nutrients.

The risks continue once David exits the box. Victims of starvation need strict medical supervision as they take on food again. If Blaine begins to eat too suddenly the shock to his system could do permanent damage, even inducing heart attack.

David will also confront psychological challenges while inside the box. Psychologist Dr John Potter explained on last night's show that after 12-14 days, Blaine will likely begin to experience mood swings, low self-esteem and begin demonstrating ritualistic behaviour, such as finger pulling.

Gulf war veteran John Nichol, who was kept in solitary confinement as a POW, confirms that "Trying to keep your mind... active in those situations is incredibly difficult".

In fact, Dr Potter says that without stimulation, the brain eventually starts to create its own, often in the form of hallucinations.

In the first stages, the walls confining a person may appear to start to wiggle. Later, Blaine is likely to think he can see insects crawling on the walls and it's even possible that faces will start to appear to him.

It is thought that the use of meditation and mental games will ease the psychological problems posed by isolation. So, too, will the journal that David has, in which he will keep a record of his life inside the box.

Despite these tools, Blaine anticipates problems coping with the isolation and upon entering the box said the hardest part would come in the second half of the challenge "when I start to lose my mind and everything becomes really bad".


normal DAoC ppl have food (too much) but no social interaction, so it's only right 75%


guy is a fuckin idiot if you ask me. someone fuckin shoot him and put him out of his misery.

i saw the ice thing on tv, silly twat cracked a few hours before he had it done, he can get locked in ice but he cant afford a good watch to tell him how long he had to go? pff
sure he is good with card tricks and stuff but wtf is he playing at with this kinda stuff? this aint magic tricks its bloody stupidity.

fire the stupid git into the sun i say :flame:


Turns out there is someone selling hamburgers nearby and the smell of the hamburgers and onions is driving him crazy now :D


Ves ! :)

No, stopped playing Eve in May.

Just waiting , ´till DaoC Sub-pages are up, I´ll give it a try again, after a 6 months break (starting a Kobbie Warrior). ;)


Originally posted by freeq
guy is a fuckin idiot if you ask me. someone fuckin shoot him and put him out of his misery.

i saw the ice thing on tv, silly twat cracked a few hours before he had it done, he can get locked in ice but he cant afford a good watch to tell him how long he had to go? pff
sure he is good with card tricks and stuff but wtf is he playing at with this kinda stuff? this aint magic tricks its bloody stupidity.

fire the stupid git into the sun i say :flame:

If you saw about the show they made about him. He showes the ice trick was all fake. they were several ppl taking turns standing inside that ice block. Hes an illusionist. He makes you belive he is doing things while he isn't. This box above hes in now is also a fake.


In 'The Scurra' section of The Daily Mirror each day people keep writing in saying they've seen the 'real' David Blaine in misc shopping centres etc.. around the country, I believe today's one he was spotted in an Asda in Oxon yesterday.

The guy is a prat, just look at the interview he did on 'This Morning' (was it this morning? not sure now was a while ago, crappy daytime telly with lorraine kelly and eamon (sp?) holmes)

I vote everyone who drives past him in his 'box' throws something at him - preferably something that will shatter the box and drop him into the thames :D Plus if it severely injures him all the better. Even better if it knocks him out and drowns him in the thames. Though no doubt he has thought about this and has figured out a 'trick' that would allow him to escape such circumstances.


Originally posted by old.camillo
Ves ! :)

No, stopped playing Eve in May.

Just waiting , ´till DaoC Sub-pages are up, I´ll give it a try again, after a 6 months break (starting a Kobbie Warrior). ;)

Nooooooooo come back to alb :(


Originally posted by Cush
If you saw about the show they made about him. He showes the ice trick was all fake. they were several ppl taking turns standing inside that ice block. Hes an illusionist. He makes you belive he is doing things while he isn't. This box above hes in now is also a fake.

never saw that bit of it, but now you say that, why would anyone even believe what he is doing now is real, if he proved the other one was fake?
seems he is attention starved or summat, go get a hug from yer mum david, she'll make it all better :p

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