Grats on RR9 m8 :great:
G Gilead^ Guest May 20, 2003 Thread starter #8 w00t wtg,been a long time coming but afaik hes less then 10 k of #1 in world overall now
T Tyka Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #9 wow, grats sheph, on such a short time already reached #1 warden spot in teh world !!!!11
Q QuickS Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #10 Haha I was whacking you last night and thinking wtf who is this realm rank 9 warden. Anyway Gratzz
M magol Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #11 \o/ grats mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\o/ strong irl party now!
S Stallion- Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #12 GRATS And quick.... u hurt... Quicksilver attacks you with his staff you are hit for 600 dmg! (31% crush) shields etc up
GRATS And quick.... u hurt... Quicksilver attacks you with his staff you are hit for 600 dmg! (31% crush) shields etc up
O old.Striglen Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #14 Well Done m8 :great: :great: :great: :great: love haveing you as my Warden
N Novamir Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #19 why is there a CF emblem on the VGN site main graphic? ;P
A angara-ffs Guest May 21, 2003 Thread starter #20 Originally posted by Novamir why is there a CF emblem on the VGN site main graphic? ;P Click to expand... Blame Aeleea!!!!
Originally posted by Novamir why is there a CF emblem on the VGN site main graphic? ;P Click to expand... Blame Aeleea!!!!
S Stallion- Guest Dec 21, 2003 Thread starter #29 :great: old bump need a reminder that he was a lowbie once upon a time