shaman spec



just made a shaman here on excal no idea how to spec him tho atm he's lvl 19 at got 17 in cave and thats it lol was wandering if anyone had any advice how to spec him at 24 and long run (50 :p )was thinking at 24 maybe 22 cave spec for aoe root and highest bolt/dd available and 9 mending for regen health (would mean i sacrifice the better aoe dot tho but not sure how useful thatd be with mezz etc..) then at 50 was thinking 41 cave for highest bolt/dd a longer root and fairly decent aoe dot then 32 aug for the future end regen and then 14 ish mending for 2nd health regen and just left overpoints hehe well thats just been playing with char builder :D any advice welcome cheers :)


if you want to play in groups then forget cave at all, maybe till some decent AE root, but not more. you're buffer/healer in a group, nothing more. like nerfed clerics in albion :p


whatever but so far i tend to cast dots/disease/dds only heal as backup and the people im leveling with from prydwen consist of two healers, a skald and a zerker anyway ;) and im not planning to be pve all the time id like to rvr and be able to solo mobs, and shamans might be like nerfed clerics (dont quite see the connection tho) but id prefer to play a class i find fun than the uber class that can solo everything :)


Originally posted by old.anubis
if you want to play in groups then forget cave at all, maybe till some decent AE root, but not more. you're buffer/healer in a group, nothing more. like nerfed clerics in albion :p

Ignore this post. If healing classes in all the realms listened to this rubbish they'd all spec mending really high and die of boredom. This kind of attitude is why smite clerics got the nerf in Albion, because it was mostly Albs whining smite was overpowered.

Just remember, as a shammy if you do spec high cave, you may find it tough to group if people like Anubis are calling the shots. As a cave shaman, your specline buffs and heals are adequate, and your dmg is really quite good. At lvl24 my dot hits for about 45/tick, dd for about 100 and bolt for about 150. I can unload the dmg, then concentrate on back up CC, secondary healing and re-DoTting adds. In RvR, cave shammys are excellent, as the AE disease/DoT combo is a total nightmare for enemy healers.

The only real reason to spec Augmentation very high is for the incoming end regen. If you actually want to enjoy your character, and not be a buff-slavebot and a inferior healer, spec cave.


so, this is your sort of rvr, ae dot on every1?

look at alb clerics, almost all of them respecced to rej/enh, and a result? they started to group more, they started to heal more, all alb tanks and casters are fully buffed, they started to own every1 in emain (dont tell me about zerg plz)

ps. ever been on the place of healer who mezzed fg of invaders at svasud gates and 5 seconds later some leet shammy put ae dot on all of them? i've been there and not once. and from the healer point of view cave shamans are a nightmare (not worse than thanes thou)


dont have to ae dot if u see a group mezzed then dot the targets being hit or break a caster mezz with a dot as hed then be useless except for qc <shrugs> or bolt then dot by the time bolt hits the dot will be pretty much cast should equal a dead caster :) well no matter what i speccing cave just dunno how much ;)

edit: typo


I am currently having fun with a shaman.

I current solo a fair bit - I bolt, dot, re-dot (after 1 or 2 pulses), and by that time the mob is on my and I pull out my hammer. Its a pity we ont get some kind of snare - otherwise we would be excellent soloing because we could kill with poison alone.

At 20 I am mend 14, cave 14. I plan to respec to full save at 22, then at level 23 I get ae dot for the BG.

I have heard that shamans are excellent in Thidranki, but cave magic doesnt scale well at high levels.

My end game template is 37aug, 36 cave, rest (11?) mend.


Midgard will gimp itself if it recommends to all its classes who can spec to for AE dmg spells not to because it breaks AE mezz.

Kind of annoying to hear healers constantly banging on out thanes and shamans breaking AE mezz with AE dmg spells. Let me tell you something, if your thanes/shaman do that, its not because AE DoT or Mjolinnir is bad, mmmkay. Its because you have muppets for thanes and shamans in your group. Kick 'em out and get shammys/thanes who know how to play their class.

And as for the clerics thing, you are right, but only just. Its not just smite clerics that respecced, but lots of Alb classes have respecced. Earth to Air theurgs, Fire to Earth wizzies for example. That means much more AE mezz/root for the Albs. The reason Alb may be doing better in this patch is that unlike you, they have finally realised that cookie cutter classes where everyone specs the same ultimately mean you suck, because you only have 1 predictable tactic.


I think it all comes down to how you like to play your shaman. Actually I found out a couple a days ago that 2 lvl 50 Shamen in my guild respecced away from cave and went to like 48 Aug / 24 Mend, I'm not 100% sure of their spec, but at least they specced aug really high. Seems like they are happy about it too.

IMO we need both types of Shamen. So you go spec what you feel works best for you.

Bah...just saw Chesnor last post and I couldn't agree more...

PS!! Just wondering what healers say when SM come nuking with their PBAOEDD?

old.The McScrooges

With most advice given, especially on speccing, it is best to listen, nod politely then make up your own mind. Spec your character to how you want to play it and what gives you the most fun. Most advice tends to be given out on how to spec your character to best twink the group...

Look at the spell lists and choose according to your play style. I prefer to specialise in one area but not to the extent were I neglect the other spec lines.

But as the character is going to be an alt, have fun with it.


Its because you have muppets for thanes and shamans in your group.

the thing is they were not in our group, they just wanted to "help" a bit

oki, couple of more things about shammys (all is my imho, but you were warned about using ae stuff at your own risk)
aug 37 <== you will get cap on all spec buffs here (or very close to cap - 72), one thing you will miss is the last end buf in later patches. if you want to find rvr group put there at least 32, for 1st group end buff.
mend at least to 1st group friggs, better to 2nd, you WILL be healing person in a group, healers have lotsa things to do beside healing (we're talking about rvr)
rest in cave, to kill those casters or whomever you hate more

so, we come to quite good balanced shaman: 37 aug, 26 mend, 29 cave


Originally posted by old.The McScrooges
With most advice given, especially on speccing, it is best to listen, nod politely then make up your own mind. Spec your character to how you want to play it and what gives you the most fun. Most advice tends to be given out on how to spec your character to best twink the group...

hehe know what u mean here but without playing several differently specced lvl 50 shamans how can i tell :( lol oh well lol well another questiont hen how good are the frigg thingies the health regen worth speccing for em a tiny bit or not? :)


Went from Cave 46 to Aug 47 since I wasn't using my ae dot that much anyway, will miss the ae root. But I have Ichor of the deep =)

Aug 47, Mend 26, cave: rest.

Still have baseline root, dot.


having high aug spec sounds good and helps group etc but not really the class i want to play if i wanted to be a healer/buffer i wouldve made a druid in hib probably i like being able to heal and buff but would prefer to spec more offensivly :)


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S
having high aug spec sounds good and helps group etc but not really the class i want to play if i wanted to be a healer/buffer i wouldve made a druid in hib probably i like being able to heal and buff but would prefer to spec more offensivly :)

Spec what you find most interesting. Myself, if I get the time to lvl my shaman I will go for Aug32/Mend14/Cave41.


47 cave
28 aug
4 mend

Come, join the dark side ;)

(leave healing to the mend specced conformists :p )


Originally posted by -gama-
47 cave
28 aug
4 mend

Come, join the dark side ;)

(leave healing to the mend specced conformists :p )

47 Cave
25 Aug
8 Mend

Damn right. If I wanted to be a healer, I'd have rolled a healer. Cave is what I want!

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