Shaman Offensive spells - Got a question.



Looking for help on this one...


I play on the Euro-servers and we are on patch 1.48 at the moment.

I got a lvl17 Shaman and so far I have had lots of fun and I enjoy playing support for a change. Even so I need the cave line since there aren't that easy to get groups all the time on Prydwen.

Now my questions:

* When pulling I begin with Fungal Bramble(Lvl 11 Bolt), after that I use Fungal Disintegration(Lvl 15 DoT) and the last spell I use before the hammer bashing begins is Infectious Spores(Lvl 16 Disease).
These names are according to this site:

The thing I was wondering about is the DD type of spells, Fungal Ooze, that is shown under the Hand of the Deep (Subterranean Spec.) line of spells. I should be able to use the Fungal Slush(Lvl 11 DD) from that line but it dosn't seem to appear in my list of available spells. I can't find the name and I don't know what the spell icon should look like either.

Does anyone know anything about this problem?

I have played lots of characters and never have something like this occured.

wolvon fury

I do,
The Shaman DD, come in patch 1.51. So you won't see it on your spell line untill then, Quite a nice DD, Its Looks like the fire wizards DD, in a way


Well it might look nice , but its completely useless , it does less dmg than the bolt and is on the same timer, atleast its useless when you solo. As it wont get blocked by melee when grouping, it might be viable there, but I usaly dont have the power to waste on that low dmg output when grouping, you be better of dotting and healing. It might show to be semi usefull in RvR, but that will we find out when we get it I guesse

PS :As a little advice when you pull use bolt, root disease, dot, then frigg yaself , and then another bolt, its takes a little timing but when you get the timing right it works ok. But it takes a bit in cave speccing as you will be on your toes if the root dossent stick, but then its just frigg, dot and hammer away. Some might dot before they frigg to get the most out of it, but this way you have a better chance of surviving if your dot is resisted, or if the mob was a split second fast on you than you recond with, and interrupt your frigg casting.

Well I better stop babbling , have fun with you shaman :clap:


Is 1.51 when we get AOE root as well?, Looking forward to that more than the DD to be honest (will mean I wont have to run away screaming whenever I see more than 1 Alb running at me)

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