Shaman Item Setup. Help meh? Pweeeaase!


Urgat Rip-Eye


Last night i got the only two items i will have spell crafted.

A lvl 50 Hammer, and a lvl 50 Small shield.

Each has +4 Cave / +4 Aug / +4 Mend.
Combined with my epic armour (when i finally hit 50 and get it), this takes care of maxing out pluses to my three spec lines.

My question is this...

Since i will be using the two SCed items, and wearing my epic armour, i would llike to get some advice on which none weapon/armour items i should look to get hold off. I have a CLEAR intent... i want to maximise...


(in that order of importance)

Which Gems/Rings/Cloak/Bracers/etc, etc. should i (in your opinion) be looking to aquire?


Not sure on your spec, but + Aug does nothing if you have 32+aug.

Apart from that some nice jewels are available from a few SI quests

Catla's downfall quest = 2 very nice bracers
Dark places of the Souls = Ring of Spun silk
Stoneheart = Cloak

To gets the details for the quest goto

Also Darkness falls can fill the spots up with some reasonable items.

To be honest if you go full SC with a shammy it is quite easy to get everything capped and +11 in mend and + a few lvls in cave with only 99% armour/weapons

If you do a search there was thread a few weeks ago on different shaman SC setup (which included jewelry)

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