Shall I leave that game? I dunno



After the last days, I really thought to leave that game.
People just flame around about others. All the little mistakes that can happen, will be used to blame others. Instead of trying to unite us, we just disband ourselfes.

Instead of acting like a grown up, all people rather use their time to fight wars of insult in the forum instead of fighting our ingame enemies.

I always did a good job for my realm, trying to organise my guild for keep retakes whenever I have time to build up a level 50ish fg.
I even sent out our lvl 30-40 to come with the lvl 50 to learn the tactics in rvr.

But if I just earn flames just because I post my view of things, I begin to wonder, if I am still in the right place. I really don't want to be in a game, where everybody thinks I am a fool.

It's now the chance to get rid of me. Just post another flames here, and you won't see me again. I would rather be interested if there are only a few people around that think I am doing right in game and should stay. So tell me.

Best wishes.....


Noooo dont go, sit down, have a drink, take a short break if you want to, but come back to it in the morning and view things from a fresh perspective :)


Hi. I was just snooping around when I saw this post. And it actually made me sugn up just so I could answer your questions.

Being a noobie I dont know much about the game and I only have a lvl 29 paladin as a main char.

Sure there is alot of flaming going on, but some of us newcommers try to make the forums/games go on as the older and wiser players quit and I always try to keep the propper tone if possible (ofcourse u get frustrated if u die near lvl up because soemone pulls when the healer if AFK)

Wel to the point dont quit the game, remember u are one of the "good old guys" in my book anyway.

Just a thought from the noob, bashing around with his lvl 29 paladin.

Btw. I have been helped alot and I intend to help others when I get a bit higher, even though I have already powerleveled some peops.


Jo Kralen don't go m8. We just need to do some more alliance trips :) Those are loads of fun :)


well some albs need to be insulted before they realise they are playing dumb. not only the new RvR players but also some that think they are smart enough and don't need to listen etc.

well i'm not gonna start again about this . I hope this belongs to the past, the last few days alot albs listened to me or another RvRleader and i'm proud what we have realized with it.

albs just own when they are organised =)


Nah, yer not allowed to go. I remember all the times Nibbler rezzed me ages and ages ago as Kerulsene and the short times we levelled together with newbie chars.

Take my advice....

This realm is full of people who want to lead and those who want to be lead. If you look at the forums, it's the same 4/5 people every time who slag each other off. Since you're about the only one who doesn't poo-poo every idea that comes along, I have high regard for you. I'll still always give ya a wave if I see ya :D


Definately NOT!

Dont leave the game because of a few egotistical geeks, who hold questionable social skills.

I agree completely with your points made , in the "dont call people noobs" post.

I find it deeply offensive to see how many people in this game get a really concerning mental attitude towards other people.

Calling people "noobs, etc etc" is really not a positive thing and fuels only anger or frustration and makes it less likely that the target of this abuse will do anything to try improve.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and new people should be encouraged NOT beasted.

In particular, no names named. The people who make comments like "well there were less noobs yesterday, cos more people listened to me" smacks of a social problem, and an inability to be a true leader.

A true leader does the following:

leads clearly
Does not discriminate
Takes Responsbility for the team as a whole
Learns from mistakes,
Communicates Clearly
Encourages and Appraises / Debriefs individuals whether they do well or badly.

At the moment, what I am seeing is poor leadership, no encouragement , responsibility , real offensive behaviour, arrogance, etc etc

in short I feel that just because someone has 18hrs a day to play this game and maybe a problem with social skills, this is only damaging too.

IN SHORT -- KRALEN DONT LEAVE BECAUSE OF A FEW INDIVIDUALS, DONT JOIN THEM OR ENCOURAGE THEM. The TRUE good leaders are out there and with time I hope that albion will change.


Nah don't leave mate. Allthough I feel/felt the same, I still think this game (but mostly the nice people in it) has enough to offer to keep it interesting. Like Khalen said, we need more alliance trips ;). Will work on that when I get back from my break :p.


If i may quote.. some.. famous dude...:
Don't let the bastards get you down.


albs DO own when they are organized, but doesnt happen allot, and some of the "better" RvR classes seem to roam when hibs/mids arent found emidiatly.


Originally posted by Aussie-
well some albs need to be insulted before they realise they are playing dumb. not only the new RvR players but also some that think they are smart enough and don't need to listen etc.

well i'm not gonna start again about this . I hope this belongs to the past, the last few days alot albs listened to me or another RvRleader and i'm proud what we have realized with it.

albs just own when they are organised =)


Originally posted by stupidshady
albs DO own when they are organized, but doesnt happen allot, and some of the "better" RvR classes seem to roam when hibs/mids arent found emidiatly.

and that too. Please read post. Ty.



You can't leave m8 I remember meeting you and the other original DP members on day 1 of this game when we formed the guild. You can't leave I have known you too long for that! :)

Now kill some Elves - always makes me feel better :)


I know what you mean kralen, attitudes can get you down and all it takes is a string of bad encounters to make you logoff.

It is worth persevering with though.. theres loads and loads of brilliant people playing this game. By that I mean people who play for social reasons and want nothing more than to enjoy themselves in the company of friends.

I take breaks every now and again (hence level 47) but I keep coming back and its purely down to the friends I've met since I started playing.

I'd say the best bet when you're on a downer is contact one of the people you see posting well (i.e. in line with your attitudes) on these forums and have a chat and maybe organise some kind of enjoyable mishief. You'll certainly always be welcome in my part of the realm :)

Chin up fella :)


/em Points Mid Prywden

i think a lot of albs go there to have a break... cant count how many albs i have meet there..


Well Kralen, if you *want* to leave, then by all means, pack it in and find something you feel is worthwhile, but if you don't want to leave and only feel that you should cuz ppl suck then don't go. In my experiance the losers and assholes who flame all the time don't stick around forever(well, except a select few, and that's what /ignore is for :clap:

Oh and...

well some albs need to be insulted before they realise they are playing dumb. not only the new RvR players but also some that think they are smart enough and don't need to listen etc.

You really can't truely and honestly believe that people *need* to be insulted, in any situation do you? Hmm, in the past I've always just laughed when Aussie shoved his foot in his mouth. This time, I only feel pity for him. What a terrible way to have to live, thinking people need to be abused.


Originally posted by old.Filip
/em Points Mid Prywden

i think a lot of albs go there to have a break... cant count how many albs i have meet there..

ditto :)



Kralen my main Sorcerer man you can not under any surcomstanses (or how it´s spelled) leave the game, please mate take no head to these people and remember as DaoC grows more kinds of people will come to, even idiots I´m afraid.:)
We´ll just have to try and set a good example for them, and hopefully sometime they will understand.:)
And besides if you leave how will I ever be able to do my 50 epic without you.:) (if I ever get there that is.:p)

<Dark Prophecy>
Elvodus Firestorm-45.1 Firewizard
Whos Yourdaddy-4 Mage (will be Sorc)

"Rememer my name, as you will scream it going up in flames"


Naw, don't leave please. We loose too many of the good guys (and girls) because there are a few that treat others unfair or just say/do stuff that would be best to ignore.

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