Shadowzerker help




I have a question for my shadowzerker.

I use left axe styles only.

My question is what will my dps and spd be on my left axe and right hand axe to do most damage. I heard that spd should be high on your use hand and as low as possible on offhand.
I wonder if my right or left hand is the off hand in left axe styles...

Can somebody clear out this for me, would really appriciate it.


Main hand aka Right hand
Off Hand aka Left hand

Slowest Main hand Axe/Sword
Fastest Off hand Axe


A SZ will befit from both weapon being fast, thus increasing your chance of doing more Comeback – Frosty Gaze (stun) combos. This is slightly different than a Zerker who will evade much less, thus benefiting more from slow main and fast off hand axe


Style damage is calculated fromt he Right/Main hand weapon ONLY so its better to have the slowest weapon in your right hand to maximise style damage, and a fast weapon in the off hand to reduce the average weapon delay.


a SZ wields a 4.0 Sec Delay Right hand axe, all style damage calculated with 4.0 as delay factor.

he/she also wields a 2.2 sec Off/Left hand axe and so his average weapon delay is (4.0+2.2)/2 = 3.1 Seconds.

Thus the SZ deals styled damage equal to a 4.0 speed weapon but swings both weapons together every 3.1 seconds, thus saving 0.9 seconds in time between swings.

The ONLY downside to doing this is that base Off/Keft hand damage for a very fast left axe is less. BUT considering the Style damage bonus for a slower weap outweighs this, its still better to do 1 Sloooooow 1 Faaaaaaaast axe compared to to equally medium or equally slow axes or even 2 equally fast axes.

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