Shadowzerk or Crit?



I'd like to know which spec you guys think is best for a shadowblade, to help me spec mine which is lvl 32 so far :D

Atm I'm thinking of either:

- 44 LA 44 axe 35 stealth 35 env (pure zerk)
- 44 LA 44 axe 35 stealth 34 env 11 cs (for backstab CS)
- 44 LA 41 axe 34 stealth 34 env 21 cs (for PA)

... or thereabouts.

What do you guys think? Any other different spec suggestions welcome, and ofc comments on the above templates are most appreciated.



There is no "Best" SB spec. I can tell you that, in my opinion, of those you've listed the second one is best. Most Shadowzerks will have 10 CS as far as I know. PA will be nothing special with only 21 CS.
There are 4 general SB specs; Critblade, Shadowzerk, 5 spec, and soulblade (I don't make the names ;)).

CB = high CS, high wep, no LA
SZ = high LA, high wep, 10CS at most
Soul = high LA, high wep, 34 cs, no env
5 spec = all around mid level.

Which one is "best" for you I can't say, if you're only considering those above, go with the second :)


Ok thx for the advice - I see ur a lvl 50 SB, may I ask ur spec? And the bad points / good points you find about your spec?


Best spec imo is autotrain stealth to lvl 24 then go for:
39 LA 35 Axe 35 stealth 34 CS 35 envenom


Originally posted by Arakasi01
Best spec imo is autotrain stealth to lvl 24 then go for:
39 LA 35 Axe 35 stealth 34 CS 35 envenom

God dammit, lvl your friar now and come play with me ;)


i'm 5-spec myself and love it..

my spec is:

39 left axe
39 axe
34 stealth
34 crit strike
33 envenom


I dont like my friar, i actually have to heal people :p


pfft, i didnt even have to heal ppl with my cleric :)

But tbh, maybe some want u to heal some but all knows that in rvsr u wont heal anything, instead u will be fighting with your little stick :)


I am a 5spec (similar to Xarr, although slightly less env, more axe).
Pros: Can PA if I want to, and can melee ok if I need to. Melee better than a critblade, and can kill quicker than a Shadowzerk in the right situations (PA).
Cons: Critblades will PA for more, and shadowzerks will melee for more.
5 specs and soulblades have versitility, just depends on how you want to play. :)


persnally id either go FULL crit(know it aint uber, but THATS the way assassins should be) or full sz


critblade is still a nasty fight but you have to land your perf. SZ doesn't even need to land a back-positional.... The general attitude of SBs seems to be "why make myself be reliant on landing a positional style when i can just run around using only my anytime and win a lot of the time?" sadly... hence nearly no CBs and nearly all SZ's D:


The anytime that you can only use 5 times if you're lucky? Most LA shadowblades will be using positionals and reactionaries. Oh, but they are shadowblades and will therefore be pushing less buttons than their albion counterparts!!1 And every single one has a buffbot!!1

To the original poster; you can't go wrong with whatever spec you choose. But be prepared for whining people who are prepared to argue regardless of how much experience/knowledge they have in the subject. Like adolescents I suppose. :rolleyes:

Arnor has a point with not wanting to dilute the specs too much, which is why I went with higher axe. Would be nice if we had a test server with respecs as I would like to try the critblade spec, think I would enjoy it. Having said that, any spec is fine so long as you recognise any limitations in them. :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
critblade is still a nasty fight but you have to land your perf. SZ doesn't even need to land a back-positional.... The general attitude of SBs seems to be "why make myself be reliant on landing a positional style when i can just run around using only my anytime and win a lot of the time?" sadly... hence nearly no CBs and nearly all SZ's D:

sad but true....

awaits the time when all the 5-specs&cb's dissappear for the "uber" shadowZERKER so ppl here too can cry for nerfs :rolleyes:


Thx for all the useful info.

I was thinking about going 21 CS and the rest as in my original post, but then I wondered, is it worth going for PA without the followup styles? And also, if I went 21 cs would using BS2 (followed by the LA styles that start from behind) do more dmg than it would if I left CS at lvl 10?

BTW: Salamujaaha <sp> / Gedan / Jox / Evull -
If any of you read this page can u either post ur specs on here or PM me with them and any comments? Cause I know u do pretty damn nice dmg :)



Im CRITBLADE spec is...

50 axe
44 CS
30 envenom
cant remember what stealth

But all i can say is i love my critblade yesterday Pa some lvl 50 friar for...... 980 damage+ 456 crit he didnt get back up

did the same on a cleric 30mins after but like always you get good days and bad days but i wont be respecing to the SZ or 5 spec there just so boring i might aswell roll a troll zerk.

currently rr7 with mop 5 so that adds some stuff :)

Aada lvl 50 shadowblade


there's a new trend on the US servers amongst the sb's. they call the spec 'pure critblade' and spec cs and weapon up to 50. could be an interesting spec... :)


SZ myself. and am starting to hate it more and more since SC went live.

the dmg isnt much better than the average 5 spec. 39/39 template.

and for those times you need to kill quick.. you can`t.

will be respeccing to soulblade soon ish i hope

44 sword
34 stealth
34 Cs
39 LA
23 Evenom prolly

might drop envenom and raise CS more though.


5 spec r teh own! :D

iam five spec and i can solo rr6 champs, iam rr5, taken rr6 champs without being hit recently now ive got spellcrafted armour. only things i can't solo are infs if they PA really.

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