After witnessing Azal wipe our whole caster force on saturday at Benowyc (and silently laughing at casters who always sit in the very same place only waiting to be killed again ), I decided to roll a kobold shadowblade on Stonehenge (german server). Now I am wondering how to spec and thought I might as well ask the experts. I'm sure this has been asked before, but please bear with me .
So here I go:
Critblade? Shadowzerker? Huh? I have seen templates with high sword and some left-axe spec - what is the point of that? I personally like the look of the big badass sword, so I'd like to train sword a lot and do major damage with a 2-handed weapon. Could someone let me in about the general concepts of shadowblades and give me a few hints on how to spec? A few short tips on nice training grounds are also welcome. Thank you very much in advance.
So here I go:
Critblade? Shadowzerker? Huh? I have seen templates with high sword and some left-axe spec - what is the point of that? I personally like the look of the big badass sword, so I'd like to train sword a lot and do major damage with a 2-handed weapon. Could someone let me in about the general concepts of shadowblades and give me a few hints on how to spec? A few short tips on nice training grounds are also welcome. Thank you very much in advance.