Shadowbane / Ubisoft shat on their legs..



Been thinking of trying shadowbane recently, but I'm a sceptic to the last minute, been looking at the screenshots from the game and followed the development of the game, I've kidna decided that I was willing to give it a try.

untill I read this little post on

Now, imagine our surprise when we saw the latest marketing campaign by Ubi Soft for Shadowbane. Alongside the hip logo of “Mercilessly Multiplayer” was a description for a contest where fans could win prizes from Ubi Soft if they just went onto the forums of their competitors and posted articles saying how “Superior” Shadowbane was to all else. To prove you did it, you would have to cut/paste the text of what you wrote and send it to Ubi Soft’s marketing department to be entered to win.

That was the last drop that made me forget that I've even had thougth about starting to play SB.. marketing campaigns like that is almost worthy of a lawsuit, and totally unethical.
So, in my opinion if some of these threads hit the daoc forums please PLEASE delete them asap...

:puke: Ubisoft


There are four restricted races in Shadowbane. The aracroix (birdmen that can fly), the centaur (half man/half horse), the minotaur (man/ox-thingy) and something else that I forgot. If you want to play such a character in retail, you have to preorder the game now at a few online stores, and then you get a code with which you can unlock those races. Very lame if you ask me.


"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -- I. Asimov.
Aw come on... give the quote back to Mayor Hardin (spell ?)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hahaha... wow - marketing at its worst.

Now where are all the "I will leave DAoC for SB as soon as it's out" whiners from the old boards?

And I bet SW:G will be just as shitty as SB.:D
*is in constant DAoC fanboi mode*

Edit: Ok - just had a look at the SB forums... it's like the Ekscaliber boards² (pwns, r0xx0rz etc. crapcetera - oh, yes, this one is a gem: "Vosx pwns Sanya" ... whatever that means. It's in about every third post there. "Vosx pwns Sanya"... fucks sake..).
I shall stay in lovely Hibernia on lovely Prydwen.

- Pathfinder -

Sanya is Mythic's main CSR (ie she posts crap on their website :p).


Well all the marketing crap is handled by Ubisoft, but for us its Swing, and they asked the forum users if they wanted the preorder thing so u can have the other races from start, and every one said no, so they are not going to do that.

j000 d000d

rofl :puke: :puke: :puke:

I'm never gonna buy Shadowbane.



hmm guess i grats you with 4x Teador

Only thing i will try is WoW.
Bliz makes Ubergames.
Only problem is the hacking. Thats what killed D2
Ubi only makes sh1tty games so no SB for me
SWG might be good. i'll give it a change



Bah to SB... naff orf SWG... what we need is:

Oh yes, this is what we really crave... up up and away dear forumites, wave goodbye to the mud spattered trails and tracks of Midgard, the leafy suburbs of Hibernia and the Urbane :) Sprawl that is indeed Campalot... head dear adventurers to the sprawling crime infested streets of Paragon City :)

Oh yes, I kid you not, this WILL be the killer game of 2003 and beyond!!

Go go gadget trousers!

P.S. WoW looks kind of good too :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Well I have seen Shadowbane in action, from the latest beta build. And simply to say the game is not closely as good I was hoping for. Sure the game system there are not anything wrong with. But when it comes to the game engine or character models i would not give this game a chance.

There are some big problems in the game, that I would not think they are going to get fixed any time soon. You can only play the game from third person perspective, and you can just move around diablo style clicking. One of the biggest problems this gives is that it's nearly impossible to get in and out of buildings, wish have resulted in that all Vendors are either outside or on the roofs. Other big problems is that the player models are ugly, and im for one dont like any of them. Take the dwarfs for an example they look more like old egyptian gods, that are very bad modeld. The in game graphics looks like something that predates even Everquest.

I have been able to spend over two month with this game, but I have just played it maybe 4 hours. Becaus of all problems and the ugly graphics. They have been successful in one thing and that is the gaming system, the level system are good. And also its some nice features like that you cannot swim wearing your full armour and stuff like that.

But over all I will not be playing this game.


i'm gonna give shadowbane a shot when open beta hit the streets...

old.Trine Aquavit

Latest news on SB is that they're extending the beta (again), so the game won't go retail until early 2003.

Hmmm, I wonder why SB got itself a rep as vapourware? Could it be that it's had the world's longest ever beta test.

In my eyes, SB has one thing (and pretty much only one thing) going for it - player built cities (and subsequent sieges). It's the best mechanism for large-scale PvP that anyone's come up with so far, but unless it's well implemented I fear the game will fail.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Yeah the mentality of lot of people there scare me, at least I will be able to kill them though ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Dannyn

After about 4 posts the entire contents appears to be posts of:
"Vosx pwns Sanya" or similar.
LOL :p

On BW, it's: "Dannyn pwns n3wbie" .... uhm... or similar.



Danyan = n3wbie, unless I am mistaken. One of the last SotL to reach 50....tut tut Danyan, you've been slacking....


Originally posted by Vell
Danyan = n3wbie, unless I am mistaken. One of the last SotL to reach 50....tut tut Danyan, you've been slacking....
You are very mistaken. I'm definitely NOT n3wbie.
And there are still sotl below 50 so I'm not the last, though later than most. ;)


So according to some weird logic what defines a leet is the spped with which he/she powerlevels, and the other way round



couldnt be bothered to read this post but thats a dam good marketing campaign.... Just showing that marketing is as cut throat as PvP is a good way to sell it.


Re: ...

Originally posted by Venemous
couldnt be bothered to read this post but thats a dam good marketing campaign.... Just showing that marketing is as cut throat as PvP is a good way to sell it.

Nah its more of a "biased publicity" attempt rather than marketing as such :)

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