Shadowbane by Ubisoft



Just created this thread to see who IS going to be playing SB. Shadowbane is now in closed beta testing, allegedly the release is planned for end of October - first week of November.

Hompage if it wasnt moved :

< but i recon they moved it to one of Ubisoft pages >

PS: If you think SB is a lame game please state your reasons, since im personally not sure yet, but wanna try it out.


I am and I am so going to be an assasin.

It looks good although I'm unsure I'll stop playing DAoC until SW:G comes out.

I'm currently having a go at Anarchy Online and that's okay as well.


I played AO for about 3 weeks and thought it lacked detail and content to be honest..besides, pardon my racist comment but Europeans tend to be more mature generally, and since AO is mainly populated by US players....., and it doesnt have the same appeal as DaoC.


Damn, Shadowbane actually looks quite good. As soon as they pretty things up by adding ground detail etc. it should turn quite a few heads.

I think they'll hope to get it out before SW:G to be honest, so it should fill a void before christmas time.


You got a class/race all sorted and picked out yet Cerebus ?

Im thinking of following the path of a stabber.... but right now facing real lack of related information to be sure though.


The Assassin, Harbinger of Death

Base Class: Mage and Rogue
Races Available: Aelfborn, Aracoix, Elf, Human, Irekei, and Shade

Preferred Guild Type: Thieves' Band

Disciplines Available*: Alchemist, Animator, Archer, Black Mask, Blade Weaver, Bounty Hunter, Duelist, Huntsman, Rat Catcher, Sorcerer, Summoner, Sun Dancer, Traveller, Undead Hunter, Wererat, Wyrmslayer

Primary Attributes: Dexterity and Intelligence

Weapon Specializations
As Mage: None
As Rogue: Dagger

Exalted Powers: Disguise, Invisibility, Passwall, Poison Blade


It's impossible to say what the hell all this means but it looks fun.


Yup thats pretty much all the info they have so far.. sure hope something else comes out.... oh well if it does let me down ill start a business <prolly mining or something> in SW:G

But have very high hopes for SB.

If u reading this Ubi.... gonnae nae let me down , you hear...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Will there be an open beta - like there was with DAoC?


Think so.... but i aint sure when. You can try the site and sign up for it now though, but, the way i see it, the chances to participate in closed beta are slim. At least for me that is. Open one... well if they reply to you, after processing your application, then yeah. Right now they are closed beta testing though 'with small number of outside testers involved '.


hehe i think sb looks coyea but i wanna start with a load of my mates from here so its even better..whata re the bad thigns about sb and how is it better than daoc?


We should get a guild started and make a town on the day of release. That'd be cool and I'm sure we could get a fair few numbers from here to give it a go.

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