Games Shades of Truth


Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2012
Hey there all. I've been looking about to reach out to some of the Roleplaying community to see if some would have some interest in trying out a free RPG game. This is completely free and nothing you have to put out but time to play.

I'm not affiliated with the game makers/runners in anyway other than being an avid player for fifteen years almost now and having been with the game through it's first incarnation and this one.

It's an old game though so if Graphics are a dealbreaker for you, this one wouldn't probably interest you as they are Pixel based graphics but are quite excellent for being that. I'm not going to pimp this too much because I dont want to be too pushy. It's simply a well crafted game "even if behind the times in graphics" It's something that tabletop players would probably enjoy alot. Tons of Roleplaying, there is a fighting system in place for combat as well as an advancement system that isn't hack and slash.

It's a tight knit community but we suffer very much from a small player base because of the "Flashier" and "Newer" RPGs. I've tried them all but always have come back to this one because of it's true roleplaying. Modeling a character and running it. This won't appeal to everyone but I really hope it appeals to some. Even just a few being willing to try it out, would cause a stir in the game community. It is completely in character gameplay. We don't do outside world conversation. It's emersive and addictive to a big extent.

Hope this garners some interest and hope this is the right place to post about it! :)

It's a Fantasy MMO about awakening into a collective conciousness known as "The Dream"

Thus alot of the activities, actions and things within it are explained as being part of this Dream and anything can happen because it's a Dream. There are Political entities and Factions, GM Support is extremely high. The only thing it needs are avid Roleplayers and I am hoping some may wish to try.

Home site is

I also would be more than willing to help anyone that was interested.
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Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2012
I wish I knew where more videos were. That's the original game. A different managing team took it over (Though not the exact same server). They've been running it since.

It's a full RP world. Not a browser but an actual game. It's not a hack and slash advancement game. You advance through performing quests and jobs within the "City of Underlight" but it's totally player driven. I am not very good at technically describing graphics but it's 2D pixel based graphics. They are very good for what they are.

Yes it's free to play. The original Underlight was Pay to play but this one is completely free with no charges at all.

You have your own "Pack" to hold any items you want. Limit is I think 75. Weapons, restoring elements, shields. Every player "Known as Dreamers in game" have their own personal vault too.

Dreamers can give items to one another, make transactions. There are political entities and factions within the game. Player driven and created.

The entire game world is player driven except for automated generated items which appear in various specific locations in game.

Now the downside is the graphics and due to the player base being diminished due to being a much older game and little promotion. The player base is mostly found on at night around 9 pm to 2 am Eastern time. The GMT is done off of Pacific time.

The game world is completely in character. We dont discuss or have knowledge of the outside world. We usually construct unique backstories for our own "shard" which is the in game term for our Waking world. Where we go to bed at night and then come to the city when we fall "asleep"

There is a learning curve with the game but every single player is happy to help anyone that is new. There is a Library in the game that helps new players "We call them Newly Awakened" and guides them with information that covers the basics.

The GM team supports us very heavily and are involved in alot of the bigger RP's. Unlike other games where they are just in a "Moderation" role. They help advance storylines actively, they create adversaries for us when we dont have ones to balance against or even when we do.

It's an extremely unique game and I love it and hope maybe even one person might try it and love it too :)

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