several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA



Mythic is a strange developer. i hardly think they playing them self.
in the beginning the game was fine . balanced over time this has been patched to the worse.

onely that ministrels got all the abilities they have is a joke.
infils got more points than SB / NS to put out on skills.
ok lol.

hib/mid get nerferd. and alb get boosted once again.

to have this kind of game. all classes need to be equal to each other in each realm. if one class is to diffrent. itt will be eather overpwrd. or totaly nerfed. just look at fotm. Savages in midgard for an example. totaly overpwrd. well then so is mercs.

Dirty tricks... whats that for a lool 50% miss rate on him.

Every class mid/hib has. Alb got one that is better.
all u need to do is look. even casters in alb got more AF than most classes in mid.!!! WHY!?

ok. but thats not all.
il bet rambo gonna cry now.
in TOA. caster shall be given a new abilitie.
casters can put out a form of thing that shows stealhtes in a large range. and u can totaly put out 3 objects of this sort.

well they totaly ruined SB/Zerks. and now its gonna come to that. they gonna ruin all stealth classes aswell.

well tim e to stop wajn.
if somehitngs dont change soon. im gonna stop playing.
tho i payed for 2 month more. so. but after that i gonna totaly stop.


PS: if u ever see a zerk .. cheer them.
they need all credit.


I thought he was going to have a balenced, well thought point of view when he did move on to the Savages, but don't be fooled! It's just another comment claiming that Albion is the be all and end of all of the game.

Try playing serriously in the other realms for a bit so you can get a clear perception, and hopefully your biased opinions on Albion will decrease.


chain mail armor, insta ae stun / insta ae mez...

group purge...

tell me again which alb classes are the best?


gawd... the game was _not_ balanced in the beginning n00b. Stealthers oneshotted ppl from stealth and remained stealthed, tanks was _worthless_ since all they did was standing around like goons when mezzed constantly, people was chainstunned (fun!) etc etc etc..

get the foot outta yer mouth or something dude.


Originally posted by lepra

Every class mid/hib has. Alb got one that is better.
all u need to do is look. even casters in alb got more AF than most classes in mid.!!! WHY!?

I`ve looked, all I can see is that infils are the best assassins, nothing more, nothing less, you are the melee realm,you have the savage (enough said). Why whinge when another realm has got the best assassin?, hibs are the magic realm, yet you imho have the 2 best casters in the game atm, in Sm`s & Bds.

SM`s intercepting pets against a wizzies????
Bd`s insta life tap, and zerg pets against a necros?????
A tank with self buffs, yet not on the hybrid table.
Healers multi abilites against those of a cleric.

All this from * the underdog realm*, you don`t rvr much do you?
Realms have never been as unbalanced, as they are now i`ll agree with you there, but I dont think it should be a mid here complaining about that.
Just my 2 cents.


Originally posted by freeq
chain mail armor, insta ae stun / insta ae mez...

group purge...

tell me again which alb classes are the best?

if u know how to play all class all realms r the best.


Originally posted by carleone
if u know how to play all class all realms r the best.

atm in 1.62 mids kinda have an edge with the silly amount of damage savages can dish out tho I believe 1.65 will adjust it to be pretty ok.


New thread, same whines.

Two things:
1) People always think their realm is the most hard done by, and that the others need to be nerfed.
2) After playing other games recently, this game is pretty well balanced in comparison.

Tafaya Anathas

dear lepra, just take a look at average RP-s, average LWRP-s, and after that write stupid things.


Forget rps and rvr who cares about that! What really gets my goat is take a tour around Camelot then go compare with Tir-na-Nog.

I do not think there can be much dispute which capital city got all the love and which got the cookie cutter square rooms with trainers.

Jordheim seems somewhat imbetween, slightly more attention to detail than TNN but they devs were obviously beginning to get tired at this point or the deadline was looming and they hadn't even begun TNN...



more cheese less whine please

Lepra is clueless and no chars in sig is kinda :m00: when you post crap like this


I have played all 3 realms, and all got some nice classes. Sorcerer and Cabalist are extremly fun classes too play in rvr. As for Hib, chanter and bard are 2 great classes. And not too mention the mid healers and shammys who can be considerd the 2 best classes in the whole game.

I think many new players in this game have a tendensy too blame population unbalance with nerf crys. yes there is more albion subscribers than mid/hib's but I dont think albion should be nerfed because of it. A population limiter in % vs other realms would be nice though.


As a Mid I would say Albs are weakest with Hibs and Mids about the same strength. Ofc there are some good classes in each realm but on the whole I think this relative realm strength holds true. Given the numerical advantage of Albs on most servers I think the balance is about right. Up Mids and Hibs str and individual Alb players will rightly whine, decrease Mid/Hib strength and Albs will dominate so Mid/Hibs will whine.

The game is hugely complicated and can never be perfectly balanced. Over powered classes come along and get nerfed eventually (as savages are going to be). It just takes time to properly evaluate. On the whole the game works.


Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by maxgirth
yet you imho have the 2 best casters in the game atm, in Sm`s & Bds.

Haha are you serious? BDs one of the best casters in the game? As a caster class we're one of the worst, hence we NEVER get RvR groups. Do well solo, suck in a group.

Just that people are stuck with the statement that "If you are a solo oriented class you MUST have stealth". Well BDs are a solo oriented class, without stealth.

Cheers ;)


about the stealth....
seams like it works to use +50 stealth, tho that dont gain us stealthers couse we have to use our points in that, but... with +50 stealth it will work kinda like its always have, thats what ive read.
Its worse for new stealthers with less then 50 stealth.

and btw... a ml that hide us better

best thing is to wait and see:)


We've not even got the add-on yet and there's already whines saying "i'm leaving when this comes" ffs! Try it first!!!


Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon
I thought he was going to have a balenced, well thought point of view when he did move on to the Savages, but don't be fooled! It's just another comment claiming that Albion is the be all and end of all of the game.

Try playing serriously in the other realms for a bit so you can get a clear perception, and hopefully your biased opinions on Albion will decrease.

What he said, couldnt say it better myself.
If you wanna quit a game cuz you rather listen to BW whine
then actually try it out for urself, ur loss.


Re: Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by tradoss
Haha are you serious? BDs one of the best casters in the game? As a caster class we're one of the worst, hence we NEVER get RvR groups. Do well solo, suck in a group.

Just that people are stuck with the statement that "If you are a solo oriented class you MUST have stealth". Well BDs are a solo oriented class, without stealth.

Cheers ;)

Stealthers aside, how many chars get a result 1v1 against a BD?


Re: Re: Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by maxgirth
Stealthers aside, how many chars get a result 1v1 against a BD?

I would guess "bolt" style mages would do quite well :)


Mercs overpowered :D Nice,tell that to my mercenary. DT is nothing good unless you solo where it's pretty nice,on fg vs fg it's totally useless as you cant DT all tanks fast enought and you have to switch targets all the time. Would rather have dmg add like BM than DT.


Re: Re: Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by maxgirth
Stealthers aside, how many chars get a result 1v1 against a BD?

Stealthers included. They're a nightmare 1 v 1 regardless of class.

PAed on for 600 damage + 100 offhand, with disease on the blade too. He was back to 100% before I could get the 2nd hit in.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by Faeldawn
I would guess "bolt" style mages would do quite well :)

Bolt style mages don't do well when the guy has 2 healers :)

Level 35 vs Level 35 ..

Earth bolt hit, unspecced fire bolt did not embarass me that much either ... the guy was close to dieing and back up feeling like amillion faster than i could be interrupted by his lifetaps :)

he went on to melee me :D ..

would have loved to see the expression on my char's face .. :p
Maybe 2 specced firebolts do the trick


Originally posted by Zortun
Forget rps and rvr who cares about that! What really gets my goat is take a tour around Camelot then go compare with Tir-na-Nog.

Good god yes -- the design in Alb is so much better it isn't even funny. It's just painfully obvious which realm has a pseudohistorical basis, which one has a mythological one, and which was slapped together late Sunday evening while hungover and T = -3 h to deadline. Camelot has catacombs, for chrissakes ... TNN doesn't even have furniture in most houses.

This is the wrong thread for this rant, though. Carry on.


Re: Re: Re: several resons why i gonna stop play at TOA

Originally posted by tradoss
Haha are you serious? BDs one of the best casters in the game? As a caster class we're one of the worst, hence we NEVER get RvR groups. Do well solo, suck in a group.

Just that people are stuck with the statement that "If you are a solo oriented class you MUST have stealth". Well BDs are a solo oriented class, without stealth.

Cheers ;)

Mill is doing fine in everlast group


1.6x killed the game, why are you still playing anyhow?


Owned by a mincer ? :p

Albion is NOT an overpowered realm...

Play before you whine :p


Dont forget Thane`s they are really "under powered" :(

Moore OR some power to us plz. ;)

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