Seta Thidranki Bridge Bug Abuser



pull ur realm mates into line or is usin bugs the ALB way
how sad when a lvl 24 has to use bridge bug to kill lvl 20's
Seta grow some balls u muppet
i hope u get reported and banned as we can do without idiots like u
to the rest of alb we deal with our cheaters u deal with urs


Need screenie and name of char, that u post to customer service.



People use the bridge bug in thid all the time,

My friar had to kill a fg by herself because the other albs diddnt understand where the mids where


the ALB way, ok.
Posting like a prat must be the mid way like yourself doesn't get you anywhere, i'm sure people will agree with me when I say we dislike cheaters weither they're alb/hib or mid.
Get a bit of common sense and sort it with goa instead of posting your babble here.


Yeah, no point coming onto forums crying your eyes out.. report the details to GOA

Name, Date, Time, Area, Server, Realm you play, Realm of abuser, name of witnesses and screenshots... then send them to GOA if its true and he was abusing they will warn him and flag his account as a bug abuser for 6 weeks i think it is.. and if he does it again while he is still flagged on any bug he was reported for then he will have his account banned for 7 days or less... and when he comes back and does it again he will be banned forever....

And just a personnal note, you come in here flaming about Albions cheating using the bugs.... everyone in every realm does yes we all hate cheaters and i would love to cut of there fingers 1 by 1, but i can't cos that would be GBH and a jail sentence for me..

But from what i've seen in my time playing Midgards are the worst from using this bug in Thidranki, then its the Albions.. and i have to say i never have seen that may Hiberians use the bug.. cos they very rarely go into Thidranki

But just do what i said send in that infomation to GOA send the log file is you logged the chat between you and your friends cos it will contain the dmg one to you and the people around bythe abuser..

Cheater should have there balls removed there hand cut off, then get raped by 2 massive dogs then have there stomach cut open and have there inside spill out (while trying to keep them alive to feel every bit of pain) but i can't say the rest cos you may have nightmares if you read on... Cheaters = scum, that have no life, no friends in the age between 13 to 25 glasses, spotting faces, were bullied as childs.. oops i'm looking in the mirror again hehehe... Just hope Mythic would fix these bugs that they;ve known about for so long.. then these Battleground would be alot more fun to play in...

there i've had my say

Bye Bye time to make a Ranger =)

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