


Just a question to BW,I wonder if youve ever considered(or plan to consider) providing rentable clan servers?
My clans currently got one provided by jolt but it aint really much cop..tends to not like having 16 players on it lol.
Im sure theres an awful lot fo clans around(tfc q3 ut etc) who'd be prepared to fork out to have a server provided by someone as good as BW..especially as u only seem to supply bookable q2 servers(correct me if im wrong lol)




Oooh, what timing.....
Yes, Private Clan servers that will run upto 3 mods (so you can dick around like we do ;) are nearly ready and DrChris will be blabbing on about them in the next couple of days or so.
Yes, they'll be our first "Your gonna have to fuckin pay BW for it and we're gonna have to fuckin support it" type service.
Scary shit huh ;)

So, if you wanna TFC and CS and HLDM private server (fuck knows why you'd want the latter and of course, I havent asked Chris if thats actually possible, but it should be from what I know of it all) all in one, you know where to watch (er, thats BarrysWorld news pages if you dont know where to watch ;) )

I could be a marketing geek anytime, I just have to stop swearing and lie. Could this mean .... promotion?!?!?

/me lies down to recover


Oooo nice one,Any ideas on pricing? And would they be up to the standard of your current tfc servers...Cos most rentable servers are to be quite honest a pile of shit.
The ~A~ server from Games world used to be amazing now its laggy as hell,It seems nowadays only truly decent tfc servers are BW,particulalarly the bwtfcl ones :)..Could be expect a similiar quality? ;p




Just one more thing :D.....One of the major factors in choosing a server is the amount of time your contracted to GwN have 6 month minimum contracts....JOLT use 3 month contracts.
BC have been around for well over a year now but for us and im sure many others 6 months can be a long time in the life of a clan and indeed an online game,So if and when you do start supplying rentable servers i hope you'll offer 3 month contracts as well :)




Ted man, thing about what your saying! If you wanna be a marketing dude you have to...

a) "become" a suit dude with all the anal retentivness that implies..

b) attempt to shag at least half the women that work in the office, preferably over the photocopier

c) drive an Audi

ffs, you really want promotion THAT bad?

P.S. OMG a rentable BW server .... /me sees the =BC= BW server being as busy as that fabled whore in a one whore town :)


Any idea on the initial numbers of server?
I know of a fair few interested clans including my own (BC, SLH, 848 among the others- all top clans), and most probably there are many more...
Also- wotever happens please do NOT put loads of ports to a few servers, GW did this and now everyone hates them- nearly all clans would be MUCH more willing to pay a higher price than have a less than usual quality (ie. league and public servers quality)

umm.... rest is v cool :D

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