servers - up & down more often than an umbrella in Manchester



Well I did want to put something else, but I'd be kicked off the forums..:)

OK, time to rant, who's had enough of the damn servers never working properly. We pay good money, in fact, they get over £100,000 a month from european subscriptions. We should have servers capable of working properly. :(

I think its time we got a months free subs for the agro caused. :clap:

Yours most fed up of this stinking games performance rates.:mad:
Lvl 43 Paladin


well, i dont think you cant do any "maintenance" without bringing em down... whatever "maintenance" means ;-)


As far as I can tell they are trying to fix the lag problems, personally having server down for an hour and coming back lag free (well we can dream) is well worth it.


Come on guys, they're just doing thier jobs. At least you get a warning, and I've never seen it down for more than 20 or 30 min before. Geez, if I were the matienance guys for this game and I read this forum, I'd take the server down for *fixing* and leave it there to the apologies started rolling in :p Have some patience, it's not like they are trying to ruin anyones fun. and it's not like they do it at 8 pm when most people are on, they try to do it when the server is least full.


She has a point, personally i'd much rather they took it down for even an hour or so in the morning when the servers are virtually empty anyway so that we can have a full nights gaming uninterrupted.

And if theres even a chance it will be more 'lag free' when they do come up its worth it.


If you read what I put, you would see I said never working properly. I agree they have to bring it down to fix problems, but the problems are mainly self inflicted in the first place. Yes it's nice to get new releases, but there must be a lack of volume testing on these servers.

I spend all day looking after web servers, and fully support the guys maintaining them, but they can only work with what they are given.


The serverdowns the last few days were to configure some network issues. After the servers were physically moved we had to do some reconfiguring. The servers came down several times in relation to this, and we will continue to work on this until the lag caused on our end is at a minimum. Hopefully that is soon.

We are ofcourse sorry for this inconvenience and will try to keep the serverdowns to the mornings where there are the least people on.


Thx Zarg, glad u could give us an update, in more detail.


See, those evil GOA guys aren't so bad...ok, so they walk on 6 legs have snake tounges and smell bad...but hey, at least they try to fix our lag!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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