Server wide event!



Got a nice letter from a man on Bors: "You had mentioned in the grab bag, about a player setting up a all realm meeting, and we want to do this on the Bors server as well. We have decided to hold this at 6pm EST Saturday April 5th. The location is at the AMG in Odins Gate. We're encouraging people to come and take screenshots, video, and get up close to poeple that they would normally try to kill, for one hour in a peaceful get together to support the troops over in iraq. We have some guildies over there, and I also have a little brother over there as well.

“On March 29th, Albion of Tristan will gather at the North Gate of Camelot for pics and video taking, starting at 4PM EST. Then at 5PM EST, we will gather at the Albion Mile Gate to gather w/ our Midgard and Hibernia server mates and have another pic/video session.”

Nice? Why don't we make that? For uber screenies! Post your comments here


"... for one hour in a peaceful get together to support the troops over in iraq."

AoE nuke the hippie mothers...


Theres a major problem with this...

It'l lead to mass bitching, some people will want to do the event. They'l go to Odins and genrally stand arround doing fuck all for an hour, during that time frame they'l probably be attacked by sombody who doesn't give a shit. Event people whine and bitch calling the 'no shit' people lamers, Lamers laugh at protesters, etc, etc...

Not that i'm saying you shouldn't do an event of some kind. Just don't expect me to participate and don't expect to recieve some kind of 'immunity' from those that couldn't give a damn and just want to play the game.

Just my opinion on it, terribly sorry if its not what you wanted to hear.


Awww, Archeon, you just broke the little archer's dream :(


Meh, my cousins fighting in Basra. He gets paid to do it. He knows I support him 100%. Can't see the point to be honest.

The whining will far outweigh any good that could come of it.


some lamer guild will turn up and ruin it.

mark my words

Teh Krypt

Imo its stupid, too many people have different views.

I think what we are doing is wrong...

Its different in America, none-americas seem to have a more open mind, not just falling for the Bush and Blair properganda..

n00b 79

fook off. this will not happen on our server, USA OUT OF IRAQ !!!

n00b 79

Originally posted by hellraisermk2
The whining will far outweigh any good that could come of it.

Get a life mofo, it dies children over there do you really think i am gonna support your cousin, no way in fooking hell


Originally posted by Squid Fanclub
Get a life mofo, it dies children over there do you really think i am gonna support your cousin, no way in fooking hell

You dumb ass FUCKWIT, he wasnt asking you to support his cousin. Try reading someones post before flaming.



See? the bitching has started already.

Does this still look like a good idea? ;)


try to keep politics and the game apart, it only brings trouble

Kharok Svark

It is said for something to remain social, you should remove Relegion, Politics and Work from the conversation first ...


Originally posted by Kharok Svark
It is said for something to remain social, you should remove Relegion, Politics and Work from the conversation first ...

Teabags, i think thats somthing we can talk about. So anyway, i was in tesco's the other day and i was watching this shop guy putting up the new PG tips bags. I mean Pwarrr, it was boring as hell till he left but once he had. Boy do those bags ever come out to play.

...Lets face it, Politics, Religeon, Work are the most interesting conversation points. Why do i like my neighbour so much? because his opinions are almost always the total polar oposite of mine... Of course, because we live next door to each other and actually have these discussions face to face we're a lot more civil about it. However, with the anonimity the internet offers people generally don't treat each other in the same way.

Which brings me to the reason online relationships (Friend and otherwise) are so strange because you don't have the person infront of you, you can never be totally sure if he's joking or now. Its happened to me a few times, being the bias bastard i am i call SM's wusses a lot especially when their out of mana and melee (Bwahahaa!!) however a few days ago i called an SM a wuss and he left the group :(

Just goes to show even the best of intentions can screw up.

Anyway, why arn't i playing? i could be in malmo.... on the list...... and finally grinding towards level 50.... and...and........... screw that. :rolleyes:


CLOSE the thread!
It was meant for in-game talk, not politics!
I asked for the opinion of the idea, not a flame....
You suck... - to flamers

Old Nicodemus


If you want the thread closed you can do it yourself. ;)


First of all: Dont live your life through the computer. If anything is lame here, it is acting political and supportive through a computer game. Get that behind out of the house and gather people irl instead.
You know that things have gone pretty wrong when you start doing EVERYTHING from that box of stupidity it really is. Doubt the troops down in Iraq will ever get to know that 1500 Gamers met at some place, somewhere in a game, to show their support. Dont think i would tell my brother that i went to some event in a game to show my support etc etc etc.

second: Why support the war? Because you have brothers/fathers/sisters/countrymen fighting it? Of course you care for their lives, but showing you support a totally meaningless war wont make things better for anyone. But whatever u do, make sure to stand up for it.

I can see that the thought behind it is good. but still... nah :)

Take care. See ya all in the frontier in a NON friendly way.


Originally posted by Squid Fanclub
Get a life mofo, it dies children over there do you really think i am gonna support your cousin, no way in fooking hell

Uhmm I rarely swear on these forums, but I can safely say go fuck yourself you moron.

I don't agree with this war. Do you think that doesn't mean I can't support the troops out there who are paid to do a job? That's my cousin you prat.... do you really think I'm not going to give him my support. Jesus... uninformed idiots like yourself give anyone anti-war a bad name. Get an education.


Shifting to OT rather than closing as hopefully this doesn't need to descend into purely flaming just yet.


Getting back to the the topic.....

It would be fun to get together and take screenies etc. but I doubt it would go off. Anyone remember a while back where somebody from the Excaliber server died, and people got together in the Emain bowl as rememberence? As I was told, the entire guild organising this in memory of their friend were ganked sitting down, and many more refused to fight.

If people can't stop and not fwap each other in the middle of a service for a dead fellow gamer, I doubt they'll for this idea.

Still sounds nice tho :)


Sounded like an ok idea but often these things descend into chaos and don't work out.

For those against our troops well I hope you get dragged out but your foreskins and shot in public.

I wasn't supporting the war at all and didn't want to get involved, but as soon as the fighting starts and we are at war I support my country and our soldiers 100% and I hope we kill Saddam asap.

In fact I don't know any Iraqis so I really couldn't give a shit if we just carpet bombed Baghdad and wiped the place. doesn't mean anything to me and if it means less coalition casualties then good.

Any pricks still saying 'get out of Iraq'... fuck off and die, why not go fight for Saddam Hussien if you love him so much. You're not welcome here.

Back on subject again, nice idea but I just don't think it would work... an hour is a very long time in a game like daoc to do nothing.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Fafnir
Its not only the USA there.

If Bush didn't go to war, Blair wouldn't have gone either.

Originally posted by Omniscieous
In fact I don't know any Iraqis so I really couldn't give a shit if we just carpet bombed Baghdad and wiped the place. doesn't mean anything to me and if it means less coalition casualties then good.

That's the same view some anti-american extremist would've taken on Sept11. I'm guessing you didn't approve of the damage caused on that day, but why is it any different with Iraq?

Ignorance exceeds stupidity.


Works in theory

But does anyone remember the mermorial service we held for oggy when he died irl? So so so many people from all three realms turned up in emain and at first everything was cool.

Then Nolby pride showed up and killed everyone, look at some of the threads that came outta that. And there was a lot of anger from those that knew oggy, i.e. myself and everyone in Terra Dominus at the time. I just dont think it will work effectivley.


n0 w4r! n0 w4r! n0 w4r!
u54 500k5 1r4q1 a55

my God... will americans stay out of non- their business for just once... damn zergers


Originally posted by Generic Poster
That's the same view some anti-american extremist would've taken on Sept11. I'm guessing you didn't approve of the damage caused on that day, but why is it any different with Iraq?

Ignorance exceeds stupidity.

Well excuse my ignorance but I thought that WE ARE AT WAR! As I said I didn't agree with the principle of it but now that we are there I'm going to back my side 100%.

And what the fuck does the twin tower incident have to do with anything? Were America at war with Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida back then? no.

In fact did anyone even know who Osama Bin Laden was before that day? I'm guessing at..... no.

Stop comparing 2 non-related issues with each other, so many people have done it and the simple fact is that unless everything has gone a bit skewiff, we're not after Osama Bin Laden in Iraq at present.

Your stupidity exceeds my ignorance.


Originally posted by Karlo
Works in theory

But does anyone remember the mermorial service we held for oggy when he died irl? So so so many people from all three realms turned up in emain and at first everything was cool.

Then Nolby pride showed up and killed everyone, look at some of the threads that came outta that. And there was a lot of anger from those that knew oggy, i.e. myself and everyone in Terra Dominus at the time. I just dont think it will work effectivley.

True, some people put this game over real life as they know no better and have very few principles on life or death. If there's no realm points involved in being peaceful for a short period then there a lot of immature people out there who won't do it. And if there are a lot of realm points available via a large crowd standing around together peacefully, you can guarantee those immature people will find them and ruin it all.

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