Server scripts...



I have been looking for a Euro Server script to put on my website to display information about the european servers. Does anyone know where i can get my hands on one!?!


thats the thing i found, however i am not sure how i intergrate xml into my website :mad:


speak to alridel he has a ,+5 package of XML domination.

I think its just a matter of realigning the plasm conduits to displace the anti matter array and recalibrate the warp coils.....

Sumin like that...

(Seriously speak to alridel he seems clued up on XML)


It depends on your server configuration...
what does the thing your hosting run?

Perl? PHP? ASP? VBScript? anything like that?

If all else fails you can parse it with JavaScript (not hugely fun, but fairly easily doable if you want to exclude anything <IE5 or NS6 and have a working knowledge of the language)

I'm sure someone had a PHP script already written for it...

Thinking about the JS I'm tempted to write a generic script to turn it into arrays of member objects.... this temptation will probably disappear with my caffeine rush, don't worry :)


I need some javascript to do it because my web host doesnt allow php or perl to call external sites - but javascript seems to be ok.

There is an public javascript in the us (hosted by catacombs I think) which can be called using;
<script src=""></script>

Unfortunately it can only be used on US servers (hence 'kay').


my web host does support php however i dont have a clue how to re-align the warp coils :p

I found that javascript thingy when i was looking but yeh its for us servers only ;/


Alrindel did a nice PHP script that you can nab here:
(I've written another one but it does it in a wackier way because I have grand plans for our website... which might be implemented one century)
is the discussion

Alrindel wrote:
I wrote some PHP to do this for our guild members page,

Simplified example here:

Source code here:
(if you use MSIE to view this, use the "view source" function).

Looks like it needs the xml libraries compiled in with yer PHP... depending on who's hosting it etc. depends on whether it'll work.

If I get very very bored I'll mibbe write a more generic PHP script that uses perl regexps (I wrote my guilds script without the xml_parser for two reasons: 1. XML::DOM in perl and bad memories, 2. couldn't be bothered checking if it was installed :))

This'll be after I create world peace, eliminate hunger and finally hit lvl 40 :p (I'd say 50 but that's just not realistic) of course

Thinking about the javascript version, it'll need to be a server side script that downloads the xml and turns it into javascript variables, not sure I wanna host something that might get really damned popular :)

Had an idea to do it with IFRAMEs and loading the innerHTML etc. but you can't do that due to security reasons (if it wasn't like that then an outer frame could redirect your inner frame to your banks page, you happily browse away unknowingly and it sits in the background reading your passwords etc. :))

Unless anyone knows of a way to load pages into javascript (tried new Document(), alas no :)) dynamically...


nice one, got it working. Another thing i was looking for one of those automated guild scripts, that reads off the info from the guild db on daoc webby and auto updates the info...

anyone know where i can get this!?!


that PHP from Alrindel should do that if you change the name of the xml file you're pointing at to be your guild's...

(there's another thread on working out which id your guild has ... can't remember it off by hand)

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