Server PUG's - for people looking to try out FG RvR


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
ello - I feel a bit dirty coming in here an all what with you Albs and everything. I mean this part of the forum is sticky city (guess who has been doing what eh? :p)

Ok some of you might know that we have been trying to run weekly random PUGs (RvR Pick up Groups for the nubs who don't know). The idea has worked pretty well on Hib but to be honest we need more and more Albs and Mids giving it a go to hopefully liven things up on certain evenings.

Well Na Fianna Dragun have decided to give the idea a special place next to their hearts. We now have our own space here:,27.0.html

There are a number of reasons for giving us this space all of which we hope will take shape as time goes on. I have a few ideas on how to develop the idea and will be looking for people to come along and discuss how we can take the idea forward - espcially on Alb and Mid as well.

Please feel welcome to pop along and have a browse. There is already information about when the next Hiblet PUG will be incoming. I would dearly love to see some more activity from Albs and Mids. I know its another site and everything but - the chat box rox! Seriously it would be even better if we knew some Alb and Mid PUG's were planned for the same nights and it might get us beyond all the closed group thing.

I know a lot of people already hang out and run around in PUG's. What I am hoping to do by encouraging some of you to try and run more arranged groups from time to time is to broaden access to FG rvr and encourage new people to form groups. I have been surprised by how good the players on Hib are given a decent ventrilo channel and so on.
Please come along if your interested and lets see if we can get some decent low rr chaos going that doesn't necessarily involve a bridge or a tower....


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