server protocol



I'm new to online gaming and I don't know how to change the protocol number. I can play servers with protocol 66, but the barrysworld and the ardvark servers use protocol 48 and I can't access the server. Can some one tell me how I can access these servers please?


You are using the latest update patch(1.29)which uses protocol 66.The old patch which is found on Barrysworld and the majority of servers is 1.27 which uses protocol 48.
The only way you'll be able to play on servers with older patch is to download the patch yourserlf(1.27g/h) and apply it to your quake 3 folder.
You might be better off waiting a week or two tho until the 1.29 gets its official release,when you'll find all the server will be updated

If you do want to get the older patch look on the Barrysworld FTP server,it should still be on there


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