Serious question about dur and repairs



I have been asking around about this and I am not alone with people annoyed by this. They definately changed the duration when you get repairs on our items and I am wondering why. Yes I know your first instinct is to say SIDI DROPS!! But you know, not everyone can get the drop they want from Sidi. Its not like farming diamond mobs, these mobs are mean and hurt! Before the patch, every time you repaired your items they barely went down in dur. Now they go down nearly a point or 2. Its to the point where I will wait for my const to go down under 90% before repairing my items.

Now on easily replacable items like drums and jewelry, (okay the really rare aren't so easy but not impossible) its not such a big deal. But on epic armor it is. I know most of you have your sc or acquiring Sidi (or realm-equivelant) pieces, but not everyone can afford 99 or mp items. More importantly, I thought the idea of our Epic armor was that, it should last a very very long time. (isn't that what we were told when they implemented it?)

So, short of getting to go to my trainer and turning in my old pieces for new ones or them changing repairing and duration back to the way it was before, I do actually have a couple of questions. (see I don't always just whine! :D)

How long do you guys wait before you repair your items? Also, do repairs by player crafters not take so much off of dur?


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
I have been asking around about this and I am not alone with people annoyed by this. They definately changed the duration when you get repairs on our items and I am wondering why. Yes I know your first instinct is to say SIDI DROPS!! But you know, not everyone can get the drop they want from Sidi. Its not like farming diamond mobs, these mobs are mean and hurt! Before the patch, every time you repaired your items they barely went down in dur. Now they go down nearly a point or 2. Its to the point where I will wait for my const to go down under 90% before repairing my items.

Now on easily replacable items like drums and jewelry, (okay the really rare aren't so easy but not impossible) its not such a big deal. But on epic armor it is. I know most of you have your sc or acquiring Sidi (or realm-equivelant) pieces, but not everyone can afford 99 or mp items. More importantly, I thought the idea of our Epic armor was that, it should last a very very long time. (isn't that what we were told when they implemented it?)

So, short of getting to go to my trainer and turning in my old pieces for new ones or them changing repairing and duration back to the way it was before, I do actually have a couple of questions. (see I don't always just whine! :D)

How long do you guys wait before you repair your items? Also, do repairs by player crafters not take so much off of dur?

1stly repairs by players are better as they last longer,I to have noticed the items degrading a lot faster (apart from my jambiya used off hand I know), I made 2 mp`s 1 bastard, 1 jambiya at the same time,the bastard is now on 72% dur, the jambiya on 98%,so does the new degrade thingy not affect lev 51 items?.


always repair before they drop below 90% con,

the con is part of the formula that figures out how much dmg you are taking and the con/dmg calculation is done using a proportionel (don´t know the right word if this isn´t it ;)) curve, which means that the amount of dmg taken raises with a higher percentage the lower your con is

e.g. (all else even only con/dmg table this and these are fictive numbers.)

100%con = 35dmg
99%con = 41dmg
98%con = 48dmg
97%con = 56dmg
89%con = 156dmg
and so on.

and as far as I know, it costs lesser duration to have an item player repaired (I once claimed otherwise in camelot /b and was chased from the city by this golden armsman with a long pike, bloody annoying he was :p)


Either you where very lucky during old patches or just had tonnes of bugged items, but for me its always been roughly 2%Con vs 2% dur on items above 90% qua, sometimes abit less, 2% Con vsv 1% Dur and sometimes 2% Con vs 3% Dur.
And about Mp/quest/uber items, soon as the "extra" Dur is used up the item is just like any other item in theory, so soon as yer Epic goes below 99% Dur it's on the down-the-slide list.
Ofcourse a Mp still goes down slower then a 90% item, but you get my point.

Oh btw, i always repair when at 97%-98% Con so that way i can see how long i've had an item. Atm i need 1 repair on all items once a week. Also afaik player repairs are the same as NPC repairs, they just are free, thats all, no less Dur loss whatsoever.
I mean player recharges are just cheaper then NPC ones, they aren't better, would make crafting uber just for the repairs which is hard to believe in my eyes. Heck i once even had more Dur loss on a player repair, but thats just one of those DAoC random thingies.

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Azal
I repair once anything drops to 99%

And player repairs are EXACTLY the same as smith repairs except it's free. No other difference.

There used to be a bug, where dur would not drop on player repairs, but that has now been fixed.

Kharok Svark

Wow, somehow I have replied to Azal in this thread before he even asked the question ? ...


I've done a little test on this this past week, put on my epic armor went killed wraiths for 6 hours, most pieces dropped 1-3% dur. Put on my borrowed mp armor o_O. Went out killed the same wraiths for 6 hours, the pieces dropped 2-5% dur during the sametimes and same ammount of mobs. And fully buffed both times, and blocked alot. Only item that did't drop any dur was the shield that has been 100% con the last 8 months.


Nod @ Yussef,

Also a shield will not lose condition unless it is used actively, i.e. as a weapon

When I repair my stuff it will lose (condition repaired)+1 in durability, or thereabouts (rounding etc).. remember high level stuff has hidden durability which is decreasing when you repair but not visible as the display 'caps' at 100%

Repairing at 99% is bad for durability but better in that your armour/weapon is less effective with lower condition

(edit) this thread is fuxed, my reply is half way up the thread rather than after posts i replied too


I repair once anything drops to 99%

And player repairs are EXACTLY the same as smith repairs except it's free. No other difference.


Originally posted by Kharok Svark
Wow, somehow I have replied to Azal in this thread before he even asked the question ? ...

Good aint it? :help: did that in trading forum too..


I dub this thread officially fucked because its putting replies in random order...


Originally posted by Azal
I repair once anything drops to 99%

And player repairs are EXACTLY the same as smith repairs except it's free. No other difference.

well that was what I said, and I was booh'ed out of camelot (not to mention that golden pike dudethat chased me )


A 100% item starts at 130% dur I think, no real difference between repairing at 50% condition and 99% condition, except rounding. Previous comment is repair wise -_-


The last time I let the Smith repair one of my bracers at 95% con and 100% dur it dropped to 0% dur :( That really scared me so after that I have only let player repair my stuff. But maybe that was just maximum unluck or a bugg and could have happen even by a player repear. :eek7:


My epic armour took ages to get down below 100% dura, but when it did, I was going through about 5% durability loss a week which is appalling really.

However, my MP 16.5 recurve bow must've fired literally 10s of thousands of arrows now and is still happily at 100% dur. I haven't had my MP armour long enough to know how much that degrades after 100% or indeed how long it takes to get below 100%.

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Azal
Failed? mebbe..

Aye, could have been interesting commenting on things seemingly before a comment by someone else, but nevermind ...

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Falcon
My epic armour took ages to get down below 100% dura, but when it did, I was going through about 5% durability loss a week which is appalling really.

Thing the Epic starts at 160% dur.


Originally posted by Kharok Svark
Thing the Epic starts at 160% dur.

Mine's a lot less than 160% :D

lol can't post...telling me I can only post one message every 20 seconds...mebbe the timer on the board aint quite working as it's been at least 10 mins now :twak:


Originally posted by Azal
I dub this thread officially fucked because its putting replies in random order...

I think someone messing with the time on the server becouse earlier it was 1 hour after when I did a post and now it is two hours after :eek7:

Maybe someone try to fix summertime but did it the wrong way ;)


Originally posted by Bagloor
I think someone messing with the time on the server becouse earlier it was 1 hour after when I did a post and now it is two hours after :eek7:

I think that's it... :help:


i repair mine when they are 99%.

i actually think that i can feel the 'diffrence'....



Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
So, short of getting to go to my trainer and turning in my old pieces for new ones

Can you do that? Or was that irony?


Epic armour (and, I think, quested items) start at 130% durability, other (crafted) armour - MP or not, starts at 100% durability.

This accounts for why people are seeing crafted items drop in durability faster than their epic.

Myself, though, I repair any items that drop to 99% condition, same as Azal. The formula to calculate durability loss is the same irrespective of the amount of condition you're repairing - you'll still lose the same amount of durability repairing at 99% as at 90%.


Weapon DPS drops when its below 100% condition thats why I repair whenever they drop. Armour is probably the same for losing some AF when it's not 100% con but arsed if I'm gonna bother checking.


Yep, it's exactly the same Azal. After over a year of crafting armour, believe me, I know!


Epic armour (and, I think, quested items) start at 130% durability, other (crafted) armour - MP or not, starts at 100% durability.
My experience has always been crafted 99% or 100% qual items lasting MUCH longer than Epic and say, Legion drops.


I always repair my SC suit the second I see con hit 99%, and duration is still 100% (repaired it like 5 or 6 times so far) so that seems to work for me at least :)


I'm a tailor myself Ro but i just never looked at my armour AF when it was below 100% to check :p cus i just repair it instead

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