Serenity & Purity



Taken from the Herald grab bag:

Q: I was wondering how power regen spells work with the Serenity realm ability. Is there a limit to how much power you can regenerate at any one time?

A: The realm ability stacks with all power regen spells, and there is no limit.
Can anyone comment on this? Because I've heard several times that these don't stack beyond a certain value, or that they only partially stack, etc.


player performed test in the US:

Time for complete mana regeneration for an Eld with 212 Int:
0 = 4mn 27
Ser I = 3mn 58
Ser II = 3mn 30
Ser III = 3mn 10
Ser IV = 2mn 55
Reg IV = 2mn 55
Ser I + Reg IV = 2mn 35
Ser II + Reg IV = 2mn 25
Ser III + Reg IV = 2mn 15
Ser IV + Reg IV = 2mn 10

so if the player can be trusted, yes they do stack :)


Bah isn't worth the points hardly looking at those times:(


So according to that buying serenity will get me a 10s faster oom -> full power regen... hmm think I'll save the point. :p


Hmm, interesting...

The numbers seem to be more or less linear, when assuming the default regeneration is 8 points per tick (which would bring that person's power pool to 2136)..

Of course, even though they appear to be stacking, higher regeneration always seems relatively uneffective, since 9/8 > 10/9 > 11/10, etc. Still, I think I will eventually get Serenity 3, Purity of Meditation is rare in Midgard :)

Thanks for replying,


Why would a thane care about mana? Their spell attacks are utterly useless anyway.

*edit* oh you might talk about your healer


2136 is huge for a power pool though. That's at least 4 or 5 times bigger than a real power pool. :p
Having said that, given 8 per tick base gives a power pool of 712 (a tick is 3 seconds sitting).
Which gives the following numbers:

0 = 4mn 27 = 89 ticks of 8 = 712 power
Ser I = 3mn 58 = 79 ticks of 9 = 711 power
Ser II = 3mn 30 = 70 ticks of 10 = 700 power
Ser III = 3mn 10 = 63 ticks of 11 = 693 power
Ser IV = 2mn 55 = 58 ticks of 12 = 696 power
Reg IV = 2mn 55 = 58 ticks of 12 = 696 power
Ser I + Reg IV = 2mn 35 = 52 ticks of 13 = 676 power
Ser II + Reg IV = 2mn 25 = 48 ticks of 14 = 672 power
Ser III + Reg IV = 2mn 15 = 45 ticks of 15 = 675 power
Ser IV + Reg IV = 2mn 10 = 43 ticks of 16 = 688 power

These are reasonable, but not quite right I think. The problem is power regeneration is not linear over the entire power bar. The 0-50% portion takes a lot longer than the 50-100% portion. To draw real conclusions you'd need to have times for 0-50% and 50-100% for each level of regen (if anyone on exc/hib with high serenity wants to test this gimme a shout, I'll supply the MR4 ;)).


They are useless, apart from the instant (to interrupt casters), but indeed I was asking it for my healer and runemaster mostly ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Bear in mind that most casters try to keep their power level above 50% at all times because the regen rate for it drops once it gets below this. So serenity actually has a bigger effect than this test would actually have you believe.

Serenity is worth having, but its better when used in combo with Mystic Crystal Lore for those times your power drops below 50%.


MCL is great. I'm still not getting serenity though. :p


because you dont need it mentalist scum :)

all i can say about serenity is that when i went from having no form of mana regen, to having serenity 1 it was a HUGE difference, by the numbers it may not look like much, but it practically halved any downtime due to power loss, only time i dont regen mana nice and fast is when i'm on no power (can happen sometimes on a REALLY bad pull) and that's where mcl comes in, at even 30% mana you regen pretty fast when you have serenity, being able to get rezzed and have your mana bumped straight up to there puts you back into the fight a LOT sooner.

you get serenity and mcl and to be honest you'll have no real power problems ever again, having serenity 2 and mcl 1 or 2 would just sort it totally. serenity is more than worth it for any casters who can't cast their own mana regen like the unwashed celt over there :p, if you have your own mana regen, although it stacks, you can see that if you have high serenity and high mana regen both at once, the difference is almost non existant, it's the classes that can't selfcast MR that really benefit from serenity.


Originally posted by old.Charonel
because you dont need it mentalist scum :)
<Pulls out a piece of paper entitled "No MR List">
<Writes a name at the bottom: "Charonel">

Anyway, I noticed a significant difference with MR4 over MR2, more is better. :)

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by old.Charonel

you get serenity and mcl and to be honest you'll have no real power problems ever again, having serenity 2 and mcl 1 or 2 would just sort it totally. serenity is more than worth it for any casters who can't cast their own mana regen like the unwashed celt over there :p, if you have your own mana regen, although it stacks, you can see that if you have high serenity and high mana regen both at once, the difference is almost non existant, it's the classes that can't selfcast MR that really benefit from serenity.

I might phrase it differently but this guy knows what he is talking about ;)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn

I might phrase it differently but this guy knows what he is talking about ;)
Except the unwashed celt part. Honestly, as if an elf would know about personal hygiene!


my elf knows a lot about personal hygine :), but then he keeps giving people disease so no comment :D


Given you live in a bog... I don't think hygiene is something you can talk about really. :D


not my fault all my favorite mobs live there :), no dont try to think of something sick to say about that, it's too easy :D


Just did some tests on my mentalist, level 42, 182 int.

Regen  0-50%  50-100%  Total  %Diff
0      2:24   1:18     3:42   -
1      2:00   1:06     3:06   17%
2      1:48   0:58     2:46   11%
3      1:34   0:52     2:26   12%
4      1:22   0:50     2:12   10%

The biggest benefit is from getting the first level, also a large part of the gains of higher regen is in the 0-50% part of the regen, if you have MCL it's probably not worth going over serenity 2.


[Off topic]
Just like to say guys, that this post is probably one of the few (and by few i mean about 10) posts iv EVER read here that has actually been of ANY use and not just entertainment, thx a lot for the ppl who tookt eh time to test. Was very helpful for me.
[On topic]
Serenity owns, MCL owns. get em both to lvl III


I'll run another test in 3 levels when I have MR 5, see if that follows the pattern... :)


Did some analysis on the times there to attempt to determine the amount of power per tick for each level. Assuming a 6s tick below 50% and a 3s tick above 50% gives some pretty decent numbers:

Regen  0-50%  50-100%  Total  TickPower PowerPool
0      24     26       50     6         300
1      20     22       42     7         294
2      18     19       37     8         296
3      16     17       33     9         297
4      14     16       30     10        300

A power pool of about 300 seems about right for my mentalist, which supports these figures. The numbrs above are number of ticks for each regen level.


I studied science and maths at school, you learn a few things about data analysis. :p

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