Sense-check a couple of ideas



Hi Guys - my first post on Barrysworld.

I'm considering posting the following ideas somewhere where Sanya may see 'em, and want to sense-check them against you lot first...

IDEA 1 - Ability to sacrifice one of your characters to raise another to its level

It goes something like this: You can choose to 'sacrifice' one of the chars on your account to transfer some of its experience towards bringing another of your chars from within 80% of its level up to its level. E.g. I may have a lvl 50 char (call him Mr. A) that I've played to death, and want to try my hand at another (called Ms B). I get Ms B up to 40 (within 80% of 50), then sacrifice Mr A, specifying that the points go to Ms B. When I log in Ms B next, she would be at 50, with all the spec points available to invest from 40 to 50. Result: I can now play Ms B at lvl 50, but Mr A is removed.

Similarly, I can sacrifice Ms C at lvl 30 to get my Mr D at lvl 24 (80% of 30) up to lvl 30. It won't work if the character you specify to receive the points is not within 80% of the char to be sacrificed.

Furthermore, make it impossible for a char that's levelled as a result of receiving sacrificed points to be able to be sacrificed itself. e.g. It would not be possible to sacrifice Ms B or Mr D in the examples above. This prevents abuse of this ability. In order to use it you have to have earned it by manually getting a character up to that level before it is sacrificed.

Why would you want to do this?
To enhance re-playability. We all know the levelling grind is really painful, especially if you're rolling your 2nd, 3rd or xth char. It would be nice to be able to try the variation of a new char without having to lvl it through the the slowest part (the 40-50 stretch).

But you're getting something for nothing, aren't you?
Well, yes and no. The fact is you're SACRIFICING your higher lvl char that you have manually levelled in order to get your new char to the same level. Once you've reached a level, surely you've earned the right to be able to choose to put those points towards a new char rather, especially as it entails a significant sacrifice? And you can only do it once, after which you have to manually level another char again. You also have to have at least leveled the recipient to the point where the sacrifice can be made as well. Some definite effort is still involved.

This also deals nicely with the argument that someone can get to a high level without knowing how to play their char. Well, levelling to 40 is not a trivial exercise. If you've reached 40 without power-levelling, chances are you've grouped and played enough to have a pretty good idea of how to play your character.

The UP Sides?
  • Replayability: Once you've 'been there, done that' with a char, you don't face a daunting and boring trial to try another character.
  • Flexibility: If a character is now undesirable (due to a patch, or simply because it never lived up to your expectations), you have the option of at least speeding up the rolling of another different character up to the same level.
  • No bitterness or time wasted. The effort that goes into the most difficult part of getting your character up to a level can now be re-invested in a new char.
  • Nice reward for the time you've invested. In reaching 50, you have the satisfaction of knowing you have earned the ability to re-invest the bulk of that time into another character.

The DOWN Sides?
Very few. This feature does not suffer from the usual arguments:
  • It does not give any undue advantage to people who have not yet reached 50 in getting there, so the current 50s have no cause for complaint.
  • It does not suffer from leaving you with a high-level character you don't know how to play.
  • It does not give you something for nothing.
  • You still get to experience a good deal of PvE with your new char in getting it up to the required level to receive the sacrificed points.
  • The fact that it can't be done over and over again means its not open to abuse.
  • It is not impossible, or even particularly hard to code or implement.

The only real downside I can see is that this will generate a pile of complaints to Mythic and GOA from people who have 'accidentally' sacrificed their character, made a mistake, want it back, have lost items or trade skills or realm abilities, etc, etc. Not much that can be done about this other than making the confirmation on the sacrifice command explicitly say that no such requests will be granted, under any circumstances other than a provable bug.

IDEA 2 - Something Special for those who reach max level and Realm Rank (just some fluff, really).

It is quite a heroic task to reach lvl 51, and Realm Rank 10. It would be nice to make a reward available for this that will be able to make it plain which players have achieved this ideal. I am thinking of a reward in the form of a visual-only cue. My suggestion is this: The char who reaches this gets the ability to be able to alter his appearance (No benefits are given ito stats, abilities, etc.). This can maybe be class-specific and would have the intention of making the player appear almost demi-god-like.
- Tanks will grow to twice or 3X their size.
- Mages Glow with an aura.
- Healers get a glowing halo or wings, or glowing crown.
- etc.

I appreciate that anything other than the size thing may be non-trivial to code or implement. Maybe just the size thing then - that should be relatively easy. Obviously this should have the ability to be turned on and off to allow little things like going through doors and whatnot.

Let me know what you think.


Its a good idea, at least to have the choice would be interesting, don't quite know if I could do it myself though ;)


Idee 1 :
Not bad i wouldnt to it but i can see where you comming from

Idee 2 : Better be able to turn it off, last ting a caster need is to "Glow in the dark" (tm)
Maybe a new epic armour for RR5 would be better, with improved stats and other skin then the old ones, and ofcourse taking advantage of the new af cap


Personally i want the healer speed song to be a 'flight' song where you can hover X metres off the ground with nice big flapping wings.

Maybe a little dive bombing people, maybe a little arial combat. It'l never happen by i can dream (Jumping out of a building, casting your fly spell sprouting wings and flying off would seriously own :D)

EDIT - oh yeah almost forgot. I think the sacraficing idea is good, not that i'd ever want to use it. Of course, they'd probably have to add a new department specialising in

'i was drunk and sacraficed my XXX for an XXX give it back or i'l make a flame post about it' ;)


Idea 3: posting here can best be likened sawing your arm off with a piece of serrated cardboard.


I thought of the 1st idea before i think its an excellent one. :>


How about a reward as in a Signature of something on your armour.

Or even a choice of a weapon glow/colour that can be added.

1 that I would love would be a Banner that you can carry into battle ^^


I would completely agree that something needs to be there for L50 RR10 players, something graphical so others know you have put alot of commitement into the game.

As for sacrifice... doesn't seam to fit with me for some reason, There was talk about making L20+ characters once you had a L50 and for me this would be acceptable, hell it would be more than acceptable :) I just guess most would only play Thid then.




great ideas!

and hence will not be implemented


I like the first idea :)

Second idea in RvR would be a bit of a "oooh look a giant/glowing/green/flying invader , everyone attack the one that stands out like a sore thumb" :p


Everyone would xp up an easy class like a chanter then exchange it for a hard class like a shade tho :)


Most people currently are

Normal situation
"Yay i have my lvl 50 chanter,now i'm going to buy a second account, make a shade and steal all of the group spaces at fins, or steal all the high lvl group spots! yay! "

followed by
"wow i didn't know that u could put poisons on your daggers... and i can't p.a someone from behind, it must be a bug!"

so truely that sacrifice idea wouldn't change much


Originally posted by Falcon
Everyone would xp up an easy class like a chanter then exchange it for a hard class like a shade tho :)

you would still need to lvl the shade to 40 if you had a 50 chanter, and you couldnt use the chanter to pl the shade since it would need to be on the same account


Idea 1 is great, idea 2 tho needs a lil more thinking about, but i agree that something like a quest item or epic weapon quest should be added for higher realm ranks, maybe at RR5-10, perhaps a cloak or hauberk that makes a statement. The glow things a nice idea, but making yourself stick out in RvR as being the one who gives the best RPs isnt.

Take this over to the VN boards, I think Mythic listen to that one to a certain degree.


Idea 1 sounds fun.
For idea 2.. there was a longish post on VN boards not long ago about fluff obtainable at high levels. I believe the idea was that each time you got the level 50 miniding, it reset but you got:

- a rare title
- gold
- a lurikeen butler


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