Never Used..
99% Hauberk: 25str, 44hits, 22dex, 3%crush
99% Sleeves: 22Str, 22Quick, 22Cons, 2 Sword
99% Leggings: 16cons, 9%matter, 3%crush, 4sword
99% Helm: 19Str, 52hits, 22cons, 3%spirit
100% Gloves: 5% Heat, 25quick, 7% Body, 3Parry
100% Boots: 25dex, 28quick, 5% energy, 10str
99% Bastard Sword: 3sword, 7% slash, 4 parry, 2 left axe
No procs in it.. If you need it, its yours for 2p...
ps. If you want rest of Template, tell me
99% Hauberk: 25str, 44hits, 22dex, 3%crush
99% Sleeves: 22Str, 22Quick, 22Cons, 2 Sword
99% Leggings: 16cons, 9%matter, 3%crush, 4sword
99% Helm: 19Str, 52hits, 22cons, 3%spirit
100% Gloves: 5% Heat, 25quick, 7% Body, 3Parry
100% Boots: 25dex, 28quick, 5% energy, 10str
99% Bastard Sword: 3sword, 7% slash, 4 parry, 2 left axe
No procs in it.. If you need it, its yours for 2p...
ps. If you want rest of Template, tell me