All items enchanted and 100% durability unless otheriwse stated.
MP af102 leather jerkin: energy 11%, matter 11%, dex+10, quick+10 (5pt oc) with ablative: 800g
MP af102 leather helm: stealth+6, axe+1, crit strike+2, str+28 (5pt oc): 400g
MP af102 leather gloves: env+5, str+16, con+13, dex+22 (5pt oc): 300g
MP af102 leather boots: env+5, quick+28, dex+22, body 1% (5pt oc): 300g
MP 16.5dps 4.0spd cleaver 92%dur: hits+68, axe+2, thrust 11%, slash 7% (5pt oc) with dot proc: 800g
99%qual 15.0dps 2.4spd hand axe: quick+19, body 9%, spirit 7%, matter 3% (5pt oc) with dot proc: 200g
MP af102 leather jerkin: energy 11%, matter 11%, dex+10, quick+10 (5pt oc) with ablative: 800g
MP af102 leather helm: stealth+6, axe+1, crit strike+2, str+28 (5pt oc): 400g
MP af102 leather gloves: env+5, str+16, con+13, dex+22 (5pt oc): 300g
MP af102 leather boots: env+5, quick+28, dex+22, body 1% (5pt oc): 300g
MP 16.5dps 4.0spd cleaver 92%dur: hits+68, axe+2, thrust 11%, slash 7% (5pt oc) with dot proc: 800g
99%qual 15.0dps 2.4spd hand axe: quick+19, body 9%, spirit 7%, matter 3% (5pt oc) with dot proc: 200g