Selling some Uniques and drops...



Somehin somethin that dropped to meh! :)


Arcane Bracer. lvl 49 Qual 88%
Power: 8 pts
Hits: 7 pts
Spirit: 5%
Intelligence: 7 pts

Earthsplitter Cloak. lvl 47 Qual 89% (Not Hooded)
Slash: 2%
Hits: 7 pts
Matter Magic: 4 pts
Mind Magic: 3 pts

Luminous Icebender Cymric Leather Helm. AF 98 Qual 87%
Heat: 9%
Hits: 26 pts
Piety: 13 pts
Cold: 10%


Majestic Mantle of the Eternal. lvl 49 Qual 89% (Not Hooded)
Spirit: 8%
Cold: 8%
Piety: 10 pts

Pain Harvester. Flex slash dps 16.2 spd 3.7 Qual 90%
Flexible: 4 pts
Strength 10 pts

Bids, if there are any :) , ends at 00:00 Cet 24th


5 gold :p

Earthsplitter Cloak. lvl 47 Qual 89% (Not Hooded)
Slash: 2%
Hits: 7 pts
Matter Magic: 4 pts
Mind Magic: 3 pts

Better than selling at npc ^^

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