Selling mob drops for cash is lame: discuss



IMO it's deeply lame to charge cash - and let's be honest, we've all seen peeps going round asking exorbitant sums for high-lvl mob drops - for things you get for free. GIVE them away ffs, I do, or swap if you absolutely have to.

Anyway, was wondering how others felt about this issue.


Cash is only a mob drop, just not as rare as some drops.
You swap coin for item, both are a form of currancy in the game, some people find it easier to farm cash, some people can farm items.


Now my main's at 46/7, I've been going round doing a bunch of lower-lvl one-time drops and giving them to ppl. I like doing this!

(OK some I kept for my alts :D)

But a little philanthropy never hurt anyone...


low-level drops i can understand giving away, but not the high-end ones. those are worth saving and salvaging for some gold ;)

like a wise man on my old EQ server said;

"PvP don't pay the bills" :D


Considering you have spent time getting that drop.. and time=money

tho lowbie crap you might aswell just give to first random lowbie you see cus you gonna most likely delete it cus it takes to much place in the vault



Well I don't tend do sell drops, just give them away to my guild, however I can see the necessity for some people needing to sell drops for cash..I am currently doing Alchemy, without the support of a few generous people I think everything Jep owns including his epic armour whould have been sold by now.....

Seriously when you are doing a trade skill etc or need the money what is the problem in selling a drop to raise cash....indeed who is actually forcing anyone to purchase the drop!!!!

Some people want a specific drop and might not have the time/inclanation to go out hunting for it....Also there are certain alchemy drops that are hard to get I would be gladly willing to pay for them if they were being sold!!!

Anyway back to the endless treadmill of crafting.


I dont see a problem in selling drops. Some quests give rewards that are worthy to sell like hte bracer of eyes in albion but that comes from a very very very very long quest. So you spend lots of time doing the quest and dont see why you wouldnt charge anyone for your time spend on it. Also when ur farming for high lvl drops its a way of getting cash, some people craft and make a profit on those when selling to non guild players, other people just farm drops and sell those for a profit to players.If they wouldnt sell them they probably would get slavaged anyways since most people have a char that can salvage up to asterite.

I wouldn't bother tho to sell low lvl items, no market in those anyways better give them away to some low lvl char you come across, it will make their day and it's a nice way to get rid of the item's that are worthless for you anyways.

The Fonz

Selling mob drops for cash adds to the illusion of an economy in the game: discuss.

Sorry but that's the way the game works, if I spend all night item hunting and find some uber drop that I don't need, I'll offer it to my guild and if no-one wants it, well it gets sold.


Well if someone wants it so bad they should put some time and effort into raising cash to afford it, just like in real life.

You never get uber high level drops for free, you invest time from your real life to get them.


lol, try play on the US servers, they are about 10 times as money greedy as here on euro.

a US dude I've spoken to that play euro DAoC:
Why I play on euro when I'm from US? Well most of the peeps on the US servers are greedy fucks.

old.Trine Aquavit

I haven't ever tried to sell anything on the player-market, mostly because there isn't one. This is a bit of a shame, really. In EQ there was a genuine market - people would spend entire days in the tunnel in East Commons buying and selling, and a decent 'merchant' could make a good profit from doing so. I'm a bit weird, but I always loved travelling through that zone because of the constant spam of buying and selling - it really felt like a busy market, and added to the experience for me. Not sure what it's like nowadays with the Bazaar zone, etc.

In DAOC it's way too easy to improve stats using common items, and there's a lower population (population per server being split 3 ways) so there will never be that sort of market, unfortunately.

Still, nothing wrong with selling items if you can.


Originally posted by svartmetall
IMO it's deeply lame to charge cash - and let's be honest, we've all seen peeps going round asking exorbitant sums for high-lvl mob drops - for things you get for free. GIVE them away ffs, I do, or swap if you absolutely have to.

Anyway, was wondering how others felt about this issue.

You gotta be kidding .... Yeah here have some nice legion drops on me.. its not like there are hard to get.. ohh well and whilst we add it take a few dragon drops too.. nahh ofcourse I dont want any gold for it.. It just took a gazillion game hours to get hold off....

Kiddo go back to play mario brothers...


Originally posted by svartmetall
Now my main's at 46/7, I've been going round doing a bunch of lower-lvl one-time drops and giving them to ppl. I like doing this!

(OK some I kept for my alts :D)

But a little philanthropy never hurt anyone...

The items that are sold are very often (=just about always) far more rare than some OTDs you hand out to lower level players. The people selling these drops are usually crafters or someone buying something from crafters. Crafting costs gold. Simple as that really. Of course, all lowbie drops and OTDs can be handed down, but that is different.


, how can u expect ppl to give high lvl drops away for free?


Items are currency too :), buying items dropped by mobs is just the same as buying crafted items (except you can't SC/proc etc dropped items :p)


I give away 90 percent of all my high/low level drops - I'm not likely to need level 50 items for a class I'll never play so I give em away to friends/guild/total strangers.

I have never sold an item though I did buy a few pieces at auction - if I need something somebody I'll know will probably have it or I just go get it.

I should think any market that did exist in drops was pretty much ended by SC - except for the funny random stat pieces...

As for EQ all the spam selling used to really irritate but now that the bazaar zone is in the game sell spam is fairly rare.


Originally posted by rynnor

I should think any market that did exist in drops was pretty much ended by SC - except for the funny random stat pieces...

Might think so to begin with, yes, but quite the opposite has happened: People have calculated themselves often their 'perfect setup', which always requires specific jewelry and cloak. This has totally wrecked the value of regular drops, but also rocketed the value of certain gems, cloaks, etc. sky high as the setups are usually very similar when it comes to jewelry (and the darn cloak).
Basically any piece of armor or any weapon drop that is not 100% quality and superior stats is only worth what it is worth in /salvage. Below 100%qua items are not total crap, but if not high level items, they are usually worthless crap, to anyone, that hasn't just started the game or similar.

I really do hope that mythic does learn a lesson in SC and makes Jewelcrafting something different (=less efficient). Lower all the imbue values in SC by 15% and we are onto something (e.g. basically remove the possibility to OC...)... however... now it is too late, so might just live with it ;) .


Originally posted by svartmetall
IMO it's deeply lame to charge cash - and let's be honest, we've all seen peeps going round asking exorbitant sums for high-lvl mob drops - for things you get for free. GIVE them away ffs, I do, or swap if you absolutely have to.

Anyway, was wondering how others felt about this issue.

Whether you like it or not, sc and crafting now play a more important role in the game, and they both cost currency i.e. gold. If you want to have decent equipment now it costs, which means that you need to spend time acquiring gold. As drops come from spending time hunting for gold, its an entirely natural progession that if other players are willing to pay gold for them people will sell them. Time = gold, so anything that takes time to get (i.e. drops) will have some value as gold - as long as someone wants to buy it. So what's wrong with people getting that value ? Simple really :p


A better fix is to reduce the effect of stats a little and increase the caps. Make it so you can't hit all caps at once. That then adds more value to very powerful drops (such as off the epic mobs) that are better than you can SC.

As for giving away drops, I don't give away anything I can salvage for cash, that's just throwing money into the gutter.


I've never sold anything in game. If I don't need something I give it away to someone who could make use of it. I've yet to sell a single piece of the armour I've crafted as again, I give it away instead. I've given away some amazing 50 drops (Band of Ice and Sunken Ribcage come to mind).

I don't have a problem with people selling items for in game cash, but I choose to give it away instead (it's only a game afterall).


Originally posted by old.Eternal[EW]
lol, try play on the US servers, they are about 10 times as money greedy as here on euro.

Thank heavens there is Gaheris ... a server where people of all levels just share the wealth, because there is no need to be "uber".


nothing wrong with selling high level items if they are rare, the person who recieves money can go get craft armour, or weapons and save time farming for cash.


Actually, people can do what they want, and before you finished your thread you shouldve mentioned if such case has happened to you...need I say more?

Second, some mob drops are just that rare, and people work hard enough to wait for that drop, and they should get their money's worth just like Crafters do, period.

If you dont like it, well, you go farm uber items and give them away at the local level 5-10 hunting area, maybe you can change the world.


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