Selling lots of odds and sods


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Right, wanna clear out my vault. This is what I have got. Prices non-negotiable. You think they are too high then you are on something. You think they are too low then you can shove a broken bottle of whiskey up your arse!

0 x 99qua sabres : 210g
0x 99qua long dirks : 210g
2 x 99qua thick barbed whips : 190g
0x 99qua guarded rapiers : 210g

Whee...I will make so much profit from this its making me feel giddy.

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Right, wanna clear out my vault. This is what I have got. Prices non-negotiable. You think they are too high then you are on something. You think they are too low then you can shove a broken bottle of whiskey up your arse!

5 x 99qua sabres : 210g
3 x 99qua long dirks : 210g
2 x 99qua thick barbed whips : 190g

Whee...I will make so much profit from this its making me feel giddy.
Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Most crafters who sell really cheap are already stinking rich and don't have to worry about selling for a miniscule profit. They just make it fookin' hard for everyone else.

So what happened :(

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Re: Re: Selling lots of odds and sods

Originally posted by Bleri McThrust
So what happened :(

Vault is teeming with stuff that I just cannot get rid of. :(

I just need to get rid of this junk and make some room. I don't like selling this cheap but its gotta be done. :(

I will message you ingame tomorrow, Khalen and Exinferis. :)


ill take a longdirk :)
ill also take a sabre

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Heh...jeez! Mooore sales!

~can almost feel his empty vault~

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Okidoke. I'll message you in-game later on. :)


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Right, wanna clear out my vault. This is what I have got. Prices non-negotiable. You think they are too high then you are on something. You think they are too low then you can shove a broken bottle of whiskey up your arse!

5 x 99qua sabres : 210g
3 x 99qua long dirks : 210g
2 x 99qua thick barbed whips : 190g

Whee...I will make so much profit from this its making me feel giddy.

Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Most crafters who sell really cheap are already stinking rich and don't have to worry about selling for a miniscule profit. They just make it fookin' hard for everyone else.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

No. If you read above I quite clearly say that I need to make room in my vault and I am far, far, far, far, far from being rich.

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