Seelrix. -The Odd Generation.



I decided i'll do a massive load of work, provided people want to see it.

I decided on changing the whole Matrix thingy into a "Teh Seel" version, in other words, Seelrix. It's a huge effort even for an oddball like me so i don't think i'll just do it willynilly.

But...i'll copy/paste a snippet from it to see what people think and if their interested to see the whole shibang. The only thing changed in the whole thing will be Teh Seel parts, so basicly all the other lines will be the same.

Agents, haven't decided if i change them to GOA yet.

So, to mods, hope you can keep this in the main for a while, atleast until i've gotten an answer from the masses. Can't force the mods ofcourse.

Here's the snippet from the perhaps upcoming "Teh Seeltrix":

Trinity: Hello Teh Seel.
Teh Seel: How do you know that name?
Trinity: I know a lot about you.
Teh Seel: Why are you wearing silly black clothes?
Trinity: My name is Trinity.
Teh Seel: I didn't ask your name! I asked why you wear black geeth?
Trinity: That was a long time ago.
Teh Seel: Once geeth, always geeth i say.
Trinity: What?
Teh Seel: I just thought'd be a bit more "gloom".
Trinity: Most guys do.
Teh Seel: Hey that's a bit genderbased. But what's this all about?
Trinity: Right now all I can tell you is that you're in danger. I brought you here to warn you.
Teh Seel: Warn me? Is my visa bill late?
Trinity: They're watching you, Seel.
Teh Seel: they saw me last night when i....ewwww!
Trinity: Please just listen. I know why you're here, Seel. I know what you've been doing. I know why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night you sit at your computer. You're looking for him. I know, because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us mad. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question just as I did.
Teh Seel: Why carrots being orange is a wonderful thing?
Trinity: The answer is out there, Seel. It's looking for you. And it will find you, if you want it to.



gifv seel :)

for me if noone else *gives bambi eyes*


Smith: "Why, why Seel do you persist on fighting, why?"

Seel: "Because it turns me on dude!"


Originally posted by Legolias
Smith: "Why, why Seel do you persist on fighting, why?"

Seel: "Because it turns me on dude!"

Yeah, Teh Seel using a word like "dude"...ahem...anyway, here's a crappy movieposter while you wait :p



Lol sorry man I don't even know who "Teh Seel" is :D


Decided to give another treat since i started this ...can't believe i'm actually doing this. Enjoy! Last one before the finished product :D

Mr. Rhineheart: You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously you are mistaken. This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are part of a whole. Thus if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forward or you choose to find yourself another job. Do I make myself clear?
Teh Seel: Well not really since i'm Teh Seel and not Mr. Anderson....but what the hell...
FedEx man: Thomas Anderson?
Teh Seel: For f*cks'm..ooh a package, ahem..sure.
FedEx man: Ok, great. Have a nice day.
*ring ring*
Teh Seel: Whaddup?
Morpheus: Hello Seel. Do you know who this is?
Teh Seel: A man at the end of the line?
Morpheus: Yes. I've been looking for you, Seel. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately you and I have run out of time. They're coming for you, Seel, and I don't know what they're going to do.
Teh Seel: Those guys that geeth was talking about?
Morpheus: Stand up and see for yourself.
Teh Seel: You mean, just stand up and don't do the hokiepokie?
Morpheus: Yes, now. Do it slowly. The elevator.
Teh Seel: Cool...the men in black?
Morpheus: Yes.
Teh Seel: But shouldn't one of them be like will smith or something?
Morpheus: I don't know, but if you don't want to find out I suggest you get out of there.
Teh Seel: But i wanna know where big willy is...
Morpheus: I can guide you but you must do exactly as I say.
Teh Seel: But i just started minesweeper and...
Morpheus: The cubicle across from you is empty.
Teh Seel: ..but..but...i'm just about to break a record and...
Morpheus: Go, now...Stay here for just a moment. When I tell you, go to the end of the row, to the office at the end of the hall. Stay as low as you can.... Go, now.... Good. Now, outside there is a scaffold.
Teh Seel: Soz, gotta pee.
Morpheus: We don't have time, Seel. To your left there's a window. Go to it.... Open it. You can use the scaffold to get to the roof.
Teh Seel: Hello? You still there? I wasn't really listening but you know what? I just managed to beat the record for advanced!
Morpheus: There are two ways out of this building. One is that scaffold, the other is in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you.
Teh Seel: What scaffold? Where? Huh? Oh...hey! Where's will? Get your hands off m....


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Yeah, Teh Seel using a word like "dude"...ahem...anyway, here's a crappy movieposter while you wait :p


more like Sheeptrix tbh xD


Originally posted by Graknak
more like Sheeptrix tbh xD

Actually a funny point i noticed too.

Sheep, dogs, seals...they have basicly the same facial structure so yes....might look like a sheep :p

But who's to's Teh Seel afterall. :D


So it shall be.

Takes a while, like all movies to show up but in the meanwhile...


Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

The Seel: Kinda like my willy?

*du du dum du dum dum!!*

Teh Seel: Is that...
Cypher: The Matrix? Yeah.
Teh Seel: Isn't it kinda nerdy to look at binary all day?
Cypher: Well you have to. The image translators work for the construct program. But there's way too much information to decode the Matrix. You get used to it. I...I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, red-head. Hey, you a... want a drink?
Teh Seel: ...all i see is a nerd. Anyway, sure.

*eerie shocky soundeffect cool!*

Oracle: Okay. Now I'm supposed to say, `Umm, that's interesting', but then you say...
Teh Seel: Shiddyshiddybangbang?

*dramatic drum and guitar thingy!*

Agent Smith: Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.
Teh Seel: damnit!!

*end trailer flashy image thingy*

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