Thanks in advance, SI areas are fine too...
Originally posted by Falcon
We'll tell you if only it's Hib/Pryd you're coming too!
Seriously tho, Sheeroe hills is imo, superb for xp groups, it scales across a good 20 or so levels, when I was doing my 5fg xp sessions it took us from 26 to 40 so if you're only talking about 1fg it'll take you about 30 - 50 I'd guess. Nowadays I think Tur Suil in SI is probably a better option in the high 40s perhaps. As I say though, the best thing about sheeroe is that it can cover such a large level range and has a few drops which you'll almost definetely need in an SC template.
Not sure if it's any use, you can maybe pull the levels back but with 5fg we did roughly the following schedule:Originally posted by quiescent
lvl 24 atm
2 elds (void/mana)
2 chanters (mana/mana)
2 druids
1 bard
1 s/s hero