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Sidi thoughts?

Ok, ive been thinking about sidi and i'd like to know,

If someone <cough> were to introduce a system where your role got pregressivley higher based on the number of raids you come on and leave with nothing.

An example:

Mr X, goes on 5 raids and gets nothing, under the present system nobody cares and Mr X goes without anything and has to choose between buying items or carrying on in hope of getting an item

Example 2 ( new system):

Mr X goes on 5 raids and gets nothing. Each raid his /random raises by 5
So raid one is /random 100
raid 2 is /random 105
raid 3 is /random 110
raid 4 is /random 115
raid 5 is /random 120

On raid 6, with a role of 115 from his /random 120 he wins an item and is happy :D

Examply 3:

On Xfears raids on hib, each raid you go to you can choose not to lotto and get 10 points that you can save up for when something you really want drops. ie you go on 5 raids and dont lotto you will have +50 to your /random 100. Something you want comes up, you roll xx +50. works very well. and few complaints.
Rewards the people that take the time to go on lots of raids and is an insentive for people who dont.

What are your thoughts and feelings on this?

Would it make you more or less likley to come on raids

Are there any bad sides?

If someone were to introduce such a system, is there any easy way to impliment it? (ie how would each individuals /random each week be counted?)


Cap'n Sissyfoo

When you say 'my proposed method' do you mean the method that is incredibly similar to the one being used on Pry at the moment? The system in use by the players on Pry seems to be pretty good and there doesn't seem to be much, if any, abuse of it.

It could work...if people were willing to put in the time and effort to do it and keep track of everyones' mods. Seems to work quite well on the Pry boards but they also seem to have some sort of respect for eachother...something that rarely shows up on the Excal boards.

Still, can't help but think that this is another effort by Tilda to improve his chances of getting his filthy mitts on that shield he masturbates over every night. Probably just me being cynical though. ;)


What about folks that want the loot without turning up? :p

Its been suggested many times before - with the much simpler description of "What Prydwen does". But so far theres been a lack of anyone wanting to run things this way.

Too much hassle for whoever is organising it - theyve got enough already without this.


Regarding the poll options

BTW - what does "columinative" mean - seems to be missing from most dictionaries :p

Perhaps you meant cumulative?


Personally I think a system where the accumulated mod is added post roll, ie they still do /random 100, but add their mod to the result, would be better...

Other than that, it's generally a good idea. Give the regular raid-goer a better chance to get an item over a period of time than the luck bugger who needs one item and gets it on their first raid!


Does example 2 have to go on raid, Or just join cg after ?

Sry Tilda, found it realy hard to resist ;)

Joking aside for the moment. First you'd have to get everyone that runs an open invite raid to agree to the erm... Lets call it "the list" from here on out. So you'd have to get Everyone to agree to "The list" (thing i'll copy that, so i can just paste when needed), So you have to lay down a set of ground rules for open incite raids.
Some raid differ slightly in rule setup, But i think the basic balance is there to implement "The list" (1st C&P :p ) But the problem lie else were. Lotto lvl, Rolling for alts, Rolling for others and so.
Then you'd have to decide when to take "The list", Do you do it on entering sidi. If so why not go 4 times, Log after an hour and do something else, Go week 5, /random 120, I believe a compared list, 1 at start, Taken inside sidi before first mob, /cg who should cover it. Then 1 at end, Just before Horseman are activated. Compare 2, you go "The list", Any names that match get +5 unless they get a drop.
If all open invite raid organisers agreed to "The list", You'd need to get a stick and update it after every open invite raid, Which means every week. Who does that. Please don't take this the wrong way Tilda, Am tring to make it not sound like a flame/dig at you, I don't know you well enougth to do that, But.. I suspect at least half of albion don't trust you atm, So i would surgest its not you. Just to keep yourself out of flames way more then anything, As a mod your an easy target anyway :).

A, all open invite raids agreed to "The list". And
B, Someone was willing to take on and maintain "The list" on a weekly basis. I think the idea of "The list" is a good way to reward Players that turn up week in week out, without seeming to get anything.

Declined to vote, reason. I don't go on open invite sidi raids.
Why did i reply, Was bored. it killed 4 mins 34 secs.


I think its a good idea and i voted for it...
But on the other hand there will allways be ppl complaining about the rules no matter how you do it... So i would never go so fare, too much work with too little benefit imo... :)


Anyhoo... If this idea were to be implemented the raid creator would on top of getting "Can my cat roll for me?" also recieve PMs at the rough speed of 20PPM saying "I need my points to be increased!!11" etc etc etc


You miss out on a drop (walk away with NOTHING) so say from /random 100, your roll is made to /random 110 next raid, if you do some weirdo crap during the raid it could be made to /random 90 etc and this can be updated as time goes on. With a list on sticky here on BW. (A REAL HEADACHE) Well, not only do you have the problem of people who don't read BW, but you also have to get EVERYONE'S name, on top of this you have to keep track during lotto whether or not people actually roll for what they are worth and also be the referee for LOTS of arguments.

It isn't going to work and you can see it won't from the start.


Could also try good old "12 fg" or whatever is needed open raid with organizer who makes list here for all to see of participators...but thats just a wild dream here prolly ;|

Bleri McThrust

Great idea if your not hosting the raid.

Nightmare if you are.


Hibs do a similar thing afaik, CF alliance i think.


You should have a rule about that you must be on the raid to be in the lotto aswell or something.


I can´t really see the benefit except from the fact that it´s an enourmous pile or work for .. well.. "somebody". We basically need to keep track of who went to what Sidi raid and who won what and it comes with oodles and oodles of uncontrolled "but what if"´s and conditions and details.
So far, Albion wasn´t even able to agree upon who may enter lotto and why. How can we finetune something that´s not even roughly shaped? It will end up in an endless wave of arguments and flames and debates here on BW.


On Xfears raids on hib, each raid you go to you can choose not to lotto and get 10 points that you can save up for when something you really want drops. ie you go on 5 raids and dont lotto you will have +50 to your /random 100. Something you want comes up, you roll xx +50. works very well. and few complaints.
Rewards the people that take the time to go on lots of raids and is an insentive for people who dont.


rules are fair, but a nightmare to keep track of the list.



Tilda, can you even comprehend the amount of work this would mean for the leader, were talking 100 different people taking note of which raids they've been to... there theres all the problems, what if you get something wrong, what do you do if someone leaves mid raid.... what if the person wins something that he doesn't want (last items), imo this is too much work than it's worth


Interesting idea, but sounds utterly unfeasible in practice and would lead to make what already appears to be a stressful enough experience (organising a raid) even more so. Seems to have been mentioned that this happens on Pry? Be interesting to know what problems they have / had in implementing it and continuing to run it.

Personally, I believe that going on a Sidi raid (or any other raid) should foremost be about the fun of actually doing / attempting to do the actual raid and less about what item / reward you get for doing it.

If everyone is patient and worries less about the drops eventually everyone will get what they want or find an alternative and then the raid itself can be about the challenge and less about 'how long till the lotto??'


cant be THAT hard to keep the list ?

Like - Do a list for the different classes, then the classes that rolls for the items has to be noted before they roll ( PM the list holder when they are rolling, then the winner PM`s the list holder when he wins, and erase the name from the list etc ).

Then we will get the names of everyone that didnt win, and just keep this on, and a rule : the listkeeper is always right, no trying to convince the listholder that they have more points than they have etc , if they do and the list holder is 100% he dont have more points, -10 points will be given to the person that tries to "cheat" :)

I can try to make the list on the next raid, to try it all etc :)

givf thoughst imo :)


The point is that you gotta watch very carefully who is with you and who isn't and make sure they are in the chatgroup each time. We've had quite some problems with that @ Prydwen (Hibernia). Sometimes the raid leaders forgot the +10, +20 bonus for the next raids and this lead to quite some disturbance in the beginning.

The idea is fine it just needs a person who pays very good attention to the people who are actually there (a good thing maybe is to let the group leaders name their group members). Now there's always the problem of people going LD during a raid or at the end and not being able to get to the lottoing of the drops. So it should also be allowed to let a fellow guildm8 or a friend to roll for that person (ofc with the confirmation that he was on the raid @ the start and seen by some people). If you really wanna do it precise you gotta make a list of people + keymobs. And cross one out if he's LD for those keymobs. The stupid thing is that a person doesn't always control his LD. Ofcourse he/she would have been there when he/she wasn't LD. But I leave that to the organisers (what they think is fair).


gah polls gone funny, i'll make a new thread.
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