See Hidden about to be reworked?



It seems that Mythic is finally beginning to see reason and start looking at how to modify the See Hidden realm ability (that virtually nullifies all scout and minstrel stealth for any assassin, regardless of level) to a more sensible solution... At least judging by the following quote from this link (taken from the Q/A session at the recent DAoC Roundtable in the US, i.e. directly from the horse's mouth):
Included as well are See Hidden and True Sight, something is going to be done, but the exact something is still under discussion.
Yay! Hopefully, GOA will be slow enough on patching so that we never even have to deal with the currently wildly overpowered See Hidden. :)




heh 'about to'

Mark Jacobs says something like :

'Mibbe it's a bit too good.. but archer stealth was sick so it needed something, we might tone it down later'

this is not 'about to' :)


Glad someone at Mythic has brains and realises archers Stealth makes them stupidly powerful!


Originally posted by -Light-
Glad someone at Mythic has brains and realises archers Stealth makes them stupidly powerful!

kinda like assasin stealth :p


doh someone hasn't got a clue....

Archers Stealth allows them to hang back miles from their enemy miles from danger pick their target WHAM kill them in 3-5 hits if not less depending on class then restealth and pick the next one

Assassins on the other hand have to get up close and personal and this is a far harder feat u obviously have no idea about playing an assassin, but thats not ur fault ur just ignorant

I won't get into the details about how and why its hard to be an assassin in main RvR cause I have educated way too many people on it and frankly its boring me to death


The problem is that, with see hidden, an archer becomes a caster without CC, quickcastable bolts or AE nukes. A minstrel becomes a skald without a 1500range CC shout, or a 2H weapon.

Of course these are only true with an assassin around that has see hidden, but christ.... how would you feel if you lvld your hard-to-level archer to 50, then i rolled a lvl 5 inf, leeched about 6k RP's in a group in emain (week's work at most) and bought see hidden? And could then target your lvl 50 archer at maximum clipping range? /assist works in RvR you know

Anyway, god forbid we start a see hidden thread here, the VNboards one was 114-odd pages long before it finally got locked.

I wasn't planning to stop playing my minstrel when S.H. comes in, but I will nonetheless be waiting eagerly to see what they do. Whatever it is, it can't really be worse for minstrels n scouts unless they remove stealth altogether and replace it with something.
If that meant not missing/fumbling etc and having useful, non-realm-ability volley/longshot skills as originally promised by Mythic, i guess it might be OK for archers. But if they remove minstrel stealth completely, what can they give us in return that wouldn't make light tanks look crap?


Bring on See hidden hehe

And let the Stealth Wars continue WOOHOO


i personally dont thin see hidden is a nerf .. the ability for real low lovl chars to leech rps and buy it is , if they made see hidden lvl based then i think its fair . and also i think another good adjustment they need to make is a small % chance that when a assasin attacks and 1 hit kills he has a v low % cance to stay stealthed .. summin like 20-25% or summin .

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