Season 5



There have been problems this season, no doubt about it, using our automated system for the first time we've found that while its the only possible way for the league in its current stage we need to do more to make sure its used correctly.

There are lots of other things that need to be sorted, referees for instance - some are doing a great job and others are not. And some of the admins haven't been quite the quality we want.

Then there's the rules, we wanted PB but PB didn't want us etc, and other rules may have caused concern to others.

So: What I want in reply to this post:
- Suggestions for improvements to the automated system
- Which referees you feel have done a good or bad job
- Which admins have done a good or bad job
- Any general rule changes you'd suggest
- Whether or not you think we should use PB next season (I'm currently talking again to BW, who have put it on 2 CS public servers so things are looking up, even tho its been a while since my emails and the BW guy is yet to respond)
- Any map suggestions
- Any complaints about clans which have caused problems (please keep this short without starting flames)
- Any comments on how the site could be improved
- Any other productive comments on how Season 5 could be better than Season 4

Thanks :)


Hi :)

my first season in bwtfcl so im not sure if what i suggest has been tried and failed or whatever :)

- Suggestions for improvements to the automated system
Not sure about improvements to player searching, but I havent been able to find people when they have registered.
Also, after matches have been arranged, if both clans agree an option to cancel the fixture & re-arrange it :)

- Whether or not you think we should use PB next season (I'm currently talking again to BW, who have put it on 2 CS public servers so things are looking up, even tho its been a while since my emails and the BW guy is yet to respond)
Not sure on this one, i know it causes problems so I would suggest no unless it is sorted before september (or whenever new season is due)

- Any map suggestions
For some variation maybe a map such as CZ2 (not much good on publics, but with teamwork it's quite good) where you have to capture + defend point in sequence.




Move the better Admins into the lower divisons.
As this is prolly the best place for em as the further up u go the less work the group admin will need to do.
eg. Div 2 Group C our group admin Tarx didnt need to do anything with the clans accept delete clans that had left ( i think)

Whereas in Division 3 Group F? Morgoth seemed to have fuckloads to do.

I also think that more points should be awarded for winning etc. So that u could use penalty points if a clan breaks rules etc.
Because if u use penalty points now it affects the overall group outcome way too much.

Um thats it I think :D

o and btw use Punkbuster :)


Move the better Admins into the lower divisons.

We actually did this last season, will again try to do this

Will also look into Penalty points, decent idea, anythoughts on how many points for wot?


Better vetting of clans

Well it seems there are a lot of 2 man bands out there this season :(

Maybe a better way filtering out the geniue clans from these 2 - 6 man bands of people would be great.

Emailed you ideas viruz


If you can't get PB working again I think you should look into some other won id registering system maybe having won id's listed in the clans line up, this would let clans look things up for themself's, also maybe have the ref take a screanshot of status in console and submit it to the report page some how .

About ref's/admin's, I've only come across 3 with bw related stuff other than you vuz, Morgoth is always very helpfull in irc and I have been reading his reports which look like he's spent some time doing, Earthwalker refed our only match he refed it well as it was ska and the abuse they were throwing at us was hard to ignore but he managed to keep it all in touch and the game in the end went under way un hindered unfortunately he didn't write a report tho, Jesta help's me also with question's and problem's on public server's 1 instance where a player was using our tag and attempting to wind us up I reported it he came to the server watched it for himself spent some time there before giving him a warning and then kicking him this hasnt happened since .

All I can think of now :D


Not sure on this yet maybe what you need is some better vetting on
( i can mention a few zt (kicked) )

A lot of clans drop out. We only really start this season to play
leagues. So we had no history and no one knew how good we where. May
you need to look back at history, try doing something like the
did. Before they started the competation they tested there galaditors
mark them with colours. ( red likey to survie or yellow - chicken
which is
going die).

Get some of the better div 3 and div 2 clans to play the applicated
Rate them and stick them in there dvi 3 poses from that?

This way you can test if they are a two man band and if they can
turn out
a squad (seems to be the bigest problem). Also you could then aim to
the better clans together and no so goods togther and you get a better
balance in divison 3. ( i know more work for you guys )

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